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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Back from the beach
Well, I just got back from my short weekend at the beach earlier today, and here I am. I didn't do any swimming, but the DDR was awesome.
RyudoStarwind: We all know you liked that comment. :p
Solo Tremaine: You never came back. ;_;
Shinmaru: Yeah it is. Spread that spirit!
Arcadia: He would know. :D
Juuthena: All you need is practice! It's in your blood. ^.^
Sara: I know, isn't it great?
Mimmi: You'd think! *looks at scrawny arms* ._.
I think that I actually played 12 rounds on the DDR machine at the boardwalk on Saturday. The first one was wasted on a crappy machine with a huge glare, slippery arrows (it was a little rainy outside), and a very disoriented pad, so I had to move to a much better machine down the boardwalk. This one had it's own problems, though; the coin thing wasn't working too well, and the first three times I tried to put in quarters, only like one or two quarters registered, and I kept having to get people over to fix it (obviously they didn't fix it, so they just gave me credits). Learning from this mistake, I exchanged the rest of my quarters for dollars, since they had a slot to put bills, and went from there. There wasn't anyone else there that could play a mode higher than Standard, for the few that even attempted to play, so I had a lot of time to improve my skill. I did pretty good, too, and even passed Rhythm and Police, though I failed a few others (Twilight Zone, Afronova, V..), luckily as my last songs. Unfortunately, the price is listed at $1 for 2 songs, so I didn't get at much playing as I had hoped. -_- And because of the crappiness of my shoes, my toes continued to rub up against the top of them until, when I was finally done, a lot of skin had peeled off, and it wasn't a pretty sight. I have some videos that my brother took of me playing, too, if anyone wants to see them (IM me).
I finally finished watching my Star Wars DVDs! :D I saw Return of the Jedi on my way up to the beach on Friday, and on the way back today I watched the documentaries and stuff on the bonus disc. I'm so glad that Lucas decided to release the DVDs now rather than in about 5 years. ^_^
I have a soccer game today in about an hour. I don't really know how the odds are stacked up, since we haven't played them before, but I believe that my team has the potential to beat any team in the league (I know, it sounds corny, but we're a decent team -.-). We did lose our first game, but come on, it was the first! Besides, their team was basically led by one person who scored all the goals. This is our fourth game, and I'm really trying this year because I know that once this school year is over, I'll probably never play competitively again, unless I later choose to go into an older league, but I don't see that happening since I will probably want to concentrate on other things in my life.
It's strange. When you're younger, things like playing sports are taken for granted, and you just think that you'll be doing it forever. Hell, everything is like that. Take your life right now and the things you like to do, for instance. Do you think that you'll still like them when you're older? Chances are that you do. I can't imagine myself not liking DDR, watching anime, or reading manga.. or anything that I do nowadays, but back when I liked DBZ I said the same thing. I even remember responding to a thread entitled "Will you still like DBZ when you're 50?" and saying that I would probably still enjoy it (how lame >:O). And I'm sure this applies to everything from when I was younger, too, including Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, etc. It's all kind of a naive way of looking at things, but it's kind of strange to imagine us not liking, or even hating, what we are fond of now. Eh, I'm not very good at explaining things, but you get what I'm saying.
EDIT: I take back what I said about my soccer team. We suck. ;_;
Until next time..
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