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Monday, December 27, 2004

A second Christmas?
I decided to go out to Best Buy today and pick up some things that I talked about in my last post. Luckily, they had all of them too, except for Red Faction, because even though it was made into a best seller, it was far too old for them to carry it, apparently. :/ It’s cool, though; I’ll be preoccupied enough with what I have now.

mal: Yeah, imagine trying to watch the entire extended series in one sitting. @_@
chei: Happy Holidays, thanks for the comment. ^_^
Annie: If I stink, I can’t tell. XD Maybe I do.. <.<
Shin: Special Edition obtained, biatch!

Although the spending spree was an overall success for the most part, it was a real bitch to get there and back. It was my first time by myself to Best Buy and I had no idea where I was going, lol. So my mom drew me a map and explained the directions carefully, but it’s a lot easier said than done, of course. I think I left at around 11:45 or so and didn’t get back until about 2.

The first mistake was made after I turned off of the major road that connects to our neighborhood. I was supposed to act like I was going to Six Flags, but I soon realized that I didn’t know whether or not I was supposed to turn off the road early or take it to the end. At first my gut instinct told me to keep going, but I remembered a sign to the road I was looking for back at the turn, so I turned around and took it. It wasn’t long before I realized that this wasn’t the way that I take to Six Flags, so I turned around again, only to find out when I got home that I could have gone either way. -_-

Mistake number 2 was made when turning off the road that the previous one had taken me to. I was supposed to make a left at the light, and then go to a stop sign and judge what to do there depending on where the Best Buy was situated. So I made the left, and right away I saw a stop sign and thought, “no, it can’t be this early”, and kept going, which I found to be a residential neighborhood of apartments. O_o So I went up some driveway and turned around, went back to the stop sign, and there was no Best Buy in sight. I looked at the directions again and found that there would be a traffic light before the stop sign, so I had been right the first time again, har har. Right after the point that I had turned around, I found the light, stop sign, and then the Best Buy. Fantastic...

Not wanting to spend anymore time driving, I quickly parked (even though it was a ways away from the close parking lot), and went inside. The place was literally jam-packed, and I even found this crazy kid who graduated last year, as insane as ever. It took me a while to find the movies and game, and I had to get help with finding all except Kill Bill. Life of Brian took especially long, and turned out to be on this cart piled with random DVDs. >.o I hope you’re happy, Shin!

When I was getting in my car to drive home, I took a different exit out of the parking lot than I had come in, and soon found myself driving on a completely different road, and in my confusion had a few cars honking as I was trying to figure out where I was going. I ended up pulling into this place to turn around, and drove out to the median strip, though I doubt you were allowed to, lol. Just then a car coming in the opposite direction comes to turn around as well, and my car was blocking his so he started honking. Impatient asshole. So I quickly get back to Best Buy and retrace my steps precisely, and by some miracle I made my way home without getting lost again.

So for those wondering what I got at Best Buy:

-Kill Bill Volume 1
-Monty Python and the Holy Grail Special Edition
-Monty Python and the Life of Brian
-Mario Power Tennis

Add that to the cool gifts I already had:

-Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
-Kill Bill Volume 2

..and I’d say that I had a pretty good Christmas, overall.

I took my chance to watch Holy Grail for the first time today, and I enjoyed it a lot. I loved how it didn’t take itself seriously at all, especially parts where they would get into a long and detailed explanation of something that had nothing to do with anything. I love shit like that. XD For example, one of the first scenes when the people at the castle got into a discussion about the cocoanuts.. that was hilarious. :p And you were right, Shin, it is insanely quotable.

“He must be a king.”
“How do you know?”
“He isn’t covered in shit.”

After that, I convinced my brother to watch Kill Bill Volume 2 with me, since he has never seen the second part. I think he liked it, overall, but he was grossed out by a lot of things, such as the bride being buried alive and the bit with Elle’s eye. I think I prefer it to the first volume, too, since they really got into the story line and it became much deeper. It’s kind of funny that I bought a bootleg copy of it while I was in New York for $5 and still haven’t watched it. XD

Let’s see.. what else? Well, as a follow-up to my post contemplating love, I just wanted to say that I’ve given it some thought, and I don’t think I want to bother with a relationship in high school. It’s doubtful that I’ll find a girl at this age who shares my views on mature relationships, and since I’ve always felt rather intimidated by older women and the fact that I have higher priorities on my mind, such as getting into college, I’ll just play it cool this year. It’s a lot easier on my stress, I’ll tell you that now. ^_^

Oh, and I’ll be at my beach house starting tomorrow, and probably won’t get back until some time on Thursday. I don’t think swimming is in the plans, lol, but we own a beach house and might as well not let it go to waste. :p Don’t miss me too much. XD


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