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In my own little world
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CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
Real Name
Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Defeat...Can Sometimes Be Sweet...For the Enemy! >.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Oh man! I lost the bet! What a bummer! I have to go make Itachi a vanilla cake now! Granted it'll only be a one layer vanilla cake, but I'll try my best to make it tasty! ^^ *sighs* Now I'll go and tell you why. You see, Lj had to take home one of those baby simulators (if you've known me since last year, you've probably heard me rant about those evil things), but anyway, she turned hers in really early, and she caught me right as I entered the school and we just decided to chat. Then I thought, maybe I'll do it during lunch. Heh heh, I went and spent my lunch with my wonderful seme (Shimeru-chan) and Lj. That was today. The bet was that if I even miss one day and it was my own fault (I didn't visit Friday because the library was closed), then I owed him a cake. How sad, but oh well! I'll still visit you guys! So no worries! ^^
I won't be doing much for Halloween this year. Last year, I went trick-or-treating with AG. *sighs* We're not exactly the best of friends anymore. I mean, we're still friends, just not as close I guess. Plus, both my parents are working this year, so I'm stuck at home with D-chan, handing out candy. The good news is, I get to wear my Kayko outfit without having to freeze to death! ^^
I have two exams to study for, but I can't concentrate. It's Halloween today! How can I? Oh well, I'll just try later I guess!
I promise to visit you guys tomorrow morning! Thanks for putting up with me! XD Ta ta!
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
*hugs everyone*
I'll see you all later I guess. ^^;; I don't have much to say
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Saturday, October 22, 2005
Thank Fuji Tis Saturday!
Oh gosh, it's been almost 2 weeks since I disappeared again huh? *sobs in corner* I need motivation to get back on here! Or at least, get done with my homework faster! >.< That's the only reason why I can't visit anymore is because of my slow computer and my massive friends list. Umm, yeah, you've heard it all, so I'm going to stop explaining why I can't visit you. If only I wasn't so "friendly" with everyone. *shrugs* So that's why Itachi and I placed a bet! Starting Monday morning (before my school day starts), I'll be in my school's library doing nothing but visiting those who update late/early. Sorry for those who update in the afternoon, I won't be able to get to you guys! Anyway, for one full month, I have to visit you guys who update late/early! If I'm able to do that, Itachi will buy me a bag of cookies! If I don't keep my word, I promised him I'll bake him a cake (and let me tell you, I'm a great cook XD). The reason why he placed this bet is because he doesn't believe me that I'll keep my word! Well, I'll show him! Just wait, swtanimechick is making a comeback!
Other than that, my school days have been hectic and I only have about an hour of spare time each day after school. Umm, I can't go to dances with Shimeru because we both have little brothers to take care of *sighs* How sad. I thought for a fact I would ask him out to the Harvest Dance (which means the girls have to ask the guys out=girls have to pay XD), but now there's a twist! Couples have to wear matching shirts! *gasp!* The only shirt that we have that are the same are those Honor Society shirts from last year. Black with pink lettering. I hate it because of the color (black so is not for me!) and Shimeru hates pink (he's a seme, that's natural). So yeah. I also said that if we weren't going to wear matching shirts, his butt's going to be in the man auction! Where unmatched males get on the stage to be sold off to ladies of all varieties. I know, aren't us women brutal? None of that's going to happen because neither of us are going! XD
AG has her own BF now. *gasp!* Isn't that shocking?! Of course, if you're her friend, then it's probably old news. They're kinda of a dirty couple. They "turn" each other on. *cringe* So wrong! I prefer a pure, sweet, and romantic relationship (meh, as if Shimeru is a "pure" kind of BF anyway. Oh well, at least he doesn't grope me! Though he's come close, but it would have been an accident; he'd just blush his brains out if he did) They barely know each other though -.- So they're band freaks, anime freaks, and AG's dating the Japanese Club president who is 2 years older than she is. Whoop de doo. Oh well, I shouldn't be mean. I hope their relationship lasts because of their interests! ^^ It's good to be paired up with someone who has the same interests as you, right?
Lj's still my BFF! She practically lives in my house after school. Almost every day after school, she just comes over to my place. We'd watch some anime DVDs, play on the PS2, do some homework (note how I said SOME), and before you know it, it's already 6, which is the time her dad picks her up.
