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Monday, November 8, 2004

A weekend worthy to make up for the crappy week
I didn't think it would be possible, but sure enough, my weekend easily, and positively, outweighs the venting in my last post. And once again.. we get a taste of how love is the greatest thing this world has to offer.

WARNING: This post contains boring, romantic, relationship stuff.

Shin: Hey, I'm lazy, can't blame me. :p ..alright, you can. -.-
Sen: You're such a slacker, too, Sen! This is like the first time you commented in.. what, a month? XD
Japan: Damn right I'm lazy. A field trip to the mall? That's what I like to hear!
Mimmi: Glad you liked it, heh. ^_^ And hey, if nothing else, I gotta choose something that's better at one college.
Ryudo: You didn't think I was serious, did you? :o I have a weird sense of humor. ~_^
Syk3: Shut. The hell. Up. Rub it in our faces, my ass!
Arcadia: Phew, good thing I don't play baseball. :D
PT: 80's movie, 70's movie, doesn't matter to me! :p

Mimmi: That's alright. I think anything would have helped; certainly nothing could make it worse.
Solo: Crap indeed. God flushes upon me. :/
AJeh: It's just one of those days.
Arcadia: Amen! :) What? :)
Karmi: It's when those little things join forces.
Juu: It was a little better, thanks.
Shin: Tell me about it! Alaska didn't even make pot legal. :p
Ryudo: Yeah, sorta.

I was kind of reluctant to post about this, thinking that my brother or parents might sometmes drop by the site to read, but eh, I don't really care anymore, lol. If they want to be sneaky assholes, more power to them..

For those that know at least some insight into my personal life other than what I've been posting here, you would know that I haven't been in a relationship since Mei and I broke up back in January. At the time, I was pretty heart-broken, despite our obvious hardships that would have been maintained, what with her living half-way across the country. We had been together for a total of 7 months and only actually met once in real life, at a time in our lives when we were looking more for an insightful emotional relationship than one that was physical. So that worked for us. It took me a couple weeks to get over the grief of it after we broke it off, and I realized that a relationship with someone that I could hold and touch was in my best interest.

Well, time passed, and I must have realized that I wasn't very popular with the ladies offline. I didn't have any confidence to do something like start a conversation with a girl I liked or ask them out on a date. In fact, I didn't even even have any friends who were girls, other than a few who I would call aquantences. I didn't have anything to really worry about, and no in-the-field experience I might add, but I decided that I wouldn't really worry about relationships in high school. It didn't make sense to me why two people would go out, in some cases when neither could drive, when they didn't really like each other and weren't going to be with each other for a long time. It became, in my mind, as if their "relationship" consisted of them walking each other to class and making out in the hall. I told myself that if the right girl happened to come along (them of course making the first move, since I'm too much of a chicken, lol), I wouldn't turn down the opportunity, but otherwise I'd kind of just stay out of the way. And if I did happen to start dating a girl, I told myself that we would go out on various dates, and by the third one, I would know whether she was really interested and the relationship would become implied. But reading between the lines, this also meant that I wouldn't allow myself to open up to the girl until I was sure that there would be a relationship in order. Why get upset if it doesn't make it that far, right? Well if you close yourself up until then, I've recently realized, how will the girl know the real you and be sure whether she's interested or not?

When you're on a date with a girl, you have to let things flow. Be yourself, of course; don't force yourself to like her, because if you two aren't compitable then it obviously wasn't meant to be. Have confidence as well, and don't hold back your feelings. If the girl is giving you hints, BY GOD TAKE THEM! Don't think about it, and be greedy, or else you'll never advance in the relationship, or even get to a relationship status at all.

