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myOtaku.com: Syk3

Sunday, September 19, 2004

He's updating?!!11?111?!?!1?!... 1.
Yeh, well, it's been long enough. :/ I can never find the time to post such long and great stories or rants like Shin or Sen or whoever, so I never went back and finished my last post.. and stuff. Oh well. I had to post today, though, because, you know, it's my birthday and all so I felt like giving you guys an update. Finally I have turned 17 so I can go see R rated movies and buy M rated video games at last! >:O Next.. well.. what other ages are there to look forward to? O_o Besides porn at 18 (XD I HAD TO SAY IT!), I don't and won't smoke and drink, so yeah. Damn, I'm pretty happy right now at this age.

Not much has been happening with my life since I went back to school. It's a brand new school, so that's pretty cool, and since I'm taking at least 3 AP classes (in my case, 4) I have a study hall period where I do my homework or nothing if I don't have any. The only problem is, I'm already starting to get kinda lazy in my homework, and I might have some stuff due tommorrow but I'm not even sure. Damn senioritous. :o

I haven't found a job yet for the school year, but then again, I haven't been looking. I was going to start after my birthday, but I should also look at colleges. Anyway, I have plenty of money to last me right now, so it's straight. Speaking of things to buy, though, I'm anxiously looking forward to the Star Wars DVDs and DDR: Extreme, which conveniently come out a couple days after my birthday.

There's not really anything in the way of anime that I'm looking to buy right now. Hell, I haven't even seen a bunch of stuff I already have. I did start an anime club in my school though, which turned out very successfull (about 50 people), and it's a perfect oppurtunity to watch that anime, namely Samurai Deeper Kyo and X. Both seem pretty good based on what I've seen.

Hopefully I'll update more often, but I think this is good for right now.

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