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In my imaginaaaaaaaaaaaation...
Member Since
Soccer, HTML, Wallies
Real Name
Nunya. Call me Kipcha.
Being crowned the biggest burper in camp this summer, Soccer (I am being recruited to a U-16 classic team, and I just turned 13
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
DNAngel, Angel Sanctuary, Yu-Gi-Oh!. Whistle, Rurouni Kenshin, One Piece, G Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU
To be a voice actress for anime
Acting, writing, playing my guitar. Artsy crap like dat.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MY 100TH HIT IS TODAY! I know, I find this quite amusing that 'the 1 Mimiru' had about 2000, and here I am celebrating my 100th hit... well, isn't that KINDA good for a user who has barely been a member for a month yet? Oh well, Im gonna stop trying to get my hopes up. It's gonna be a long while until I get back on my feet...AND MY WALLPAPERS!
Negh, I might as well show you the one I was trying to put up. It's a RK one. (Remember I do this all on paint... so dont hold yer breath...-_-)
Here is the wallie.
There is the link... I guess I'll contact Adam, but since he's the head honcho of this whole thing, he might be too busy to answer my question...*grunts*
Thank you for the comments yesterday, I usually never get that much, but my goal is to have T1M as popular as my old site by....well, I'l at least try and say my next birthday...V_V.
Thanks for reading, Ja-Ne!
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Er..sorry.. could someone just tell me his username so I can contact him? Thanks. Schools this Thursday, nothing else to post.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
Well, I kinda decided what my theme will be, but youre just gonna have to wait and find out when September comes! Knida reinds me of that Green Day song... 'Cept the opposite. (Have you guys SEEN that video?! It made me cry!)
Anyways, did you guys see Hilary Duff perform this mornin on Good Morning America? Im not a fan at all, but I wanted to see how good she sang live, AND SHE TOTALLY, 100% LIPSYNCHED! Dont say she didnt if you saw it, she SO did!.... Anyways...
Gah I wanna get 8th grade over with soooo bad so I can go to high school already... turns uot the school year hasnt even started yet! ARGH! -_-+
Anyways, er... I submitted a wallie yesterday.. BUT THE MEANIES HAVENT PUT IT IN YET! >.< Neghhhhhhhhh!
Er... nothing else to post about... Ill have more interesting stuff when sCRUEL starts.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Millenium Ring is FINALLY finished and will be painted today! This is SO much fun! The Millenium Ring looks AWESOME! One of my kitties, Won Ling (she's a Himalayan kitty. Reeeeally fwuffy and fat... and dumb) started playing with the prongs on the ring and I started spazing... ^____^"" But it's soooo kewl! Today I'll paint that, and do the T-shirt. I just wish that there were decent anime conventions in my state, but nothing EVER happens down here.
Nothing much.... went to the mall today and found that the bookstore there sold Newtype, so every month I'm gonna buy it... But it's $13.00, and I still need to get SJ... which will burn all of my allowence for every month... can you guys PLEASE help me decide what I should do????????????
And what should my next new theme be for September? I was thinking something like Get Backers or Chibis or G Gundam. I need yer votes and advice for magazines!
Thanks for reading! Ja-Ne!
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Monday, August 15, 2005
Bakura cosplay is in the making! :D
I'm so friggin happy! I went to Wally-World today and bought some crayola model magic to put around the millenium ring-It's looking awesome! I'll probably put it on theO around Halloween... The price range for this costume is abouuuuuuut... $7.00-$8.00 total. Yep! I bought an awesome black trenchcoat that looks a lot like Kura's from the Thrift Store for $3.40, and a white T shirt (which I am painting stripes on) for about $3.00, and the Model Magic stuff for $1.00... I am so excited about doing this!
......*runs away from the men in white jackets that claim to be nice and help me with my 'disorders'*
WAHAHAHA! YOU'LL NEVER CTACH M-*runs into random Asian guy*
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
I dun really know what to post about... er... ooh! There's this really coot guy at the library sitting beside me on the computer next to mine! He comes in every now and then and we talk about anime and FFIX. He's about 15, but he was takling to me today and was like, "(blahbalblah)... and now I have to get over the fact that my girlfreind dumped me..." ann he was lookin at me right in the eye. I was like, "Yea... to bad..."
*snicker* He so coot when he's all depserate for someone 2 years younger... *pinches his cheek*
Er... I went to my second guitar lesson yesterday. My teacher is really impressed! He said I had natural talent and a good ear for music! My father's mother was really good at the violin. Maybe I got it from her....?