Which brings me to my situation. I'll tell you up front that if I had a lot of that advice beforehand, it would have kept me from acting like such an ass in some instances, and I hope it helps in some way or another. About a week ago, a friend of mine, Jimmy, asks if I want to double date with him and his girlfriend on Friday to see a movie. Of course, I didn't even have a date to begin with, but then he tells me that his girlfriend's friend broke up with her boyfriend a week or two ago and is looking for someone else. I didn't have anything to lose, so I thought, "what the Hell?" and I told him that I'd see him Friday. Well Friday finally came and I went over to his house to meet with my "blind date", heh, and as soon as I walk in and see her.. omg, I'm captivated. o.o; Straight, medium length brown hair, a cute kind of hot, and great body overall. XD So Jimmy and his girlfriend Patty kick us out of his room for a while, until we had to leave for the movie, and that left some awkward conversation between me and the girl, Molly. Finally we were able to go to the movie, and the double date acted as an easy way to get conversation going (especially afterwards). We saw Saw.. for me, again, but that's alright. It was worth it, heh. Molly was a little shaken up about it, but it wasn't really a scary movie, so she was alright. ^_^ We got back to the house afterwards and Patty took out this book called "If^2", which basically lists a lot of questions that is great to ask around in a group. It's a great game, heh, and we had a lot of fun with that. I was sad when Molly's parents arrived to pick her up because we had such a good time, but I just met her that day, so I wasn't madly in love with her or anything, lol. I got a hug and I was fine. ^_^

The next day I wake up and my mom says that Jimmy wanted me to call him back. I call him and he says that Molly had a great time, she likes me, and wants to hang out again that day. How could I resist? We end up making plans for everyone to come over to my place, so I cleaned up what I had to, lol. When Molly got here, she looked even more stunning than the night before, and obviously did a lot to prepare. :p Once I finally got to dog calmed down a bit, we all went down to the basement and Jimmy showed us his incense burner, and ended up burning incense the entire night. I swear, it still smells like it down there, and my parents asked if we were trying to hide anything. >_< Molly had never seen Family Guy before (!!!) so the first thing that we did was pop in the DVDs and watch. After a while, Jimmy and Patty couldn't contain themselves, so I told them to go into the backroom, and they were in there for hours. @_@ But that also gave me time with Molly. At around 7:00 I forced myself to make a move and did that fake little stretch thing and put my arm around her. XD "Do you mind? ^_^;" "*smiles* Not at all.. *leans in closer*". We just sat there holding each other forever. I eventually took one of her hands with my free one and we just cuddled. At one point, she kept looking at me, and I knew she wanted me to lean in and kiss her. Remember what I said before, though.. That's right. I didn't act on the move. In fact, I explained my motives. Yes, I'm an idiot. I told her about the 3-date thing and how I was looking for a serious relationship, and even how I've been holding back. Of course, by that time, Jimmy had found his way out of the backroom and dragged me back there this time and told me what an idiot I was. And suddenly it hit me. Why was I looking for a serious relationship? Why did I just not think about it and go with the flow? STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

At this point, I was utterly pissed with myself for bypassing the perfect opportunity. In fact, that's basically all I've been thinking about for the past couple days and I wish I could just take it all back.. So I run out the backroom and go straight to Molly. "I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have been thinking at all, I was an idiot. Gah." And I leaned in and we kissed. I think that really helped to break the tension of the moment, and we played the If game until her mom got there. After hearing the doorbell, we took our time standing up, and then kissed again - a longer, more intense kiss than the first. We made our way upstairs and finally answered the door, heh. Luckily her mom wasn't too mad, and she left to wait in the car. Patty was getting a ride with Molly as well, so that pretty much ended the night. It was then when Molly turned to me and we kissed for a third time, and this one really hit me. It was like at the stage right before tongue. X_X "I guess that's a yes for a next time? heh"

That next time is coming Thursday. I still don't know if I was able to make up for my stupid mistakes before we finally kissed, and even her friend tells me that Molly is really unsure, so I'll just have to prove myself on Thursday, when we have the day off. I've felt sick with stress the past two days, so I'm just going to tell myself that I'll do fine and just do with the flow, and until then do things to get my mind off of it.

Wish me luck. And I'm sorry if I bored you all. :p

EDIT: I just found this on Patty's xanga..

"I got to go to the movies with Jimmy, and molly and greg looked soo interested in each other friday, but now its sunday, and we also(all 4 of us) hung out yesterday at Greg's house. It was pretty cool cause Molly and Greg finally kissed!! yays!! I'm soo happy for them cause i know they will be a good couple if they do indeed date each other(which most likely will happen)."

