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In my own little world
Member Since
CNA/med aide and Kenji's GF
Real Name
Ching or Sayuri
I won 5th place in 8th grade mixed doubles Tennis tournament in my city, finished watching the whole Trigun, Yami No Matsuei, and Cowboy Bebop series, getting the Presidential Award, and getting an award for outstanding community service
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Prince of Tennis, Tokko, Excel Saga, Samurai Champloo, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell, Sailor Moon, and many more
To become an obstetrics nurse (hooray for taking care of pregnant ladies!)
DDR, anime, reading labels(any kind), and cooking
speaking Cantonese, HTML, and singing well Buttons
| swtanimechick
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Today is Wednesday, that it is! ^_^
I get my new glasses today! They're silver and stylish! ^_~ Oh, and I have to clean out Alex's tank....I don't care if she likes to eat in her own toilet like a fish, but her water's gonna be clean! lol....So I'll be sure to get on it.
I tried calling my friend...I couldn't reach her...and she hasn't returned my e-mail yet...I hope she feels better soon!
Thank you so much for all the Marmalade Boy help, Lj! You're great! ^__^ I guess if I were a snob, I'd say "Well, you owed me anyway! I mean, I gave you Out of the Dust and that review info, so thanks" course, I'd never say lol...
*sighs* I want a virus scanner soooo badly! Sasser occasionally controls my computer sometimes, but I want to get of it for did it get in my computer anyway? I have never opened an attachment from an unknown person, and if any of you guys gave me an e-mail with a virus in it and knew about it and still gave it to me, then you're not a really nice person...but computer's crap...I have dial-up that sucks and it takes at least half an hour to download a song...but I really shouldn't complain, huh? Enjoy life the way it is...^_^ what are your plans for the new year? I think I told you mine already....I'm gonna spend the night at Jessie's again on the 31st...I'm giving her a stuffed piggy(it's so soft and kawaii) for a New Year's gift because my mother told me to buy her one...I shrug...I mean, it is my mother's money...mine is in the bank for college....I think I have to get a job this summer if I'm the only one getting college money for myself! O_O Good thing I live by so many stores! ^_^ That's why I want to get an academic scholorship to a nursing school....I might go to BSU for I won't have to waste money on going to an out of town college...though it would be so cool if I attended UCLA or Stanford! But, I guess I'll have to stick to BSU or that medical school in Pocatello. Ah, the possibilities of college....
Who's the straight couple we all love? It's Kenshin and Kaoru!

I agree...they're so perfect for each other! ^__^
New Poll:
Who's your favorite Coyboy Bebop character?
A.) Spike
B.) Jet
C.) Ed
D.) Faye
Well....I have to go now! ^__^ I'll try to get to all of your sites today!
Check out my cosplay gallery!
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