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Stephanie, pugs
not hurting myself for a few months (thanks blake )
same as talents
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
>1. Full Name: Stephanie ******* ****** (can't say on internet)
>2. Nicknames: stephi, pugs, ishma (don't ask on the last one)
>4. Birthday: January 11 , 1990
>5. Grade: 10
>6. School: Waukesha North (sadly)
>7. Where do you live? Waukesha, WI
>8. Pets: 3 cats , 1 fish, 1 turtal, 2 rats
>9. Hobbies: drawing typing to people on aim and reading somtimes
>10. Brothers: Nick and a whole bunch of half brothers i don't know
>11. Sisters: half sisters i don't know and melissa :)
>12. Hair Color: brown with fake gold highlights
>13. Eye Color: cow brown
>14. Height: 5'4 not really sure
>15. Weight:... :( 260
>16. Contacts or Glasses? glasses i don't ware
>17. Braces?nope wish i did
>18. Color: black, red and ornage
>19. Drink: black sodas
>20. make up a ? and a answer.
ummm no...
>21. Dessert: vinella ice cream
>22. Restauraunt: padro's
>23. TV Show: medium, csi, simpsons, degrassi, dara
>24. Smell: mens calone
>25. Flavor: nothing
>26. Flower: rose
>27. Book: don't have a fav.
>28. Author: look at 27
>29. Musical Group: KoRn
>30. Singer: none
>31. Kind of Music: big verity mostly metal now
>32. Song:Freak on a Leash, wish you were here
>33. Number: 7
>34. Movie: joy ride or the cell
>35. Day of the Week: Friday TC
>36. State: hawii
>37. Brand Name: don't have a fav.
>38. Animal: qaill
>39. Coke or Pepsi: both
>40. Light or Dark: Dark
>41. Day or Night: Night
>42. Black or White: Black
>43. Pen or Pencil: Pencil becase i always make mistakes lol
>44. TV or Movies: movie i hate comerals so i dvr to make it like a movie lol
>45. Kool Aid or Tea: Kool Aid
>46. Cat or Dog: both
>47. CDs or Radio: CD
>48. Short Stories or Poems: depressing poems
>49. Aerobics or Yoga: nether i don't like moving lol
>50. Walk or Run: walk, i only run if i am hyper
>51. Pants or Shorts: Pants
>52. Slipknot or Korn: KoRn
>53. DMX or Nelly: gross don't tuch me with that neather
>54. N SYNC or BSB: see #53
>55. Alcoholic or Non Alcoholic Drinks: alcoholic
>59. Do you have a b/f or g/f? i wish
>60. If so, who? - #59
>61. How long have you been a couple? -#59
>62. Do you have a crush? not anymore
>63. Who? #62
>64. How long have you liked them? #62
>65. Are you friends with your crush? #62
>66. Do you believe in love at first sight? yes
>67. Have you kissed a girl? nope
>68. Have you kissed a guy? yes a long long long time ago
>69. Have you ever been in love?? love is a hallmark word its not real
>70. If so, with who? -# 69
>71. Are you going to college? yes
>72. If so, which college? -WCTC
>73. What do you want to be? massuse (massage thripust)
>74. Where are you going to live? in a house lol
>75. Are you going to get married? hopefully
>76. To whom? the one that askes me and i say yes to lol
>77. Are you going to have kids? probly
>78. How many? two
>79. What are some good girl names? melissa
>80. What are some good boy names? shawn or spencer
>81. What's your favorite holiday? don't have one
>82. How many pillows do you sleep with? 4
>83. What are you doing right now? typing the answer to this ?