This is Molly's best friend in the world; they tell each other everything. Very good sign, I hope. ^_^;

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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

What a fucking shitty day
First Bush becomes president, and then a shitty school day. In first period the teacher has us do this assignment that I couldn't finish, so of course she wants me to turn it in by the end of the day so she could get it in on an overhead. So the rest of the day I was rushed to get this thing done, while also struggling in typing (which is a first) because of the confusing ass lesson, and then in Calculus in which I was completely lost, and in Java I had no idea how to do the book work and we have a major test on it this Friday. If that wasn't enough, turns out my painting wasn't done in Art, so I had to spend the rest of class finishing it after I had thought that I had finally completed it and it would be off my mind. So then I checked my Math homework, and it turns out I copied the wrong page, so I can't do that, and when the bell rang for the end of the day, some ass hole pulled the fire alarm. Not only would they not allow me to turn in the drawing I've been struggling to do all day for English, but I couldn't go to my locker to get my Psych book to do homework due tommorrow, and the teacher won't accept my excuse because we had two days to do it.

What a fucking crappy day.

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Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Dedicated to Mimmi
I would like to take the opportunity to officially dedicate my post to Mimmi, the only one of you bastards that actually responded to my last myOtaku update. >:O I'm not writing all of this for my health, I'm using it to get popular and raise my rank, and I can't do that if no one reads it!!!1!12!one

Mimmi: *suspensful music plays as she reads about the Underground Anime Club*

Don't forget to add salt and peppar as you crush that other team :)

PS: Will we be filled in on this Psychology project? Like visuals and conclusions, etc? :D

Oh yes, Burning Heat is great suspenseful music, as if it's the background of a high point of an RPG or something. The Underground anime club is suspenseful in its own way, too, so I can see the connection. :p Unfortunately for us, the soccer game that we were expecting to win was unexpectedly cancelled on account of rain, and we hope to make the game up sometime next week. And lastly, I can provide links and further details to my Psychology project if everyone wants to see it. Speaking of which, I need to get cracking on finishing it.

This is the first chance since my last post that I finally have enough free time, as well as enough content, to be able to write a new update, which I hope is interesting enough for at least Mimmi to read. >:O

Last week was fairly average as far as school goes. We had a half day on Thursday because of the end of quarter, so that also means no Underground Anime Club since a lot of people will possibly not show up and the sponsor has work he needs to do anyway, but that will continue this week. I'm anxiously looking forward to this report card, not least because I expect to get straight As (which I have never done before). Pretend like you're interested here.. English - probably A, such an easy class, since it's only Honors. Study Hall - my only failing class! ;p Typing - 100, how could you get anything else? AS Psychology - 89! Round that bizatch up to a 111 for it being AP (grade x 1.25). AP Calculus: 86 or 109. Possibly one of the highest grades in the class. AP Java: 95 or 118. AP Art Studio: A, so roughly between 112 and 124. I think the big thing about this year is that I'm actually writing down my homework. XD Oh crap, what was the assignment in Psych? O_O

One big thing that happened last week was that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas finally came out, a title worthy of GTA IV. It completely owns every GTA before it and any title remotely similar, so if you didn't like the series before, you'll quite possibly like it now. I have yet to hear a serious negative comment about it in any way. So yeah, I picked that up on Thursday, after telling everyone I could wait until Christmas, lol. My brother really wanted it, but he didn't have the money, so he says he'll pay me back later. That's $70 he owes me. :/ In any case, I've been having a blast in this game, and it's likely that when I'm on AIM but away without a good enough reason otherwise, I'm playing this game. It's addicting, yo! :p

So lets see.. the weekend. Right, so my weekend started a little early, which has actually been happening a lot lately, on Friday, when I went to my friend Mary's house for "anime club". It's not really anime club, though, more like "Arthur club". My friend Arthur just does whatever the hell he wants, and since he's graduated, it's a way for us to bring him back, lol. The first week I went we played DDR, the second we actually watched some anime, and this time we watched some "scary" movies in time for Halloween. First up was Evil Dead II, which was a 70s B movie and encredible cheesy with horrible special effects. Clearly a classic, haha. I was laughing most of the time, though some of the girls were screaming their asses off. >.< After that, we started watching Nightmare Before Christmas, and got to the part when the kids were singing about getting Santa Clause when I left. My one friend had asked me earlier that night if I wanted to see a movie, and I agreed as long as it was a late showing. He originally wanted to see The Grudge, but I heard it was kinda stupid, so we saw.. Saw instead. The movie was decent enough, I thought, though the saw was a very miniscule part of the movie. XD It actually started out kinda lame, but got better as it progressed. Didn't really have a clear ending, though.. one of those horror movies that leaves it open for a sequal whether they choose to do one or not. By the time I got home, it was pretty late, so I hit the sack.