School is sneaking around the corner... *shudders* On the 23rd... AND NO SCHOOL LUNCHES MADE FOR US! WTF????? MY MOM PAYS 4,500 DOLLARS THIS YEAR, AND THE SCHOOL DOESNT EVEN GIVE US FOOD! 
...Poo on them....
I'm getting SO sick of this theme... but never fear! I should have a new on up less than 2 weeks? If not, then you can kill me. ^_______^""...
Ja-Ne, thanks for reading!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Hey guys! I brought back an old theme I had on the 1 Mimiru. Im giving credit to NittlerGrasper for the navbar style.
Well, I BEAT FINAL FANTASY X! If any of you here have a PS2, go buy this gmae right this very second! (Wait!... Finish reading this post, first!) It had an incredible storyline and a touching ending. My freind let me borrow her FFX-2, which makes me love FFX even more (In other words, the game sux. It's fun with the ATB... oh nevermind, you guys are getting bored reading this, so Im gonna get on with my first guitar lesson.)
He was a 49 year old male from Ney Jersy, and was so cool! Kinda heavyset, but very gentle and patinet. He helped me so much, and I'm learning my first song, 'Just Me and Bobby McGee'. And I bought Green Day's 'Boulevaurd of Broken Dreams' sheet music. My teacher, Mike, said I'll probably be able to play it in about a month's worth of practice! :D
Went fishing on Thurs., and caught a bunch of fish-like, 11! ^^ And we sat saktes and giant sea turtles! The water was so clear you could see the ripples in the sand beneath and hundreds of fish swiming around your bait! I mean, my hook brealy even hit the water before I got a bite! It was awesome!
I made a new wallie. It might come tommorow or the next day, cuz I'm not a senior artist yet.
Im anticipating the arrival of Final Fantasy XII March...-_-++, but anyways, I made a wallie out of it.
Byes, thanks for reading! (And go get yer copy of FFX!)
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
I went to the beach and skimboarded like crazy! I'm gettin' better at it. I saw these hott surfer guys, too. *drool* I practically choked sea water when I saw 'em! They looked about 14, so I had a chance..right? RIGHT?
Ive always wanted to surf, if ya dont know me that well, Im the biggest sports bum there is (cept baseball... good riddance, Im glad they took it out of the Olympics!)
But Ive ALWAYS wanted to try surfing. Did ya know I lived in Hawaii for 5 years when I was 6 months old? Yep. No lie! But next yar for my B-day, I want surfing lessons really bad. Yep, a guitarist and a surfer... ^^'''
By the way, my 1st guitar lesson starts tommorow!
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Saturday, July 30, 2005
(Its too hott here...)Well, I went over to my freinds house and we watched a ton anime DVD's and played like, 4 games... Here is a list of the DVDs we watched:
AppleSeed (mine)
Getbackers eps. 1-5 (mine)
Slayers: The motion picture (rented)
Samurai X: The Motion Picture (my freinds)
Samurai X: Reflection (my freinds)
Games we Played:
Ratchet and Clank: Up your arsenal
FFX (mine)
Xengosaga II
Dead To Rights II (we only rented it cuz it had a wolfie on it... *rolls eyes*)
Like my new theme? I watched Angel Sancuary, and it made it to the tippy top of the list of favie animes. Very... very...confusing. The most confusing I'd ever seen... But it was very good. Warning for those of you who are very religious you will hate it, and for those of you who are against homosexuality will pretty much hate it too...
The little transparent thing on my profile was something I found out about by searching on Its a good HTML website, you should check it out!
Its much too hot here. I mean, Im wasting my summer in front of a screen becasue Id shrivel up like a prune if I went outside... Some summer... oi...
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Yayness, baby!
I just beat Seymour Flux from FFX... And the Zanarkand Gate Guardian! :D
Sorry, I know what you regular people are thinking... What a nerd...
Anyways, I have 2 wallies up... *long silence*.......And that's it... *dodges flying objects* Im workin on it, okies?!
Thanks, guys, for stopping by and signing my GB and commenting. Its great to be ack and talking with my old buds again. IM me on aol sometime and we could Role Play if ya want, or just talk about random stuff like monkey's and Yugi's Grampa's Shoes (GOTCHA, VIRGINIA! :D Sorry.. old inside joke from spring camp....)
Well, I'm home in NC again... Too hott here. It's like...115 degrees today! Im going to Wolf Specter's house today... yay again.
Thanks again for stopping by and reading! Tell me what you think of my new theme!
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