>84. What CD do you listen to the most? KoRn
>85. What's your favorite radio station? 99.1 the mix
>86. Do you have a stereo? yep
>87. Do you watch Oprah? awhile ago i did
>88. Whose your favorite talk show host? jarry springer jk lol
>89. What TV channel do you watch the most? the n
>90. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? yea a bunni i had since i was little
>91. Are you the oldest sibling in your family? nope
>92. Do you bite your nails? gross no
>93. Do you like candles? yes
>94. How fast can you type? kinda
>95. What are you wearing? nothing lol jk a really long shirt for pj
>96. How many hours do you usually sleep? donno
>97. What time do you get up on a school day? 6:30
>98. What time do you get up on a weekend? whenever i do
>99. What are you doing this weekend or this week? in my room thinking about what i could be doing other then that
>100. Have you ever shoplifted? yes when i was little
>101. If so, what? jp (jerassic park had just come out) magnet
>02. Do you paint or draw? draw
>103. Are you wearing shoes? no
> 104. How's the weather where you're at? don't know haven't looked outside
>105. What's under your bed? lots of stuff
>106. What posters are in your room? happy bunny and some pantings
>107. How many pets do you have? look at answer #8
>108. Do you have a swimming pool? I wish
>109. Do you eat chocolate? Sometimes,but i get sick from it and really don't like it
>110. what time is it? 2:44
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Friday, June 17, 2005
blake has a g/f i have been crying alot latly .... i am going to go now
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
its been awhile
wow i haven't typed in here for awhile i guess i can really quick becase i am kinda bored. i have been really busy latly with things... nick my bro just got a job yay, and i am still babysitting nothing big and new has happend since school let out. other then on monday i woke up at 6:00am and started to get ready for school. took me awhile to figer out why no one else was getting up. lol anyways i have to go becase i have to babysit and i want to take another shower befor i go later
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
i just got home. i took my time getting here lol. i stayed later then i thought for lunch... oh well. i had to talk to mr.Strang today (i think thats how you spell it)he kinda agreed with me.not that it matters... then thing i am happy about the most is... NO MORE SHERIFF MAAS!!! lol or ms. gay... i wont have to worry about them till next year and then i wont have to see them because of the new schedules...
anyways... my tummy hurts... really bad... either i am hungry or my tummy wants to be mean and hurt me lol i can't wait till tomorrow... exam days rock lol the sad thing is that the days i don't have exams i may go to anyways. depends... i hope someone i know will be in a 4 and 5 study hall... i really don't want to be alone that whole time. maybe i'll just sleep in... who knows... well i am going to play a game now on the computer so later
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
its ture...
You Are 100% Psychic |
You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good! |
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Friday, June 3, 2005
bad day
i just got home. today was.... odd... first i woke up knowing that the day was going to be bad. then i got to school and kind feel asleep in 1st hour. then gmy we couldn't find anyone that would be one me and melissa team (becase we don't try).3erd hour went fast then 4th hour came alone. ms. maas wanted me to walk so she pulled me out of the class room to talk to me. me and her went to the LD office and i expilain to her why i didn't want to go. she told me it was an ok reson. then she gave me the uglyest long sleave shirt i have ever seen. i thought it was really sweet of her to get it but no thanks. then ms. gay came in and made everything worse. telling me i had to walk. even if my mom said no. i left with the shirt. i put it away and want back to resourse. 5th hour past then 6th. 6th i had to sing. i got so nevrvose. i started to trembule. my voice became shaky but i ended the song and had alot of compaments about my singing voice. after that was lunch... nothing happend... kinda boring... anyways 7th hour came the hour i have been wating for. ms. gay told me to call my mom i did my mom backed ms. gay up not me. then i got really pissed ms. gay said that we were walking and i said no i am going to the consuler when i got there i felt so relived. i felt safe many witnesses if she wanted to keep arguing. so i went and talked to the consuler. then he let me stay in the gidence room. to work. so i stayed till the bell rang. when the bell rang i went to talk to mr. downy to tell him not to pull me out of class on monday becase ms. gay is so angry. then i went back blake was there. wasn't suprized i saw him in there before. then he left with mr. downy. almost at the end of the hour. ms. gay came in yelling about me to mr. stoneall i was smiling becase mr. stoneall was gald i said no. he even code nined me. then ms. gay asked for the shirt back so i said w/e and got it out my locker and gave it to her then she said she wasted 22.00 on me and wanted it back. i was thinking i am worth more then that and you can't buy me. when the bell rang she told me i was getting a refural but it dosn't matter becase he code 9ed me so... yea.. kinda gald school is almost over now. well i am going to take a nap before i go babysit so later
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
so lucky
i didn't have to sing today even thou i kinda wanted melissa to see it. she said that i am one of the last people. that sucks... anyways i know that monday mr. downy one of the fun teacher in school said that monday he is going to pull me out of class so i don't have to hang with ms. bitch. so i am happy he also said that he has balke in there to then. even better lol just mr.D me and blake thats the only people well g2g i feel dirty from being outside and i want to take a shower so later
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Blake again
i just finshed working on blake site go there and tell me what you think the background is a joke i am not sure if he'll keep it like that so... anyways his name is cabose so check it out
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
bad news for me
today in drama we found out what we were doing for drama. we have to sing or do a monologe everyone thinks i should sing i think i would be better if i sang i would rember what i was going to say. anyways this is going to be hard. singing in front of all those people with my voice...shudders ... lol okay well nick wants the computer back so later
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
for the drama thing i am going to i am waring this on wed for the drama thing at 6:00pm

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