Saturday morning I had to wake up early in order to take a college tour at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). At around 10:45 or so we left, and after stopping for lunch, we barely got there in time for the 12:30 tour. Like Saw, it started out really boring, with some hired admissions lady giving us a history and statistics lesson for roughly a half an hour before we actually got on the tour itself. Also like Saw, it improved with time. Surprisingly, I now have to choose between this and Salisbury as schools that I may want to go to, and eventually I want to get to the point of outlining the good and bad points of each and having you guys (or maybe just Mimmi) voice your opinions. It's always good to get different views on subjects you're unsure about. ^_^ Speaking about UMBC, now, there were things that I liked about the school and there were things that I thought should be better. On the positive side, for example, the building are connected for cold days and Freshman can drive, while most classes are large lecture halls and the tour guide only showed us the newest facilities. I love the location, though; the school is right by this great mall with a DDR machine in the movie area. A tough decision, indeed. :o

After the tour, (and Mimmi will love this) we went to the mall that I just mentioned to buy some pants. I only own two pairs, so I was long overdue for some, especially with all of this cold weather we're having. I ended up buying two pairs of cargo pants, and two pairs of.. wait for it.. jeans. And trust me, I NEVER wear jeans. It probably seems so silly that someone wouldn't, but I literally haven't worn them since my parents dressed me as a baby. At first I couldn't stand how tight and uncomfortable they were, and then all of the different kinds were intimidating. I actually wore one pair to school today and found the ones that I bought to go pretty well on me, and one girl even noted that I looked nice. :p That night, we went to my grandparent's house and then went out for my mom's birthday. The food was great, as usual, and we went to their house afterwards for cake and ice cream.

I was really dreading the soccer game on Sunday, since we had played the team before and lost 3 to 1. If we wanted to get second place in the season, we had to win that game and hope that they lost to the 1st place team, which we tied a couple weeks ago. When I got to the game, more bad news: two of our best players would be out playing in a lacross tournament. We just had to do our best and use the team's overconfidence against them, and trust me, there was a lot of it. :/ About halfway through the first half, I was tackled in the penalty box and had a free shot. Then ended up putting the ball a lot further away than I was expecting, but I was luckily able to get the shot in anyway. At the end of the first half the score was 1-0 us and the other team was beginning to realize that they might have to get serious. Halfway through the second half, they got a goal off a header and their confidence meter went way up. Of course, when I see that, what do you think I'm going to do? I'll put them in their damn place, of course. >:O The ball was taken to half field, and my teamate kicked it off to me and went around to the other side. Pretending to be about to pass it to him, I made a gesture like I was going to kick it, then instead went straight through the whole team until it was just me and the goalie, who dove for the ball and somehow knocked it up and over a little bit, and left it for me to tap it in. We later got a goal with help from the girl on our team, securing our victory.

That's pretty much all I can think to post about, for now. No school tommorrow, of course, and you know who's going to win: Kerry. :p Not necessarily for or against, much less given it thought, but the Redskins lost and that's just my educated guess anyway. People want to change up the presidency a little bit and see what Kerry has to offer. I'll just spend the day playing San Andreas.

Until next time.. Syk3-out

...think about it. :p New song, btw.


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Saturday, October 23, 2004

Back from an early weekend, with a day to go
Well, I still have one more day in the weekend when I've done so much already, haha. Went over to my friend's house, visited a college, and went to the mall. Good times.

Shin: Haha, yeah. It's working great already, and no one is talking.
lea: :O! Blasphomy!
Karmi: Green burns your eyes? ;_;
Mimmi: We drew different stuff, like sports equipment and the school letters in school colors. Stuff like that.
RyudoStarwind: That reminds me, I gotta change it.

Mimmi: ;_; But yes, it was fun.
Solo: Oh yes, I enjoyed it, heh. Such an interesting thread.
Shin: I know, Shin. I know.
lea: :o
Karmi: I missed you, too. -.-
DW: :D

So I guess the first thing to mention is about the week leading up to my weekend. We had our first underground anime club and it went fantastically. No one talked, although some still showed up that weren't on the list. They passed our tests, though, and we hadn't exceeded our limit yet anyway, so we let them in. Of course, I made sure that they knew not to tell ANYONE about the club and approach a rumor as having no clue about it. There are a lot of people that I know would talk and disrupt the anime for everyone else, and they, simply, cannot be allowed to know about it and come. I don't care if they're having a good time, lol; the point of the club is to watch anime, not listen to music, read magazines, build models, and talk. This one girl inparticular has been bothering me about a particular "rumor" she heard, which I deny up and down, and then she would go back to her work and talk to herself.. the entire class period. Scary. *shudders*

