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myOtaku.com: Syk3

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

There is no title.
So I decided to take a look at some of my older myOtaku entries today for the Hell of it, and was pretty surprised by what I found. I was expected to come across total crap, blah blah blah, “I can’t believe I actually wrote like that”.. but I actually liked what I saw. In fact, they were a lot more interesting than the crap I write now, lol. That just goes to show that with practice, some people get worse at writing. >_o

Arc: I think you were able to capture how I feel a lot more accurately this time. I really shouldn’t be concentrating on the fact that I feel lonely in my heart, that’s true. But some times you just can’t help wanting things. ^_^; I’d never try to force any sort of relationship because I simply want it, though, and that’s why Molly and I decided not to go any further. I appreciate the advice about making friends with girls, heh.
Annie: I’m not really sure what works for me, but I think ignoring her made things worse. :/
Shin: Do whatever the Hell with? That sounds dirty. :p I do like to take things slowly in general, though, since like you, I know I have my entire life ahead.
Baron: Yeah, I’m not a fan of the friends-with-benefits kind of thing. I tend to prefer more emotionally-driven relationships, and if that means having to wait until I get out of high school for girls around me to realize this too and mature, then so be it.
lea: Eh, well.. I think high school relationships should be approached with caution, but (and maybe this is just because I’m in high school right now, lol) you really shouldn’t rule out any chance whatsoever that the relationship would be meaningful.

Winter Break officially starts today, and I’m happy for two reasons: 1) I can sleep as long as I want and 2) I now have a chance to catch up on my anime collection and re-watch some stuff that I don’t remember much about. Other than that, though, things will get pretty boring, I expect. It’s funny how you really can’t wait to get out of school, but once you’re on break, it’s like, what do I do now? School is basically the base of my entire life at this age, lol.

To kick off the break, my school had a talent show today, and charged $3 to get in. Fuck that! I just brought in my CD player and game boy, and ended up spending the time helping out my art teacher. She wanted me to tie each end of 12 fishing lines the length of my arm to a clip, in order to hang artwork from the ceiling, but once I finished and brought it over to where she wanted to hang them, they got all tangled together. X_x I spent the next 45 minutes or so until the bell rang to leave trying to untangle those bastards (compared to the 20 minutes tops tying them in the first place) and only got about three up. I hear the talent show completely blew, too, but at least I didn’t pay for my disappointment. :p

Tomorrow I have quite a few things planned, but if I explain them all to you, I’ll have nothing to write about tomorrow, will I? :p And I can’t break this fantastic streak I’ve been going on! I can’t believe I’ve lasted this long. O_o Maybe if I get to like 10, I can become the official winner of the Daily Posting Contest, just because I would have exceeded any and all expectations that someone would have thought I could have accomplished in my pathetic life. I’ll give you a quick overview to tie you over, though: friend, shop, movies, party. Well, that’s one day filled with stuff to do, lol. I guess that makes it.. 10 more days to occupy?

I have a lot of homework too, which is complete bullshit. In English I have to take notes of this guy’s personality based on his diary, in AP Psychology I have to do this entire packet thing, in AP Calculus I have a take-home test packet, and in AP Studio I have to actually do four completed art projects. *mutters something about being forced to do work over a holiday and break*

More stuff for tomorrow, I promise.


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