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Monday, April 12, 2004
I ran out of faces.
I just re-did my entire myOtaku, as you can see. It took a lot of work, and a lot of time, but I did my best., nothing gets past you. :/ Okay, it didn't take too long; I've been reading a lot of Naruto manga lately, so I decided to base the style around the series, more specifically, Naruto.. the character (see avatar). I also changed the midi to something that fits in with the Naruto theme.. though it was more random than anything, since I've never actually seen the anime, but aparently it's the entrance theme. <_< In any case, feedback on the re-vamp would be most appreciated. ^_^
The past week have been typical in terms of a Spring vacation. I just did my own thing every day, and enjoyed each moment that I was out of school. >:D The only thing was, I was always having to wake up early, so I got very little sleep. :/ Whether it was getting up to go to the beach, breakfast, church, or eventual force of habit, I was always getting up earlier than 9:00. X_X Speaking of which, I've been at the beach for most of my vacation, in order for my parents to get things settled with a new beach house that we're buying. David came over on Tuesday to watch The Matrix Revolutions which I had recently bought, and ended up staying the night, and then that morning we had to leave at around 9 to get to the beach by lunch time. We didn't swim or anything, much too cold for that, but rather used my grandparent's beach house as a place to get away and, like I said, finalize things on the new beach house.
Wednesday and Thursday I hung around the house watching different behind-the-scenes videos from some of my Matrix DVDs, and played a lot of Animal Crossing. Before now, I had only played it once or twice when I got it around Christmas time, and then stopped because I knew it would require a lot of attention that I just didn't have the time for. Spring Break was the perfect opportunity to start over and get my new town underway. That sly Tom Nook.. giving my house an upgrade and then charging me 148,000 bells!!! >:o That will take quite a while to pay off. ~_~
Then on Friday my mom, brother, and I visited Salisbury University campus; a college that was located about an hour or so away from our beach house, and about 5 minutes from a huge mall, heh. It's a state college, which aparently isn't as high as the top colleges, but still not bad I think, and I was impressed with what I saw from it. It has a decent size campus, freshman dorms that aren't that bad, and an average class size of just 24. Like, the classrooms we saw were only slightly larger than what I'm used to in high school. Take that teachers who say that the professors will see us as a number rather than a name! Another good thing that we're all glad about is that they accept GPAs and SATs that aren't the best, so my 3.1 and 1100 actually have a good chance of getting in. ^_^ So yeah, I'm thinking about applying there next year for Fall '05.
Saturday was our trip home, and I don't remember too much of that day, so I guess we just hung out around the house and unpacked, lol. It was a nice day out, and I would later find out that I was invited to jump on a neighbor's trampoline, lol. I'll never grow old of those things. :p
On Sunday, Easter, I woke up early and was dragged, half asleep, to church. Shortly after arriving home from that, we went out to an Easter brunch with my grandparents at this naval place that my dad got reservations to through work. I always love brunches, heh, where I can eat as much breakfast food as I can in the buffet, and I stuffed myself for the rest of the day with just two plates full, each one with scrambled eggs, two linked sasauges, two strips of bacon, two french toast sticks, and a biscuit.
Today, I woke up out of force of habbit because of getting up early every other day on my break, and it's a good thing I did, because my mom and brother decided to go out to Best Buy and possibly see a movie. So we headed out and went to Walmart and Best Buy for my brother to get a watch and game, then to a food court for some Panda Express chinese food, then to Barnes & Nobles to get Flame of Recca manga 2 and 3 and Rurouni Kenshin 4, and finally to the movie theatre to see The Passion of the Christ. I thought it decent in terms of movies, certainly not as bad as so many people thought it to be. It did a good job at remaining faithfull to the bible and everything, going so far as to having the entire movie in subtitles, which would help in other countries as well. Very bloody, very brutal, very sad. I also think that, contrary to what I've heard, Jews were portrayed in a more negative light than the Romans were. According to the movie, despite all of the pain they inflicted to Jesus, they only did it because the Jews wanted him to suffer. If you're curious, the movie ended as you see Jesus' body in blankets kind of disappear and then you see him standing next to it with holes in his hands, walking out of the tomb.
And that's all for this week, folks. Not that anybody is reading, anyway, lol. My rank has dropped from it's peak of 7 down to 48. Oh well. *goes back to reading his Naruto manga*
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