Anyway, so I got back from school on Friday and had about an hour to pack and hang out before we left for a friend's house in Baltimore. They're actually the family of one of my dad's friends in college, but we've always been really close to the whole family, so my mom is friends with the wife, and my brother and I are friends with their two sons who are one year older than me, and one year younger than my brother, respectively. The one son actually tells me stories that his dad told him about our dads doing drugs and stuff in college. O_o So anyway, we go up to their place, though the older son is off at college, so I was somewhat more bored than I usually am. While we're there, my brother downloads Counter Strike (which my brother is ADDICTED to, but that's a story for another time) to their computer, we watch The Day After Tomorrow, and we get in the hot tub. It was pretty fun and the hot tub was sooooo refreshing, but like I said, it would have been more interesting had the other son been there, haha.

This morning, we woke up kind of early, at least in my standards, and left at around 11 to go on this tour at a nearby college called Towson University. It was a fine college, I suppose, but nothing in particular stood out that I could say I prefered over what Salisbury has to offer (the school I currently want to go to). And that's what you have to look for in colleges, in which case you'll otherwise have to judge on location and preferences. My parents admit that Salisbury has a much nicer campus anyway, so my choice hasn't shifted at all. I have another campus visit in a week to UMBC (University of Maryland in Baltimore County, or U Must Be Colored according to my parent's friends o.O). The visit should be fun, but I think I'll probably stick to Salisbury.

After visited Towson, we went to a mall in a really close city (not just close to the campus, but kinda cramped :/). After taking forever to find a parking space in a dangerous parking garrage, we finally got inside and got something to eat. When searching for an arcade, we unfortunately found that there was none, and we decided to go to a mall closer to home to play DDR, watch a movie, and go pants shopping. The DDR machine is in the movie theater, so you have to buy a ticket, and we decided to see Team America: World Police. Granted, it was a funny movie, but I was expecting more from it, honestly. The DDR went pretty good. I got a chance to video tape my feet moving, and the screen to show the arrows, all for my Psychology project on what the brain does when you're playing. In the end, we decided not to go pants shopping because my mom was too tired. I really need pants, too; I have like 2 pairs of swishy pants that are exactly the same except for the color, and I have to switch off every day. It's so ghetto. XD I need some khakis or something. After we left the mall, we went to eat at a resturaunt since it was like 7:30 by then and we were all hungry, and we stopped in at this small, new place that wasn't half bad.

And now I find myself back home. It was fun and I still have one more day in the weekend; that's why I like doing things on Friday night. Tomorrow we have a soccer game against a team we've beaten before and expect to crush if we play as hard as we did last weekend. I also have to do some major work on a painting that was supposed to be done Friday and which I'm not even halfway done with. Other than that, I'll be checking a particular thread in Otaku Lounge that I feel rather strongly about: Marijuana: Should it be Legalized???. I'll just be reading from now on for the most part, though. I've been posting some huge posts but I'm afraid of now repeating myself constantly, so I retired. I still want to know what other people feel on the subject, though, heh, so I'll be reading the thread.

That's enough for now. Until next time..

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Friday, October 22, 2004

Gone for a day
I'll be back late Saturday.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Because I'm a lazy ass, that's why! >:O You'd think you would have figured that out by now, geeze! Besides, I rarely have anything interesting to update with, and I don't have enough of an imagination to think up a topic out of thin air like Shinmaru (everybody gets one). Lah-dy dah-dy dah!

In any case, I have to go to a stupid Art Honors Society meet at the football game to face paint. God, I hate football, school spirit, painting, and AHS. Why did I join, you ask? >:O So I could complain! ..and for college resumes.

If you beg me enough, maybe I'll update later.

