well today was a pretty good day. at school i came to first period, which was hard enough, then i realized i didnt have my spanish paper signed. so i had to call home to get it signed but it all worked out. its almost finals and i cant wait. i think i might be getting homeschooled after this semester. just for the end of this year untill i can find a highschool i like for my senior year.
i really dont like the school im at now. only 2 or 3 of the teachers are cool the rest are so annoying. also i cant even wear the clothes i like to school, either because its against the rules to wear music shirts or because if i do wear cool clothes a kid there watches me to copy them. I SWEAR! he told my niece sunako_chan these words exactly "i want some jeans like clays". i know this seems like not a big deal. but you need to know some of the back story.
i tried being his friend and i have really good music taste and so he of course wanted to know some bands i listened to. so i trusted he would be cool so i told him some. all of the sudden he goes crazy with it and acts like he has been their die hard fan since before he knew them. also i like tight jeans. very punk rock right? but with this whole emo thing going on (which i admit i used to be into... im so ashamed... haha) it was kinda in to wera tight jeans or girl jeans. so he started waring them about5 months after me. then claimes that i copied them from him. that was the last straw. we were no longer friends. then he internet stalked me to find out more bands, i had to hide things and its been like this for a while.
so yes. going to a new school, away from him and all the other wierd kids at me school will help a lot! he still stalks me a bit on myspace but i have things pretty private on there sp its ok.
well besides all that im really excited for my 4 day weekend! i get friday AND monday off!!! tomorrow (thursday) is my last day of the week!
well ill try to get to everyones page. im thinking about changing the song and i need to get my friend links up. please please please send me your buttons and ill put them up when i can fit them