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In my own little world
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CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
Real Name
Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Hello! My homework's all done so today and tomorrow, I'm gonna be studying extra hard and make those books wear out because finals are this Wednesday!! I have to study tons, so I doubt I'll be able to get to any of your guys' sites at sorry....*cries in corner* but to make it up to you, I'll visit more often next can make sure of it! ^_~
Other than this fact, I wish I had my new glasses....if I still don't get them this week, I'm gonna ask my optomitrist what's the deal...I haven't gotten my new silver glasses yet for about 3 weeks since my appointment...not like I'm in a rush...actually, strike that, I am because these glasses are getting small...
I have finals in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods on Wednesday, 4th, 5th, and 7th on Thursday(6th period is lunch), and 8th on Friday!! Whoot! Oh! and a plus is that I get shortened days...the point of that is so we can study for some more finals...then after that it's 2nd more people...but my schedule doesn't change all that much...oh well..^_^
I'm not sure I want to go to my Honor Society meeting this Wednesday...I have finals to worry about...unfortunately, I'm the meeting reminder and if I don't want to go, then that means about more than half the members don't go either....*sighs* this sucks...>.< can't we just have a meeting next week? Geez....meetings are always the 2nd Wednesday of each month...and the 2nd Wednesday happens to be finals week....pff...
*Cheers* I finished the entire series of Marmalade Boy!!! So happy! It was such a great series...I checked out 6, 7, and 8 two days ago in the library, and read them all after watching Adult Swim, so my parents thought I was nuts reading at such a late time...oh well..I just couldn't wait! Maybe I'll read Fruits Baskets after school I have any free time...I highly recommend this good!!! *Grins* I'm a Marmalade Boy fan for sure!! Yay!!!
Well...I have to go now! Bye bye
Question of the Day: What's your favorite manga series?
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
There's No One to Trust, No One to Have or Hold, Therefore...I Walk Alone
My Sunday's going well...I suppose...^_^ That's my MSN Messenger name...nice, single, independent...and loving it! ^_^
Our family went to the Public Library yesterday...that place is my mom's favorite weekend spot because we can get books, videos, and CDs for free...well...for a month anyway...^_^ I checked out Marmarlade Boy 6, 7, and 8, and Fruits Basket 1 and 2....I thought since I would finally be done with reading the whole series of MB, it might be nice to start on FB...I've heard it was a funny series, so I'll take it up! ^_^ Then we headed upstairs to check out 2 Chinese books...we attempted to check out a video or two, but my father was rushing us...and my dad still says that TV is better than we never checked out any books or videos for David...I strongly disagree with my father with the TV issue...I love reading more than watching TV...but I love the Internet more than reading....but I guess the Internet requires basic reading skills, huh?
Dad reluctantly took us to the Art Museum, after I begged him to because it was my cultural event...but he went anyway because it was across the street from the library...he found it shocking that you had to have an admission fee of only a dollar per student and 5 per adult, so he refused to pay and was about to drive away, but I had to stay for my homework! So my mom paid for me, and the rest of my family stayed outside...I think they made a grave mistake, because I got lost after marvelling at the works of local art...but I eventually found my way after 5 minutes of trying to locate the exit...and then I got a major yelling from my dad...-_- talk about worry wart! I was able to look at a little bit of art....they were all wonderful of course...I was grateful I brought with me a notepad and a pen to record some things...I only had time for the artist's name, title of artwork, and what form...but that was it...I didn't even have time to read the description(that was how impatient my dad was)...why was he in such a rush? So we could go grocery shopping next...we didn't buy that much...but we are on a time limit all the time....*sigh*
When I got home, I had a quick lunch of noodles and then headed for my gobs and gobs of Algebra homework...I was able to get 2/3 done when I just gave was way too many problems to work on...I spent 3 hours on it...good enough..I'll type up my art report and do the rest of the math problems tomorrow.
I'm gonna try submitting a quiz to theotaku...I hope I'm able to get it...for those of you who are quizmaker masters, what should I submit? Both codes and the result page websites or what? Gimme tips!!! Thanks!
Question of the Day: What have you submitted to theotaku?
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Whoo Hoo!!!! Saturday!!! *runs around happily*
Hey everyone! I have a feeling this weekend will be a splendid one!