EDIT: I finally came back to finish! As you can see, I just copied the other and reposted it, for the pure reason that if I hadn't, how would you have know that I updated? lol

DDG: Hell yeah. Go soccer.
Mimmi: I know, what am I smoking? O_o
Shinmaru: Yeah, but are you honestly into it as much as you were? :p
lea: Eh, maybe it's just my experiences.
UltimaSquall: I play on Heavy mode and can do 9 feet songs when I want to, and depending on the song. Import sounds good, but I'm too cheap to fork over the bills. The US one isn't bad, heh.
Solo: Hey, I didn't give it THAT much though. >:O Cut me some slack. :p I didn't necessarily mean that you would hate it, but I guess it is kind of obvious that tastes mature and you grow out of things. I just found it funny that I was so committed to DBZ back in the day.
RyudoStarwind: Thanks for the midi compliment. Geeze, everyone got so offended that I mentioned Ninja Turtles. ;_;
Baron: I was off being lazy.

So yeah, the face painting. It sucked ass. The teacher was an hour late to begin with, but I suppose it was our fault for not taking it upon ourselves to leave while we had the chance. Admittidly, I was talking to this kid from anime club, so that was my excuse for staying. For the next two hours, we had to endure her bitchiness, the cold, the hunger in our bellies, and the fact that we (or at least me) had never been instructed on how to face paint. I ended up face painting 3 people the entire night, and on a similar note, I ruined 3 people's times. :o But you know, I guess this is my fault for signing up for the activity.

Speaking of anime club (yes, I was talking about anime club earlier >:O), we decided that we had to "cancel" it. Everyone was talking and not paying attention, even after excessive warnings from us to be quiet. When our sponsor made the announcement about canceling, suddenly everyone was saying how the anime sucked so it wasn't their fault. Hello, we make flyers every week to show what we would watch, and we even said last time that we would continue with the series the next week. Dumbasses! It's okay, though. We're going to have sort of an underground anime club by invite only, in order to weed out potential suspects who will be bothering other people. We'll see how that goes. ^_^ Even without that club, though, my old school is having an anime club of their own outside of school every Friday at this one girl's house, so that's cool.

I had a couple soccer games this weekend. The first game was against a team that we had beat last week, barely, 4-3, and even got the last goal in the last few minutes off a penalty kick. We knew that we had screwed up, and were not going to let this team have anything on us. We ended up beating them 6-0, and I had 3 goals (hat trick). The game today was admittidly a much more difficult feat, against the top team in the league, who we lost to in the first game 4-1, so we had to be pumped up. Wow. It was probably one of the roughest games I have ever played in my life. Everyone was tackling everyone, and the ref must have called at least 10 free kicks. Luckily, we didn't lose, but we didn't exactly win, either. The score was 3-3, and I had 3 goals (my fourth hat trick of the season), making 16 for the season so far. Quite an amazing game, I'll tell you. They ended up scoring the tieing goal in the last few minutes, so we almost had them too, heh.

I don't know if I've talked about Red vs. Blue before, but it's this online series that uses the multiplayer in Halo and adds in voices, making for a funny series (bleh, said 'series' twice). They just updated the site with a brand new interface and the ability to have your own site, much like myOtaku. You should check it out, as well as the episodes themselves, if you haven't done so. www.redvsblue.com

Ah well, I got homework to do. I'll catch you all later. New midi, btw. Does anyone recognize where it's from? lol

Until next time..

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Sunday, October 3, 2004

Back from the beach
Well, I just got back from my short weekend at the beach earlier today, and here I am. I didn't do any swimming, but the DDR was awesome.

RyudoStarwind: We all know you liked that comment. :p
Solo Tremaine: You never came back. ;_;
Shinmaru: Yeah it is. Spread that spirit!
Arcadia: He would know. :D
Juuthena: All you need is practice! It's in your blood. ^.^
Sara: I know, isn't it great?
Mimmi: You'd think! *looks at scrawny arms* ._.

I think that I actually played 12 rounds on the DDR machine at the boardwalk on Saturday. The first one was wasted on a crappy machine with a huge glare, slippery arrows (it was a little rainy outside), and a very disoriented pad, so I had to move to a much better machine down the boardwalk. This one had it's own problems, though; the coin thing wasn't working too well, and the first three times I tried to put in quarters, only like one or two quarters registered, and I kept having to get people over to fix it (obviously they didn't fix it, so they just gave me credits). Learning from this mistake, I exchanged the rest of my quarters for dollars, since they had a slot to put bills, and went from there. There wasn't anyone else there that could play a mode higher than Standard, for the few that even attempted to play, so I had a lot of time to improve my skill. I did pretty good, too, and even passed Rhythm and Police, though I failed a few others (Twilight Zone, Afronova, V..), luckily as my last songs. Unfortunately, the price is listed at $1 for 2 songs, so I didn't get at much playing as I had hoped. -_- And because of the crappiness of my shoes, my toes continued to rub up against the top of them until, when I was finally done, a lot of skin had peeled off, and it wasn't a pretty sight. I have some videos that my brother took of me playing, too, if anyone wants to see them (IM me).

