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myOtaku.com: Syk3

Monday, April 5, 2004

Soccer season really seems to have crept up on me. Our first practice had been cancelled for various reasons, so we ended up having just one practice before the game; a wet, muddy day where many people never even bother to show up. So not only did the game mark the first time that we had all played together, but we actually got the uniforms at the field, lol. It's just a recreational team, after all, not anything fancy like a school or travel team, which I play to make myself think that I'm really good at soccer. Trust me, I've played in the higher-up leagues, and it isn't for me. The dedication you put into the sport is mind-boggling, and just plain wears me out. -.- So what do I do to train in the off season? Not a damn thing. I sit on my ass playing video games, watching tv, and doing.. this. <_< Then I come back after doing no training, and average a goal or two a game in the rec league. Remember, it's not bragging if it's true. ;| I sometimes wonder what would happen if I actually did train in the off-season, but you have to keep in mind that by off-season I'm talking about winter and summer; extreme heat or extreme cold. I wish I had a tredmill or something, because I'd actually use that.

So yeah, that's my weekly rant. Now for something.. completely different.

I seem to be hanging out wih my friend David more and more often. Friday night, he calls me up and asks if I want to go see a movie with him and his brother at this one mall, and I had nothing better to do, so I went. Since my parents were out in the Oldsmobile, the only car I had to use was the van, which had a light out, so I just took that with the idea that I would go up there with David's brother and when I got back, I would spend the night there. Now you have to understand that this is a family that's really into cars. David, his mom, his dad, his older brother John, and their three older brothers grew up learning the necesseties to being car experts. They have a huge garage with about 3 cars in it, including a Porche getting worked on, and about 3 cars in the driveway, and 2 more in the other garage. So, of course, David's older brother has this small, probably souped up car that he continually pushes the limits of on the road with his trusty police radar detector. :O So we get to to the mall in probably half the time it would have taken me, and have to practically run to the theater, only to find out that because the movie we wanted to see, Lady Killers, was rated R, John could only buy two tickets - one for himself, and one for one of us. So we sort of gave up on the movie and started walking around. Have you guys ever been to a mall on a Friday night? I've never seen so many teens in one place outside of school.. I was scared for my life. :/ Not to mention people walking around asking if I wanted to watch their rap battles. O.o So the first thing that I did in this big mall was search for DDR, but no luck. The best I found in the arcade version was a cheap knock-off.. eh, Sen can tell you the name, I forget now. So after walking around for a while, we headed back, and picked up a couple movies at Blockbuster; Gothica, which was rated R, and Runaway Jury, which wasn't rated R and was aparently to cover up the other movie. o.o When we got home, we waited a while for his parents to go to sleep before putting in Gothica. We would have played DDR, but David's dad and John had to get up early to go to work. It was late, and unfortunately for me, I was tired. I'd be watching the movie, and then close my eyes for what seemed like a second, and opened them 20 minutes later, causing me to miss a lot of crucial parts. What I did pick up on was that it was a horror movie staring Halley Barrey who went from an analysist in an instution for the mentally insane, to actually being a patient there herself. It's a really bazare movie, and I'll have to see it again to catch up on the parts I missed, sometime.

I woke up on Saturday, played DDR a couple times, had lunch, and started watching the Runaway Jury movie before I had to get home and get ready for soccer. So I got home, put my gear on, and headed out for a 2:25 game. We got our uniforms there, and I met the rest of the team, then we played a team with a lot of people that I knew on it, and a really good goalie who was on my team for the last couple seasons. See, in this small of a county, everyone pretty much knows everyone else in the league, especially the good players. For a first game, I think we did pretty well, though we ended up losing 4 to 2. The other team just got some lucky shots, and I think on better field conditions, or simply on another day after we practice a little more, we could have beaten them. I didn't do too bad in the game, myself, with a goal and an assist. So, that's not too bad.

For the rest of Saturday, and on Sunday I just sat around doing nothing for the most part. We're supposed to be on Spring Break right now, but the damn snow days caused us to make-up two of these days. >:O So I'll get off on Wednesday, which will last through Monday. Of course, I can't start resting yet, I already have at least 2 quizes/tests planned for tommorrow. #$%#$^&^$&$#!@#&&*!!!!!!!!!!

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