Had to change some things on my site. It seems that it takes over 10 minutes just to load my site, so I decided to get rid of some things. Hope you all didn't mind! If you think I should get rid of some things, tell me what I should get rid of and I'll do it (Note: I refuse to get rid of anything that's in the intro, my hard earned button shrine, and the music)
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Friday, October 7, 2005
4 Day Weekend!
New theme! Fuji! AKA JC Superstar! Heh heh. I hope you all like it. I especially love the song! It's the 3rd opening to the Prince of Tennis anime series. Make You Free by Hisoca. He's also the voice of Fuji (Yes, the singer is indeed a guy!). *blinks* Does the song even work? Oh yeah, I'm sorry if you can't read the font. *sighs* I've tried just about every single color and none of them work! Unless I were to use a color that wasn't part of the "blue" family, then it would, but oh well -.-
I hate Geometry. We're currently doing two column proofs. I asked Shimeru for help (because he's done all of this last year and he's a genius when it comes to math and science). He plum forgot it all. XD How does one forget something this hard?!
I didn't go to homecoming (Twas on the 1st, by the way). Shimeru and I make the perfect couple. Why? We're both penny pinchers XD Even though the tickets were $25 a couple, we still had to pay for outfits and food and other things like that, y'know. So we spend Saturday together. I didn't even go to the homecoming football game! Our school was totally wiped away by swtanimelvr and Itachi's school. It was like 35 to 14 or something like that. *hides away in shame* Our varsity team needs to get better!
Anyway, Sports Medicine has gotten harder too @_@ So much memorization! First, we had to memorize over 100 Latin root words which are also medical terms. Now we have to do 164 abbrevations and acronyms! I just got making the flash cards for extra credit and I'm going to have to buy more index cards! XD
You know what? I haven't been visiting you guys at all lately! *cries* I feel so bad when here I am, getting 20 comments, and I don't even return the comments! It's school, man! Total weekday internet ruiner! So! Here's my plan! I update every Friday (So you all will know I'm still alive), go spend all of Saturday visiting and then on Sunday, I'll answer PMs (because I get about 20 of those all the time). Good deal, ne?
Hehe, to be honest, my school does accept transfers from other schools to take Japanese because my school is one of the only schools in the district that teaches Japanese to their students (along with other languages like German and Latin). ^-^ Aren't we nice? lol
Question of the Day: *Gasps* They return! Anyway, what do you think of my new theme?
Random Fact: *doubly gasp* These return too! In 1867, the United States paid Russia 2 cents an acre for what is now the state of Alaska. In 1803, the U.S. paid France 4 cents an acre for the Louisana Territory. (Boy, they don't have those kind of prices anymore XD)
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
Hi again! ^_^ I've been rather busy since school started. PE's totally not what I expected. I have to run about 2 miles every Tuesday and Thursday. *grumbles* Oh well, at least I'll be totally active and fit by the end of the year! ^_^
English is well, okay. I mean, I have Lj in my class, but we don't sit by each other -.- I'm doing a unit on The Pearl by John Steinbeck. It's "different", so I don't recommend it. Let's just say that book was wonky.
Geometry sucks. Sorry if you think it's easy, but it isn't if you have to do a chapter that's nothing but logical reasoning. It just kicks me in the butt and hands it back to me! >.<
Biology is boring right now because we're doing but notes. I mean it. Fill up 10 pages full of notes. That kind. Yee-ah.
Sports Medicine is all right too. I can wrap an ankle decently in about 3 to 4 minutes! ^_^ That's all we're doing for now. I have to go help with a game the next two Wednesdays (y'know, in case something bad happens, I have to be there for it. Plus tis required). I have yet to tell my parents this. lol
Japanese has got to be most fun class ever! Lj's in my class too and she sits right behind me! ^_^ Of course, we got to choose our seats, so it's all good! Japanese Club is a load of fun too! In fact, we're having a DDR lunch session two weeks from now! Speaking of DDR, I'm a Standard/kinda Heavy player on the dance pad, avid heavy player on controller! Tis great! I'll be losing weight in no time at all! (not like I have to lose it, it'd just be nice if I did lol)
We haven't gotten a normal 5 day week of school yet. First week, early releases and an assembly. Second week, 3 day weekend. 4th, state testing (meaning block schedule. Bleh, 3 classes for a day, 2 hours each), Next week is still block day plus an assembly. Heh heh.
Tee hee, tis going to be Noise-kun's(Eriku) birthday tomorrow. Mmm, I gave him Final Fantasy X. Sadly, he already owns that game and is already close to beating it XD so I just told him to trade it in for something he'd like better (like Grand Theft Auto 3. What a boy *scoffs*) I still hope he has a nice birthday. ^^
Now then, what about the drama between Ching-chan and Shimeru-kun? Sadly, we have feelings for each other, but we can't express them because our parents won't let us date and don't trust us being together alone. It's not like I'm going to rape him, for Fuji's sake! Tee hee, it's all okay though. Our love is symbolic. Like the white rose, which symbolizes an innocent, yet secretive love relationship. PERFECT!
Finished watching a Prince of Tennis box set with Lj. I LOVE THAT ANIME TO BITS! In fact, I love it so much, I shall make my new theme that! ^^ No worries to my good pal, Orphen though! XD He's still going to be on for a long while, until I end up being a daily user again.