I just found out that my awesome, totally cool friend(Who is on myO...but shall be unrevealed) is bisexual. How do I feel about that? Good for him! He's making a stand for his sexual preference and I'll support him all the way! That is one of the reasons why I enjoy reading shonen-ai and stuff like really seems like those who are gay have more romantic events than straights...seeing as I am straight...oh yes, and those that really do not like this idea...please don't insult me, my friend, or all those that aren't straight or like them...-_- it really makes me sad to see people making fun of them, or avoiding them, you know? AG, Lj, and I all support Shonen-Ai and bisexuals! Oh yeah....if you have something to say or debate about it, save it...I promise you that whatever you tell me, it won't convince me to change my mind! You can gripe, complain, and assult me about it, but I will never change my ways! I do know I will not attempt to persuade you to tolerate may do that on your own free will. *bows respectfully* That's my thoughtful spur of the day. Oh yes...and there's many manga that feature gay couplings...such as Gravitation, Fake, Yami no Matsuei(aka Descendants of Darkness), and a whole heck of a lot more! There's even online manga that features this. So please don't tell me you hate'll just break my heart.
Well, besides that fact...I have Algebra homework to contend with...*clears throat* I'm afraid I'm gonna die from math homework...oh...and I have to study for finals...Did I mention I got a 98 on my Speech? I really persuaded my teacher to read Marmalade Boy! Whoot! Go me!! I also had to write an essay about sound and light waves...I ran out of time...let's see...I had a 30 minute time limit...I spent 5 thinking about what I should write about....20 to plan out the rough draft, and 5 to speed write the final draft...and my teacher said to use your best handwriting...HA! You wish I could use my best...if you're only giving me 30 minutes, you're not expecting my best handwriting, that's for sure...hand cramp afterwards. I checked my grades and so far, everything is an A...keep it up and ace those finals exams, Ching! I hope to make Honor Roll! ^^ I have a feeling I will though.
Speaking of being academically advanced, I'm having the feeling that Honor's Society is getting unpopular...unfortunately, we have too many haughty people in our group that don't care about our comunitee...unlike them, I enjoy volutunteering...I mean, sure it'll look great on your college application, but not when you didn't do much to contribute to the society...want proof? About half of the members don't even attend the meetings! I'm sometimes outraged about that...I can we plan comunitee projects if only 7 people out of 15 attend the meeting to decide? Honor Society works like a democracy...we have to vote in order to get anywhere...*sighs* I just wanna kick those people in the shins sometimes...
Why do I get these feelings of anger for some reason? I was angered at my father 2 days ago, and now I'm mad at the Honor Society...what next? *shrugs* If I get outta hand, I have to calm myself down...geez.
It's been snowing like crazy over here....and I don't mean flakes...I mean blowing snow! Like a blow dryer turned on freezing and blowing on ultra high! The flakes themselves are tiny little buggers. I was nearly swept away when I was walking home today! Ok...I was exaggerating...I'm too heavy to be swept away...but it sure felt like it...In fact, a basketball hoop was knocked down when I was walking home! When I went on the internet, my Weatherbug program was yelling at me to open it and look at the alerts...well...all 5 times are the same "Severe snow blowing for 24 hours starting today" Well duh! I just experienced it!
I chatted with Alex-kun, Lj and Yuki...they're all a nice bunch to talk to..Yuki game Lj and I some piccies....nice...umm...Gravi piccies...heh heh...anyway..we were quite hyper and noisy! lol
Question of the Day: What are your weekend plans?
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Friday, January 7, 2005
YYH Quizzes I Know You'll All Love!
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Getting Rushed
Hey everyone...I just wanted to tell you all that I'm still here and I'm at school right now and we're about to have to go I'll see you all later! Bye b!!! I miss all that chat with me on MSN Messenger...I'll see you all soon! *hugs everyone goodbye*
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
eF dOuble Oh eL!(You're not one if you read it)
All right! I'm feeling better...^_^ I got some Neosoplex(Chinese anti-itch/acne creme) and it works wonders! No wonder it's so expensive...I have come down with a runny nose and the sneezies....*achoo!*, but I still am strong enough to go to school! Though I have piles of homework to Science worksheets, Reading outlines, and the neverending Algebra homework..I'm not risking a sick day....make it stop! *weird voice conjures up in Ching's head and speaks to Ching*: "Graduate from college and the homework will end" *_* whoo...voice inside head makes me ponder about things, that it does...
