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Stephanie, pugs
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Friday, April 1, 2005
hey everyone i had a broing day. Brad yes did come over. but it was just like usual well kinda. this morning my bro called him and said that he was going to go for a bick ride and then come back home. he told brad that he should come over and that he should get back by the time he got there. so nick left and i stayed home sitting in the living room the door bell rang. it was him for a few min we were sitting there and then he just started talking it was really on confurtable being alone with him. nothing happend... sadly... but then nick came in the door and said oh hey brad. then for a few min they talked and then disided that they wanted to get josh so they left then hours later they came back it was raining now and my bro said that his tire poped so Brads mom came and droped off the car so when brad came back from dropping hims mom off at home nick said that he need to fix his bick and he was upset about it then i told him that i was payed yesterday and that i had $35.00 but it was a check so we needed to cash it. so we all got in the car with brad driving and went to the bank i cashed the check and we went to wallmart to get nick thing beng in the car playing pladital witch is a game were you sit in the car and waite for a car that has only 1 headlight on when you see one you tuch the top of the car with your hand and say pladital. and if you can pont out the car before it leaves everyone else has to take off a pecise of clothing. if you can't show were the car is you have to take your pice of clothing off i only lost a shoe nick both his shoes and brad only one shoe but he was driving so he didn't take it off. when we got back home josh helped my bro with his bick and me and brad talked and played with a tennice ball. then when josh and my bro was done brad drove josh home. and that is pritty much it. well the chineese food is here so i am gunna go. later
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hey this is my latest drawing

that last one is supose to look like me but i dosn't really i should be fatter
these were made by Brad

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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Hey everyone i am just wondering if you anyonw knew how to put picture up not from a site, but from like a web cam. plz help me
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
hey everone i am haveing a problum i can't type in any comments sorry if you know how to fix this tell me
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i have to babysit sit in like an hour so i must type fast so i can get somethingto eat before i leave. anyways my spring brak is ok i rather be at school. my bro is sleeping and i have to get up early becase i have to go make money. i am not sure what i wanna do with my money. i have been plaining to get a cell but seeing as my grandma's car suck and i ma get my licence this summer i think i should start saveing for a car what do you think? car or cell? well i am gunna go i wanna make somthing before i leave later.
i have just noticed that for some reson i can't comment is this happening to ever one if it's happening to you pm me plz
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
bored and lazy
i am so bored. i haven't even changed out of my pj's yet. and its 5:24pm. tommrow brad is coming over. we may go somwhere i am not sure now that he has his licence and everything. well i am gunna go i am talking to BlakPrince on yahoo.
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
this is for all the people that have never french kissed ...... ( like me :( ...)
French Kissing tips
This is a guide to basic kissing, i.e. you learn the basics and get the basics right, then experiment and try different styles and more advanced techniques.
The basics
1. Brush your teeth, get a good bath, nicely groomed and clean and fresh, before meeting the other person. There's nothing worse than kissing the rear end of a garbage truck
2. Get into a comfortable position - you can't kiss if your back feels like it's gonna break. Suggestion - Sit side by side on a comfy sofa.
3. Hold your lover , firmly but gently - don't cause pain. Suggestion would be to hold the shoulders, the neck or gently on the side of the face, one side or both sides.
4. Move your faces closer. Don't bump noses. Suggestion would be the guy angle his face slightly so you don't bump noses.
5. Kiss gently, normal closed lips kissing, and close your eyes. Closing your eyes increases the sensations you feel, and also sets the mood.
6. Continue kissing gently. Get comfortable with simple closed lips, lip-to-lip kissing before going anywhere else.
7. If fine till here, tentatively, slowly and lightly draw your tongue across the other person's lips.
8. Chances are from here, if the other person lightly parts her tongue, slowly explore the other person's tongue in a light licking motion.
9. The tongue has a very sensitive surface, which is why tongue to tongue is the essence of french kissing.
10. After you've tried lightly licking the other person's tongue, you can try sucking on it, wrestling with it ( see if you can hold it to the floor of her mouth ) and other things like that.
11. Explore the other areas of the mouth. Especially the roof of the mouth. Lightly lick, or tickle the area with your tongue.
12. Don't bite. whatever you do, don't bite.
13. Don't swing your tongue round and round like a windmill. Explore lightly, don't drill your way through.
14. Breathe through your nose. Breathe through your nose. I say again, breathe through your nose.
15. Follow so far? You can lightly use your hands too, lightly rubbing the other person. Suggestions, along the waist, along the back, the arms, especially the inside of the arm, the neck, maybe running your fingers through her hair. Again, don't cause pain.
16. Continue kissing.
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hey its 10:25am here and i am sitting talking to BlacPrince on yahoo. i have nothing to do this whole brake... just sleep and talk to BlacPrince on yahoo. what are you doing this brake?
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Friday, March 25, 2005
hey everyone. i am gunna tell you what happen yesterday i would have posted this yesterday but my computer was being stupid. any ways brad came over :D he makes me feel so happy. when we got to my house he kept puting his arm around me. then we played some games and he put his head on my shoulder my bro was like whats between you two? i was ganna say love but i know he wont go out with me becase he said it would be weird becase he is friends with my bro. i wish he was mine i would die for him. when ever i hear his voice in the halls when he says hi to me my insides become worm and my heart sikps a beat. sitting right next to him at our house just makes me want to be with him even more and when he tortures me with his loving voice and actions like putting his hand on my knee. makes me crazy inside. why wont he give me a chance he knows how i feel and i would be like HELL YEA if he asked me out. i don't want to ask him becase i know the answer. " no, becase of your bro it would be odd feeling" i can hear him saying it... well i am gunna go.i think he is coming over again during the break i don't know well... l8ter

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Thursday, March 24, 2005
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