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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Holy crap, Hell has frozen over
Yes. You're not hallucinating; I really am updating my site. Unless you see swirly colors everywhere.. then put down the marijuana and concentrate, because I'm going to catch you up a little bit. :o Of course, it's been almost 3 freaking months, so there's no way I'll be able to remember everything.
Well, I don't really remember what happened during those three months, so it probably isn't important. All I know is that my pathetic daily routine consists of coming home, sleeping until 6, eating dinner, then doing homework until I have to go to sleep. I get to the gym if it's 8:00 and I can make it, and on Fridays I go to this anime club at a friend's house for about 5 hours. And we just started up soccer season, so we practice on Wednesdays and have games on Saturday or Sunday (or both).
So there you have it, my boring life. lol But I like it; devoid of melodrama and such, and I'm used to it. You may also have noticed that I'm really not online much anymore, but that's mainly because of the homework that takes forever to do if you're lazy and enjoy procrastinating. By the time summer comes (assuming I'm still a bum without a job) I'll be back to my normal routine of keeping up with online.. hm.. activities. We gotta get some more freaking chats going, people! What's up with that? :/ May 20th is the official last day for Seniors, so it's really coming up quickly, and I can't wait. Go us.
And because I can't think of anything else to talk about, I'm going to bore all of you with stuff about my soccer team! :D
This season has played out a lot differently than before. In the past, once people got to a certain age, they would play in a rec league where there are 6 players on each side on a small field. It was fun; there was more of an emphasis on individual player talent, and you didn't have to run as much, so I got used to it. Now, however, they've brought back 11 vs. 11 which I haven't played since.. well.. a really long time ago. <.< I’m apparently not the only one who isn’t used to this set-up, either, because my team just sucks. Well, I shouldn’t really say that. They do deserve a little credit. In the first and only practice before our first game, which was part of a tournament at the beginning of the season (what the..?), I could tell that our team had a lot of great talent. After 4 games, I should rephrase that: our offense has a lot of great talent.
I mean, come on folks: if a ball comes down to the defensive side of the field and there are opponents coming up trying to get it, are you going to clear it away, or just sit there and play with it? And without a good, or even decent defense, you can’t win games. We haven’t won a single game yet, which has been disappointing since I don’t remember the last time I was on a team where this happened, but what’s more frustrating is that I can’t do anything about it other than yelling at them to clear it quickly. I’m an offensive player, myself, and my coaches usually put me in a position where they need me to score. In the game before last, I tested my theory about our defense after the other team scored three goals in 10 minutes, by going back and helping them out. They didn’t score again, but neither did we, so damn.
The defense is slowly getting a little better, I suppose, but I think we need to even out the talent so that we have people back there who are good and can kick it up field.
-.- *sigh* [/pointless rant]
The end of the school year also means the beginning of major testing, so a lot of my classes are preparing with practice AP tests and the like, and it’s starting to stress me out a bit, I guess. I’ll be more scared when they’re about a week away and I realize that I don’t remember anything from the entire year, but until then, I should be alright. On the last day of school, we get to go on a trip to Hershey Park in Pennsylvania, so that should be lots of fun. And to top it off nicely, they even have a DDR machine. ^.^ Been playing a lot of DDR lately in general, but in the past week or two I haven’t gotten the chance. Oh, and they have the Red Octane Ignition 3.0 out now, so I might end up just getting that instead of that plan where I was going to build my own metal pad. I’ll just need to do something about my carpet, like put down wood or a harder carpet over top or something.
I’m really excited about the prospect of finally going to college. New Student Day is this Saturday, which is a time to browse the campus again, meet other students, sign up for classes, and check out student organizations and such. I know that they have an anime club and DDR club, so that last part is something I’m especially looking forward to.
Guess that’s it for now. Until next time, inexplicable readers.
Oh, and as for comments, I don’t know why I bother, but:
Annie: Yeah, if you thought it was a while for my last post, you probably jizzed your pants for this one.
Shin: Woops! *drops match onto Futurama flag and watches happily as it burns on the ground, then pisses on ashes* ^_^
Mimmi: Change your avatar. For all our sakes! But yeah, glad you liked the layout and pictures, lol.
Annie: You must see Samurai Champloo, but in the meantime, I am happy with the long comment. :p
Baron: Hell yeah, that pimp mobile is so.. well, it kind of sucks, but. It looks old-school, so that’s what matters in the end.
PT: Major props to Des, then. ^_^
lea: Yeah, I won’t be able to live once I get to like 25.
Ryudo: Yeap, yeap. The DDR look needed a change. And I was bored.
iluvsasuk: Oh yeah, blood and guts. My type of movies. Who needs anything else?
Chibi: Haha, thanks for the compliment on the eyes, and sure it’s okay to add me to the friends list.
OH. And before I forget! KITTYLYNN CAME BACK!!111!1!1!1 I think, anyway. She has made a few posts lately but who knows if it's for good. We can only hope. *crosses fingers*
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