Anyway....heh heh...I hope Kristin likes my present...I decided to give her a sweet birthday card and a stuffed dog toy(play on words eh? It's like a teddy bear, but in dog form...not for dogs, and it's not an actual stuffed dog!) I couldn't find any wrapping paper that wasn't Christmas, so I went with yellow tissue she's gonna think I'm poor! lol *shrugs* defintion of wrapping paper is anything that disguises the form and color of your gift! *looks at wrapped up gift* tissue paper did the job! ^^
I almost burned my computer down...rule of thumb: DO NOT EVER PLAY WITH LIGHTERS! damage...I blew out the flame! ^^...I like to play with flame sometimes...wave it around, let it burn my fingers on purpose(because I like the feeling for some reason) but anyway....I don't ever burn anything...I just looking at flames and the warmth of it...heh
Gosh...I had a blonde moment just now. Lj and I were IMing each other and she said that her dog stunk...then she asked if Alex stinks sometimes....and I'm like..."How am I supposed to know? He's about 100 miles away from me, how do I smell him?" then I got it...she was talking about my frog, Alex the Frog...o.0....I'm so sorry Alex-kun(destinyssweetman)! I got you confused with my frog...but if you must know, it's just her tank that smells, never her...cuz she a clean frog! ^_^
Well, it was dinner, and my brother and I have designated cups(do I know why? No), but dad always switches them...and it just bugs me! I don't know why either, but still! I call him under my breath, "You're a senile, old eF dOuble Oh eL!", hey....I guess my old man's losing it...
Question of the Day:Have you ever had a blonde moment? If so, explain the situation.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Though the Life May Be Tough, I Must Bear Through It All
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I pretty much spent my day with AG after school....^_^ AG showed me her Spiral DVD(which had complicated words), but the outtakes were so hilarious!!! Such as this one girl saying "crap" each time she messed up, and John Bergmeier said that he liked crumpets and tea, and that he can't "F***ing talk anymore"....oh gosh...
Today is my really good friend Kristin's birthday! Happy birthday to her! I have to send her a birthday card fact, I made one...I would have given her a teddy bear, but I didn't have time yesterday because I was with I guess candy and a card will have to do....-_- The reason why I want to give her a nice gift is because she's really nice to me and she respects me for who I am and she's just so kind to me, I'd never believe it...she even supported me whenever I was being bullied in Algebra...because there are real jerks in that I have to thank her sometime...
Lj was feeling depressed....her parents are having problems and such...I shan't go into details in case she wants her privacy and I'll respect that...I hope she'll feel better soon...I just hate it when my friends are feeling down...It just makes me want to cry in sympathy and pity,,,
*scratches face* Arg! I have an itchy face! Why?! I dieing from some topical skin disease?! The fact that my hair keeps touching it isn't helping....maybe I should scrub my face raw! Or anti-itch cream *takes out Benadryl*
Question of the day: What do you do whenever you feel under the weather?
See ya later...>.< Itchy face! Can't resist itching!!! Ahh...
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Monday, January 3, 2005
Happy Birthday, Zeldadeath!
Hey! ^__^ I just decided to send a nice birthday card to Zeldadeath! ^__^ happy birthday to you!

May all your birthday wishes come true!!! ^__^
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Back to School
Naraku’s guide to success:
1. Eat only youkai for dinner **burp**
2. Get a good baboon costume on
3. If that fails, sell it on
4. If that fails, kill a Blue baboon
5. Learn puppetry
6. Have a few test subjects while mastering puppetry…preferably humans, oh did I say that? (Oh wait I meant Inuyasha and Sesshomaru! Honorary test subject siblings!)
7. Learn how to betray others, buy “How I got Inuyasha killed and how to deal with Kikkyo AKA Annoying Woman By Naraku is available for sale, buy, buy, buy!!!!
8. Steal the Shikon no Tama, hey Kikkyo…it’s mine not your’s! Use any means required to do so…including playing with Kikyo’s and others’ minds…ooo psychology was never so fun before! Ladiada, la la la!
9. Make sure you get all the shards…either that or sell it on Amazon and have your bees take it back…from a woman named Kagome.
