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In my own little world
Member Since
CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
Real Name
Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas everyone! I can make one more post before I'm off to Jessica's.
Do you all like my new look? I have to thank No One for helping me set up the HTML code...he's an awesome friend to me...funny, serious, and insane sometimes...he's still a nice friend to me! ^_^ Thanks a lot!
My favorite anime is Goon Yeh Cha....what does that mean? It's InuYasha in Cantonese! lol...I found that out from my mom...I was showing her what I got for Christmas and all and I got an Inuyasha shirt from Patty and it had Inuyasha in Kanji...and Japanese and Chinese are very similar and so she was able to read what it meant....I found it so cool, I decided to post it! ^___^ I also got my very first Yu-Gi-Oh! deck from AG, Marmalade Boy 5 from Lj, and I'm not sure what I'm getting from Jessie yet...^_^ but yeah...
I found out that my dad has to work today....I mean come on! Who has to work on Christmas Day?! Geez...and he's not getting anything extra for this either....oh well...this will be the first Christmas where my dad has to be a chef for some other people and not his family....of course, come to think of it, I'm not going to eat dinner with my family...or at least, not my household family...^_^ oh well.
Just one more week until I have to go back to school...I heard on new year's, we're gonna head to the library and then to the Art Museum, so I can begin on my cultural event in English. I have to research some more about Marmalade Boy for my Speech...I have to persuade people to read Marmalade Boy...heh...good luck to me! ^_^...I wonder if I have any other homework? Oh time to check.
Awww......yami seto sent me a very kawaii Christmas card and I loved it so much, I'm gonna post it up for everyone to see! ^__^ You can click on the picture to visit her site if you wish!

The winners of yesterday's poll were: Hiei and Kenshin!
Whoot! Go Hiei! He rocks! He's so kawaii with he's paired up with Kurama!
Ooh! Kenshin's such a heartthrob! *swoons* He's so romantic when he's out there protecting Karou!
No poll of the day because I have to go...oh I know! You people give me the questions, I'll give you the choices, and you can all vote! The rules are: they must be anime related, and both genders must apply(in other words, be creative and make sure both sexes are suitable for the question)
Bye bye! ^___^
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