I finally finished watching my Star Wars DVDs! :D I saw Return of the Jedi on my way up to the beach on Friday, and on the way back today I watched the documentaries and stuff on the bonus disc. I'm so glad that Lucas decided to release the DVDs now rather than in about 5 years. ^_^

I have a soccer game today in about an hour. I don't really know how the odds are stacked up, since we haven't played them before, but I believe that my team has the potential to beat any team in the league (I know, it sounds corny, but we're a decent team -.-). We did lose our first game, but come on, it was the first! Besides, their team was basically led by one person who scored all the goals. This is our fourth game, and I'm really trying this year because I know that once this school year is over, I'll probably never play competitively again, unless I later choose to go into an older league, but I don't see that happening since I will probably want to concentrate on other things in my life.

It's strange. When you're younger, things like playing sports are taken for granted, and you just think that you'll be doing it forever. Hell, everything is like that. Take your life right now and the things you like to do, for instance. Do you think that you'll still like them when you're older? Chances are that you do. I can't imagine myself not liking DDR, watching anime, or reading manga.. or anything that I do nowadays, but back when I liked DBZ I said the same thing. I even remember responding to a thread entitled "Will you still like DBZ when you're 50?" and saying that I would probably still enjoy it (how lame >:O). And I'm sure this applies to everything from when I was younger, too, including Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, etc. It's all kind of a naive way of looking at things, but it's kind of strange to imagine us not liking, or even hating, what we are fond of now. Eh, I'm not very good at explaining things, but you get what I'm saying.

EDIT: I take back what I said about my soccer team. We suck. ;_;

Until next time..

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Thursday, September 30, 2004

*out of breath* Holy.. crap..
I just finished playing a two hour streak of DDR and I am sweating like a crack whore after a 16th street marathon. That's right... I went there.

And now, I'd like to take a page out of Sen's book and respond to some of the comments from my last post. I hope he doesn't mind. ;)

Shin: This makes four updates in one month. What the hell is going on? :p
Arcadia: Yeah, I borrowed the green blocks from a screen of the arcade game. But yeah, I think the green goes great too.
DDG: That it is, that it is. ^_^
RyudoStarwind: Yeah. This new skin pwnz all of my other ones. Combined.
lea2385: You've never played DDR?! :O Get out there, you don't know what you're missing!
SasukeUchiha: Yes, there are a ton to unlock, and a lot of good songs at that.
Outlaw Melfina: I know, sorry again. ^_^;;
Pex: If you want to hold a contest, it's obviously best to buy two pads, and you also have to consider your budget. Going with soft pads is your best bet, at any video game store, and if you get one that comes with a game, those are the best and cheapest.
Mimmi: Certainly seems like you like it, heh. :p Purrrfect.

Like I mentioned before, I played a lot of DDR today, passing a huge amount of songs on Extreme, Max, and Max2, and getting better scores on others, including scoring a B on Afronova and Kakumei (Heavy, of course). Unsuprisingly, there were a lot of 8 and 9 foot songs on Max2 that I hadn't even bothered to play before now, so I passed most of them without too much difficulty. All of this is training for Saturday when I go up to the beach and hang out at the arcade the whole day (that's my plan, at least :p). I'm such a DDR freak; I actually plan on basing my upcoming Psychology project on DDR and how your brain functions while playing it. XD This weekend will be the perfect time to take pictures, too!

Speaking of going to the beach, though, I should probably mention that I won't be online starting Friday morning (my school has off for the county fair) until Sunday afternoon. It's the last time I'll be able to go to the beach for the season, so I might as well make the best of it. ^_^

Anime Club was today, and it went fairly smoothly as usual. Not as many people showed up as the first two meetings (due in part either to the beginning of the weekend, they forgot, or they didn't like the anime, I'm guessing), but we still had a good time. The anime we're watching, Samurai Deeper Kyo, actually started getting pretty good, too, when I finally had a chance to sit down and pay attention to it. heh

