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Monday, December 20, 2004
Pondering one of life’s great mysteries.
Azure: It’s when you begin to quote an anime for love advice that you know you’ve taken it too far. XD
Shin: Yeah, I probably do stress out too much. I can’t help it. :/
Baron: Eh, I think I might have lost a friend… but it feels so good to get it off my chest.
Annie: Take the quiz now!
kisha: The problem is when the crush isn’t returned. >.o
Mimmi: Oh yes, Shin comes above all women!
Arc: Yes. You would be downright lying your ass off. >:|
Karmi: *smiles* I hate you, too. *hugs*
Shin: I tricked you! :D
Annie: I know you liked the second update better.
Baron: What do you mean, this wasn’t quality? >:O
Japan: B4u isn’t too hard, once you get used to it, heh.
Solo: You make some excellent points, Solo. I appreciate the advice. ^_^
How accurate is true love, I wonder? Is it possible to find that perfect someone who, in the same respects, thinks of you in that regard as well? This is something that I’ve come to ponder as of late, and I have my doubts.
Think about it. How many times has this happened to you before: you begin to fall for someone, develop a large crush, and before you know it, they begin to fill your thoughts and add a certain kind of stress onto your already stressful life? It gets to a point where you can’t bear to hold it any longer, so you tell them, and... it turns out that they’re not interested. What are the chances that two people will build up an equal attraction for each other and finally realize that their feelings are returned?
Here’s what I’m wondering: if you think that’s rare, try to imagine true love with someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with. Of course, it’s also true that love will build up from the initial crush, but from the beginning, one of the partners might simply be going along with it to please the other. If this is true, and love does spawn from less-than-equal attraction at first, then why develop crushes in the first place? So that you may become interested in someone enough to take them out somewhere and see how things go?
Then obviously crushes don’t need to go nearly as far as they often do, especially since they tend to raise hopes a bit more than optimal. But you would also need some time to see if the person that you like has similar interests enough to keep a steady relationship, but perhaps that’s what a first date is for. I’ve always put a lot of emphasis on the first date premise (even though I’ve technically only had one or two) because I like to be sure about who I like and who I can actually see having a relationship with, but maybe I’ve been looking at it the wrong way. It all seems like a huge race for guys, in any case; get to the girl before she’s taken, which, if I know anything about women (and how men think, for that matter), can be a rather small window. heh
“Race” can also lead to rushing things, such as feelings which might not have had a chance to fully develop. On the other hand, waiting too long might create a friendship that one, or both, of you don’t want to ruin, even though there were always intentions from the beginning. But if you don’t want to rush, and you don’t want to let your feelings get ahead of themselves, where is the safe middle ground between?
There really doesn’t seem like a clear-cut way to finding someone who you could hold a relationship with, eh. Or possibly I just don’t have enough experience in the field to make an accurate judgment on the subject. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve always been rather quiet and isolated throughout my life that I’ve come to the point where I’m long overdue for companionship, or I just haven’t had enough (read: any) relationships in order to satisfy myself.
If you haven’t heard me mention it before, I believe that the greatest thing that you can achieve in this world is inner peace, but the greatest thing that you can accomplish is love. With love comes peace, but only after an equal amount of stress to justify the happiness. Obviously we as a people are not perfect, so perhaps our efforts are only attuned to doing our best.
EDIT: Holy crap, 14 degrees out and it's snowing.
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