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
>.>; Yulp...
Sorry I haven't been on in about 3 weeks. I promise I'll come back soon...I just got done with a Biology'll see you all later because I have to go now! Bye bye! I'll try to update later!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
^_^ How are you all? Fine, I hope. If not, then get over it! Meh, just kidding. XD Tomorrow is the first day of school! ^-^ I hope I get a restful night's sleep. If not, then meh, too bad for me, huh?
I'm worried that I didn't record all of the second Inuyasha movie last night/this morning. My mom said that the tape stopped at around 2:30 AM. That means about half an hour's worth of the movie didn't get recorded. T_T I'll have to watch it for myself. The weird thing is, whenever tapes run out on our VCR, it rewinds for us. The tape didn't rewind. *shrugs* All I know is, I can't wait to watch the Cowboy Bebop Movie that's airing next week! ^_^ I'll be sure to use a longer tape this time!
I changed Night shade2's site layout again. I promised her I would a few days back, but I laid it off til now. I wanted to get that done before school started, or else I won't be able to do it any other time.
After school tomorrow, (which is a half day ^^) Lj's going to stalk me home, like she does sometimes and show me a Prince of Tennis episode that chibifies the characters ^-^ I bet it's going to be cute, but utterly bizarre. "Chibi" episodes on PoT are usually called "crack" episodes because of it's weirdness. lol It's going to be great!
Winner of yesterday's poll: Kurama! Isn't the piccie I chose cute?!
Daily Poll:
Which person seems really mean, but on the inside, isn't?
A.) Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
B.) Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
C.) Spike (Cowboy Bebop)
D.) Kyo (Fruits Basket)
Random Fact:
If humans had a jumping ability proportional to that of a flea, one leap would cover 5 city blocks. (forget driving to school, I'd rather leap there)
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
School in 2 Days! =D
Heh heh. Tried taking a break from updating to visit people instead; it didn't go so well. I only got 1/3 of the way because I was distracted with IMing. I only have MSN Messenger, but if you want to add me as a contact, my username is Don't worry, all because it's not a hotmail or MSN account, it still works (otherwise, I wouldn't be IMing all day instead of visiting lol) Oh yes, don't e-mail me using this account, or else the e-mail will get sent back (this is a fool-proof method for no forwards and spam ^^) Use the link on this site to e-mail me instead.
Wasn't here for three days because I got on too late on Tuesday, Wednesday, we went to the fair and took Lj along. It was really something! We rode rides my parents thought were "scary" XD Spent too long comparing food prices (hamburgers were $3.50 whereas drinks were $2.00 and fries were $3.00) Dad bought very burnt and yucky BBQ ribs for $7.00. D-chan took a bite and threw up all over the table. Good thing Lj and I were still buying food when this happened.
I changed my site layout again. This time to: Orphen! (Indeed, it's spelled this way. Not Orphan XD). Since so many people were switching to Cloud (because he is teh crap. lol, inside joke), I wanted to be original! ^_^ So xXDark AngelxX, you can keep your Cloud layout if you want! ^_^ I might change the song. At the very end credits of Orphen: Scion of Sorcery the game, there's this uber pretty song, but I need to find the name and artist first in order for Lj to find it for me XD. I totally suck when it comes to finding music. She found the midi for this song! Thank you!
Got registered last Thursday. Here's my schedule. I'll even include which room it is because I want you to pity me on how I have to sprint from room to room. Just kidding! XD
1st: PE-gym (which is in another building)
2nd: Accelerated English-207 (back into the main building)
3rd: Geometry-405 (into a faraway building called "The Math Hall")
4th: Biology-304 (main building)
5th: Orientation to Health Occupations/Sports Medicine 1-308 (yay! right by each other!)
6th: Japanese 1-202
Now then, last 3 periods aren't so bad, but my locker is in the 100 hall aka, A-wing. (yes, we have halls that separate the class numbers in hundreds or something like that). =.= I still haven't found anyone who has an A-wing locker who is in the same grade. All my friends are in the C-Wing T_T I guess I'll have to deal with having new locker buddies. Lj and I have English and Japanese together, huzzah! Poor AG, we don't have any classes with her.
We go back to school this Monday! As most of you who talked about school, you might have recieved a comment about me liking school. This is true. I'm a geek and most of my social life deals within school. After school, it's usually just really close friends. So I'm happy to be back in school. Because of this excitement, ever since 2nd grade, I've had insomnia the night before the first day of school. I tried practically everything! Warm milk, tiring myself out, listening to calming music; anything that won't make me end up going to sleep at 3 AM. I always ended up sleeping for 2 hours, waking up again, stir in bed for an hour, then sleep for another hour. I don't want to do that this time! So now, here's my new plan. Since Thursday, I've been setting my alarm an hour back, causing me to wake up earlier and earlier. This time, I woke up at 9 AM, Tomorrow, 8 AM, and finally, Monday, I want to wake up to a peaceful sleep at 6:50 AM. I hope I can do this time.