It's strange. Everytime we've had anime club, we've run on an abreviated schedule during the school day. o.o I guess it's not too big of a coincidence, but we have yet to have a day like such any other time. The first two times were because of a home room schedule to choose Homecoming King and Queen and other stuff, and today we had the pep rally for our homecoming tommorrow night. Now, I've never been one to get into school spirit, even in a brand new school like the one I'm in this year. In fact, I didn't participate in any of the spirit days except Lazy Day, in which I showed my spirit by being too lazy to do anything for Lazy Day. During the pep rally today, I just took out my game boy and took turns with my friend beating levels on Super Mario Bros. 3. Anyone who asked me where my spirit was, I'd tell them. "In my pants." I also got my interum at the end of the day that shows my progress so far in my classes. 100s in all non-AP classes (including AP Seminar OMFG!1!@1!!1!12), and 94, 85, 92, and 98 in the AP classes. And that's without the AP curve. ;)

I haven't gone to the gym in a couple weeks due to homework and laziness, so I think I'll break that streak and go tonight. I've given up on lower body training; I get enough of that in DDR, lol. Now I just need to even that out with uperbody. :o

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We should all praise Adam and Justin for their amazing work on theOtaku. The finished product is astounding. :o I actually did a few of those brief descriptions, myself. :D I wasn't going to list them, but since Shin did, so will I. >:O You can check the following: Akira, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion, Rurouni Kenshin (most of my summary was taken out when it was merged with someone else's who wrote one for Kenshin :o), and Voices of a Distant Star.

I guess that's all I have to say for now. Enjoy the new midi. :)

Until next time..

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Sunday, September 26, 2004

Dance Dance Revolution: Extreme US released 9/22/04
FINALLY. You guys have no idea how long I've been waiting for this game. In all honestly, I probably didn't need it, persay, because of all of the songs and hence all of the replay value in Max 1 and 2, but it's always good to get new songs to play. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what makes Extreme awesome. New songs. Some old ones, yes, and others that I hoped would get in but didn't, but overall, there are now new songs I can play, get better at, and eventually master. There are a total of 69 songs once you unlock them all, each song being about 2 minutes, takes multiple times to get good at a song. I didn't do the math, but I know that I'll be on it for a while.

When I'm not playing DDR, I'm probably at school or doing homework. In fact, I have a lot I should be doing right now, but it's for English class and since I'm not in AP, I almost want to say that it's a bullshit class. I certianly don't learn anything, and nearly everyone in the class is an idiot. Oh well, I didn't want to be in AP anyway, and couldn't because the times for that and Calculus conflict. My friend is in the class and tells me that if you turn in a great paper but it has gramatical errors, you can't get higher than a C. Add that to the fact that you have to pass English to graduate, and I don't need that kind of pressure (not that I fail classes anyway but DAMN).

I've been playing some Animal Crossing lately and rediscovered that it's an awesome game. After about a month, though, it starts to wear off again, and I haven't played in the past 4 days or so after a consecuitive 2 and a half weeks streak I had going. Oh well, I'll just warp back when I have the time, lol.

I think I mentioned that I got the Star Wars DVDs, in my last post, and I still haven't watched them all yet, haha. I finished Empire Strikes Back today, and plan to watch Return of the Jedi in the near future, but the only reason why it's taking so long is because I love them so much that I have to watch them multiple times. I watched A New Hope about three times, and ESB twice, and who knows how many times I'll watch RotJ before I go back and watch them again. XD But you know. That's how good the original triligy is, and how much I love the movies. Any fan of Star Wars should buy these DVDs.

Until next time..

What do you guys think of the new site style?

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Muhahahaha... >:D
Before I say anything else, I wanted to dedicate this post to Shinmaru, for visiting my myOtaku site. w00t, biatch twins 4life! :p Boy, that was cheesy..

But not nearly as cheesy as those trailers on the Star Wars DVDs for when they first came out back in the 70s. "Coming to a galaxy near you!" And that was actually one of their better ones. ~_~

Anywho, yes, I got the Star Wars DVDs, and they kick major ass as expected. The quality in image and sound puts it up there with the latest films, and more than makes up for any complaints you could have about the new versions. The special features are great too; I still need to look through that. I'm currently watching A New Hope, and it's awesome. With DDR Extreme coming out tommorrow, though, I have no idea how long it will take me to watch through the entire series. If you didn't buy it as soon as it came to stores on the first day, pick this up by all means!

So yeah, that was my uber short post. Enjoy.

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