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Stephanie, pugs
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
1. Full Name: Stephanie Christine ******
2. What color pants are you wearing right now? Blue
3. What are you listening to right now? Green Day - Time of Your Life (Good Riddance)
4. How old are you? 15 (sadly)
5. What was the last thing you ate? ring pop
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? black
7. How is the weather right now? sunny (wish it was raining)
8. Last person you talked to on the phone? ...melissa
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their voice
10. Do you like the person who sent you this? yea shes my best friend and always will be no matter what
11. How are you today? okay
12. Favorite drink? ...coke
13. Favorite food? animal cracker
14. Favorite sport? i hate anything that has to make me move when i don't want to
15. Hair color? brown with fake highlights
16. Eye color? cow brown
17. Do you wear contacts? nope
18. Siblings: 1 brother (nick 16) 2 step ( donno names anymore ) ? unknown half brother and sisters
19. Favorite month: anythime there is no snow and alot of rain
20. Favorite video game: don't have a fav.
21. Last movie you watched? Saw
22. Favorite day of the year? ... any day i am with a guy i like alot lol
23. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yea but i always ask in a note and i usual get a no so i am not asking this year
24. What is your favorite TV show? Tru Calling, C.S.I (all) Degrassi
25. Do you have any pets, and if so what are their name(s)? 2 rats clio and pepper (both girls) 3 cats salum (boy) peepers(boy) sabrina (girl) tertal (don't know name nicks always changing it, boy i think...)
26. Summer or Winter? Summer
27. Black or White? Black.
28. Sugar or Spice? depends
29. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla (all chocolate makes me sick)
30. who do you have a crush on? guess
31. Who did you last go out with? *thinks*....don't rember i think it was justin
32. what is your sad song? Evanescence - My Immortal
33. What's your favorite type of movie? horror and comidy
34. What book are you reading? back to The Da Vinci Code (by Dan Brown)
35. What's on your mouse pad? a pic of my cat salum when we just got him
36. Favorite Board Game? sorry
37. What are you doing tonight? sitting in my room looking at the walls and thinking what i could be doing other then this
38. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? *trys* no
39.Can you run a mile in under 11 mins? ...what do you think...NO
40.Can u touch your toes with w/o bending your knees? yea
41. Favorite car/truck? 4 door red pick up
42. How many keys on your key ring? don't have one
43. Juggle? no... that was random
44. Favorite day of the week? all weekdays (thats when i get to talk to people at school)
45. Red or Blue? red
46. What did you do for your last birthday? donno think i had people sleep over and we saw a move and got ice cream
47. Do you carry a donor card? nope but i am a donor
48. Your goals? ... you really wanna know? Ask me in person...
49. What do you think of the first thing when you wake up in the
morning? 5 more mins
50. Favorite quote? " there is a beast with in my mind.... i try to make her leave.... i even try to kill her but when i do i kill me" by me
51. What day and time is it? sun. 5/22/05 2:38
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Friday, May 20, 2005
good weekend
i am plaining on having a vary good weekend. melissa is going to sleep over on saterday becase my mom and bro and grandma are all going to be gone i also invited blake over he said he may come over i hope he dose would be more fun lol well g2g talk more later
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
i am in 4th hour right now and i finshed with all my homework. (not talking is helpping with getting my homework done) anyways Blake isn't here like i said so i don't know what i am going to do next hour i know she wont let me stay on the computer for 2 hours. maybe... i am really cold right now has the schools ever thought of heating for the school? typeing is making my hands go numb becase they get colder as i type. god i am bored. i can't wait to get home well maybe i can i really don't want to do anything tonight but i have to babysit my mom says i should look at the bright side (the money) but i don't even get to keep my money they take it from me ever chance they get... well i think the class is almost over becase the kid that leaves 5 mins before the class ends is leaving. should i keep typeing? should i make it so that she thinks i am actualy doing somthing?? well i am going to go check my other stuff on here i will try to come back and type more. later
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
i got my dress today (the silver one)... i hate dresses... today i was really pissed off... don't want to talk or talk about it... tomrow is going to suck i may not be in lunch i am not sure i know blake said that he would be gone tommrow but thursday he would stay in the lunch room to talk to me so i don't beat that guy to the ground... i donno .... i am going to go i have nothing to say that is of importence later
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Monday, May 16, 2005
bored bored bored.... today was ok i had some bad partsin my day but i am ok now... i hope things get better atleast.
i did my play today and i got all my lines!! not everone remmbered theirs but thats ok i think we will do better tomrow. well i am going to go i am waching the cell again later
TAKE ME SATAN !!! LOL (from the cell movie)
i don't know about the nippel rings but i am loving the horns lol
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Friday, May 13, 2005
My dresses

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words can not express how i feel right now... so i wont say anything but just so you didn't come here for nothing check this pic out

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
part of a story i made
this is part of a story i making tell me what u think i know that there are no names but there will be
she sits in her room looking at the blank pages in her journal. But she notices the blood that had falling onto it from the night before. she gets up as the phone ring. noticing the number of her x-husben cell she picks up.
"hey, are you ok you have been acting strange"
"everything is fine....were have you been?" she answerd with a unsure voice
"just with a friend... hey come outside i am in my car will go some where"
she hangs up the phone sighing and goes to the car outside as she gets in he leans over to kiss her but she looks away. he knows... he feels it... it is time to do what he has whated to he grabs her wrist and with that he pulls out what he has been holding for awhile she turns and see what he has. she push his hand away screming and crying and leaves the car... she crys going back to her room and she slams the door shut. grabing the phone and fumblaing with the keys crying
the door swings open and her X-husban stands with a knife and she sreams as he comes towred her...
jenna wakes you in a cold sweat... she rolls over to her husben.and thinks about her mother.
"Has it been that long since she died?"
ok thats it for now just tell me what you think
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
nothing much
hey the other day nivk bought haloi have been playing that alot (on the computer) otherwise i went to the teen center on friday and had alot of fun i think that nick and blake should come next time the only bad thing is i am not sure they will fit in i know i really didn't but i made alot of new majorly gothic friends lol. me and melissa played in the rain to if was fun the bad thing is i was in a white shirt. oops lol but i had nick swearshirt over me. well i am gonna go. i really don't have anything else to talk about later.
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
today was ok latly i have had alot of silent moments during class with blake becase somthing happend on sunday i am really not suppose to talk about. anyways i have nothing to really talk about so talk later
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