Okay, this time, I will visit you all! Bye bye!
Daily Poll:
Which schoolperson is the smartest academically? (Meaning, best grades)
A.) Inui (Prince of Tennis)
B.) Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
C.) Amy (Sailor Moon)
D.) Tohru (Fruits Basket)
Random Fact
In 1898, a novel entitled, Futility was published. The story was about an unsinkable Atlantic ocean liner named "The Titan" that struck an iceberg and sank. "Titanic" sank 14 years later.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Back Again XD
-.- I haven't been on in a while. Sorry. I was playing Dual Hearts for the PS2. You totally have to play it! It's so much fun! ^_^ For those who are sensitive, grab some tissues because a few parts will make you cry (like me).
Anyway, last week, Lj and I worked out for 20 minutes (I know, it wasn't much), and then, Lj, being the yaoi maniac wanted to taste some flavored lube. -.- She says that in most yaoi fics she reads, there's always strawberry lube involved. We headed down to Walgreen's and sure enough, we found some kiwi strawberry lube. It tastes exactly like liquid candy, I kid you not! XD So yes, just thought I wanted to share with you that. I'm not perverted, just curious. Maybe to make Lj happy, I'll buy her some for Christmas. (They're about 7 dollars a bottle though XD)
I get registered for high school this tomorrow! ^_^ Yay! I love registration! It just tells me that in 2 weeks, school will start again and then I'll be able to hang out with all of my school friends, including Shimeru-chan! ^_^ We have been uber busy lately and we don't like to call XD so the only time we can hang out is school! Hooray! Classmates who gave me their phone numbers should expect a call from me so that we can compare schedules!
One of Itachi's friends called me three days ago. He's uber nice! ^_^ He's going to the same school as Lj, AG, Eriku-san, Shimeru-chan and me so it should be cool! He's an otaku and hardcore video gamer! He also tells me he likes to be fit. XD I bet he looks really nice too. Sadly, Itachi will be attending a different school, but I have a feeling we won't be too far apart because that guy is a social butterfly. He even called me yesterday. ^_^
I just got a card from my really sweet friend, spirit gun2. You may look at it at the bottom of my site where you may also look at the awards and clubs I've recieved/joined! ^_^
We're going to the State Fair next week! I just can't wait! ^_^ I'm thinking of taking Lj along because the original plan was to go with Baka No Hanyou, savani, and faye022, but some things have come up and we're not sure if we'll be able to do it XD
Mystery picture: Kirara from InuYasha
Poll Winner: Final Fantasy (just a random FF piccie)
*sighs* I just plain disappear sometimes, so no mystery picture or poll XD
Random Fact:
19 of the 25 highest mountains on earth are in the Himalayas.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Lotsa Links
Oh my gosh, thank you all for those comforting words. I'll always know that myO is my place for escape when I'm not feeling well. I'll always have my mom for comfort and my friends. Thank you all again. You guys are wonderful! ^_^ I got really mad afterwards though. After my dad found the folder, he checked our address book again, and the phone number he wanted was in there. After an hour of suffering through his stupid complaining and hurtful insults, it was for a freaking number that was already in our address book! =_=+
Ooh! Did you know you can get Takuhai in the mail for free?! If you want to sign up, click here. If that link doesn't work, then go to I sometimes give away broken links ^^;; What's in this nice little magazine? Previews of the hottest manga, a personality quiz, interviews, and ads XD Once you sign up for the home delivery magazine, you get registered into the online Takuhai too! ^_^ Where you can read manga previews online for free! Sadly, my computer blurs out images (that's how I'm able to make the mystery pictures), so I can't read or see what's happening in the manga. If I right click on an image, I can refresh it, but sometimes, there are sites where you can't right click (prevention of stealing), so I have to deal with the blurry images. XD
I helped Night shade2 with her site. I changed her layout to Kikyo! I even made the avatar! If you'd like any kind of site help, or your want me to make you a FREE 125x125 pixel avatar, feel free to PM me for any codes or avatar requests! All codes featured on my site and the sites I help with can be found in the HTML Tutorial section of my graphics site! Go check it out sometime! ^_^
Whee hoo! After waiting for what? Three days? A mystery picture, a poll, and a random fact for you all! ^-^
Mystery Picture of the Day:

Hint: Two Tail
Daily Poll:
Which video game would make an awesome anime series? (and if it already is one, sorry XD)
A.) Final Fantasy
B.) Kingdom Hearts
C.) Silent Hill
D.) Koudelka
Random Fact:
80 percent of the world's food crops is pollinated by insects.
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