10. Steal queen bees and make them evil…just don’t stick your hand too far into the bee hive…OUCH!
11. Study black holes…and “Implant” them on peoples’ hands..hey it’s only surgery! **cough** destroying **coughs** lives
12. Use your children **cough** detachments to take care of stalkers **cough** Inuyasha **cough** Kouga
Don't you think that was funny? ^_^ I got this from destinyssweetman who got it from inuyasha311. I'm at school right now and I'm gonna make a very small post...
The winner of yesterday's poll was nothing! Nobody voted...well...figures...I guess people watch more anime than manga..^_^;;
Yeah....I'm back at school and I guess I am happy to be back...I miss all my school friends and the vacation has been great. I probably won't be able to visit everyone's sites because I have a ton of friends now, and school is such a time killer! School is certainly gonna hog up time, but final exams will hog up pretty much my whole day! With studying and homework and know what I mean.
For breakfast, I had a very sticky glazed doughnut and hot chocolate...more sugar and carbs for energy so I won't fall asleep in class...I always fell asleep last year because it was World Studies in first period and we had to watch a ton of don't do much physically if you're watching a movie!
WHOO HOO! I went to Neopets yesterday and won 15,000 Neopoints, Jelly Muffin, and a Yellow Paint Brush from a game called "Fruit Machine"....I'm such a lucky duck!!! Though I would have perferred a silver one...or one that's unique...but I have never gotten a Paint Brush before, so I should be happy about that, plus, they're very rare, no matter what color it is.
I've also decided to stop the daily polls because they require time and a lot of comments, and in order to get a lot of comments, I have to update at 10 PM(which during school days, I'm snoring)
Yay! My really awesome friend came back from vacation! It's Mai! ^__^ *hugs Mai* I love her so much...she's one of my very first friends on myO...she's helped me so much with everything...Thank you for always being there, I'll always be by your side!
See ya later! ^___^
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
Sung Neen Fai Lok!
Happy New Year indeed! Even if it is a day late.... ^___^ My visit to Jessie's was great! ^__^ We visited my site...and thank you all for visiting, even though I forgot to put in a was your New Year Day? I sure hope it was entertaining!
Well...I certainly was right....we just played video games most of the time during my stay at my cousin' whatever....oh...and dinner required too much memory...we were given a pair of wooden chopsticks, a pair of plastic ones and a chibi ladle...the plastic ones are for eating and the wooden ones were for turning over food or picking them up when they were ready and the ladle was for scooping things from the stew pot into your bowl...I forgot to flip over the meat(because it was on a grill and one side was ready and one side was raw), so I was being dumb and began to pick it up to put in my bowl...well...I got kinda yelled at.."You have to flip it over! One side's still raw"...heh heh...^^;;;...but I didn't feel that dumb because Jessie used the wrong chopsticks...and so did her that evens it out!
Afterwards, we watched *illegal* fireworks from afar in our windows and watched the countdown...but then we realized we were 10 minutes we just said "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" anyway...heh heh...we also danced a bit to the music in the TV...we did all these stupid, corny moves, but one was looking and we were in our PJs...whoot! Gotta love the PJ dancing to the TV!
The next morning...we were fortunate enough to have found snow on the ground!!! We played around...Jessie's sister made the "perfect" spherical snowball(but my god, it hurt a lot when she threw that!). We even made up some snow "Snowball Baseball", but instead of a bat, it was a Tennis racket...and we had awful aim and missed all the time...I even threw a snowball down Jessie's sister's shirt one time...oops...sorry! didn't really snow around my area though, yet it's strange...we live in the same town...just very far away distances.
I want to get back to school...I want to present my speech...which I forgot to practice yesterday...but still...I want to go back to school because I'm known as the geeky school girl who enjoys school...ok...most of the time enjoy it!
New Poll!
Which Shojo manga would you say has the most romantic plot?
A.) Marmalade Boy
B.) Peach Girl(Change of Heart)
C.) Revolutionary Girl Utena
D.) Mars
I'm sorry if there are those that don't read manga or worse, read Shojo(I'm talking to those guys that like blood and guts)...but I had to think of a good poll question! Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't update for the day...I got back to my house kinda late...but still...anyone miss me?! ^__^ I have to visit all your sites now...ta ta for now! Note: For all of you guys who PMed me for requests, I'll be sure to fulfill them by the next two days...til next time! ^_^
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