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Friday, August 29, 2008
family portrait my ass
when i was 7-8ish years old, i met heidi, who was only a few years older than me, and we became friends. her dad, chris, and my mom met, and got together, and married. like a story from a book huh? all 4 of us lived in tacoma washington. when i was 13 my mom decided to move to this shitty ass state. heidi was old enough to decide to live with her aunt because she did not want to move, dad allowed it. and so we 3 moved here. dad found it fucked up that she was allowed to move here to see her family, when he was leaving his all behind.
my mom and dad signed for divorce yesterday. i wasn't able to see him because i was in school. hell would break lose if mom ever let me miss school.
when i came home she was upset. she told me how she spoke to our aunt and dave (family friend) and they both didn't deny that chris (my dad) was sleeping around with his ex wife after they decided to divorce.
how fucked up is that? have some fucking respect for the marriage that you claimed was the best one you ever been in. stay faithful until it's officially done with. i am dissapointed in my dad. this is my fault though, i was naive and believed that he was living with her, but not intamite.
my grandfather said it was weak to not have survived a move.
i'm just gonna keep busy until this crushed feeling leaves. crying is too much nowadays. =\
i don't blame you if you don't comment. people don't want drama outside their lives.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008
i will dominate this world. and all humans will obey my every command with your never-ending love for me. i suggest you practice bowing now.
BREAKING DAWN!! nathan found out i still hadn't read it and loaned it to me. i am in book-heaven =D
i have never gotten to add some of you on my myspace, so here is mine.
add me if you wish.
which reminds me to change the layout. for some reason my song keeps switching back to Diru's The Final! wth man?
the game is called Maple Story, and i have PyroRaverxxx cuz PyroRaver was taken -.- my character's name is AkiKokoro, i love those 2 words =] and the meaning Red Heart isn't bad, no?
we are reading McBeth in Englih. (i already read romeo and juliet in my old school) i actually enjoy reading/watching Shakespears' plays.
it's sunday morning and forcast declared all day rain. your parents are out and all your friends are busy. you do NOT have a computer or a car of your own. what do you do all day?
me: sleep or go for a walk in the rain<3
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Monday, August 25, 2008
PyroRaver && ChocolateKisses
i can't decide -.-
went to sleep at 12:30 and woke up at 5...i'm awake though O__o
eating a cold piece of pizza and gonna straighten my hair for school. NOOOO i have 20 minutes leeeft.
what is something that you will never grow out of or be too old for?
me: anime~
PryoRaver or ChocolateKisses
me: idkkkk
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Saturday, August 23, 2008
i'm braindead right now on thinking of a cute username for this game i downloaded =\
choose one and i'll give you 2 cookies! ^^
....i slept 12 hours >__< and had a sex dream of my friend zoey. she was amused and curious but i wouldn't tell her haha. i don't feel guilty cuz she's bi and a close friend, just awkward that i dreamed of her.
a guy from school knocked on my door, but i didn't answer it cuz i hardly know him and i'm not in the mood to chat.
i am so head hurts.
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Thursday, August 21, 2008
where the fuck is my mom?? i come home and the house is empty. her purse, wallet, celly, and cigs are still here O__o it's been a half an hour already. she doesn't go anywhere without her cigarettes...-steals one-
JK JK =]
not that i mind she's gone
>___> mom and dad are going to court thursday to finalize their divcrce... =\
my head hurts...tummy growlin...
what's your favorite movie?? i rofl everytime i watch chuck and larry...which was 3 times.
i really do hate when people try to talk to me when i'm busy, either watching movies, homework or anything else...what about you?? =]
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008
fucking school
the // stands for second semester.
1 period: Study hall
2: English IV // Physiology
3: Anatomy // English IV (my science teacher wanted it to be all one year, ana&phsy but they wouldn't let her)
4: Study hall
5: study hall
6: Choir Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. P.E Mondays and Wednesdays.
7: World History
8: American Goverment.
i am also taking 2 independant study courses. 1. Child Care & 2. Relationships studies. (psychology major)
i basically have 3 teachers. Ms. L, (science&studyhalls) Ms. K, (english) and Mr. H (history&gov) OMGAH. i think they're dual credits =D
bedtime 10:30 and have to be off phone and computer by 10. i wake up at 6am and get on the bus at 7:15 to get to school a 8:15 =\
^^ hope you didn't bore you with my school info!
1. what is your favorite class?
2. what do you hate most about school?
3. what is your worst experience?
me: study hall, the students, a girl telling rumors right next to me.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
last day of my summer =[
i'm back~ >=D
i won the phone back from her yesterday night.
now she's arguing about how she should check my mail and how she can go in my room whenever she wants. i have no privacy or respect, those are the 2 things i NEED in every relationship i have.
yesterday i caught up on my stories so i should post them on quizilla. she takes the internet cord but i still have the computer. =]
OMFG I REALIZED I HAVE NO MORE MATH CLASSES!!! -squeals- i'm going to 11th grade =DDD and this is my last year for p.e too.

what crosses your mind when you look at pictures of yourself as a young child??
me: ahh those were the days
ani-chan thank you for always being there for me. i wouldn't survive without you.
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Sunday, August 17, 2008
3 days left....=[
i have to finish some questions i didn't complete on mythology tomorrow. until then i can not have the computer or phone.
i made a point to anika that my mom jumps on any chance she can to take something away from me because i'm a relatively good teen.
i know it seems i complain a lot about starting school soon. but this is my second year to a new school that is smaller than my last school. the student count in this one is 120 at most. there are a lot of bitches and rumors. and now that most of my friends graduated i have about 2 left. and one is one grade younger than me. i'm popular with the bitches' rumors
what is one big lesson you have learned in life?
me: people don't liek change. anything not liek them they hate or ignore. change is hard to accomplish. because they're scared of what they don't know.
lollipops for my myo friends! \(^o^)/
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Saturday, August 16, 2008
AGNOSTIC, idk, and you dont either
XxDirEnGreyxX666 aka kyouko did my site ^o^
kudos to awesome kyokyo!
i thought i was off my period but the damn thing came back >=0
lmfao friend: you unleash the bitch when you're pissed. me: nu-uh >__< friend: yeaaa i knooow.

hellz yea
You Feel Like You Don't Fit In 82% Of The Time You often find life a challenge. Things that seem to come easy to others are trying for you. You haven't found your place yet and probably, on your bad days, wonder if you will. Do not lose hope, though. The world was not made for you, or so you may think. But you can still make a piece of it your own.
Do You Have a Place in This World? Create Your Own Quiz
ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? Your Result: Silver and Red Wolf *howl* You're a very strong person. You tend to be naive most of the time, but when in love boy do you know how to get around! You prefer to be quite around adults. Your soul mate is the gold falcon. You're in conflict with the maroon panda. | Blue Fox | | Teal Cat | | Tan Giraffe | | Yellow Trout | | Gold Falcon | | Red Jaguar | | Ocre and Gray Dolphin | | ANIMOLOGY: What Animal Are You? |
hmmm odd quizzes yes?
if you could have a luncheon with any THREE people (real or fictitious/ from any time period, dead or alive), which THREE people would you choose and why?
me: miyavi, doctor king, and yuuki cross
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Thursday, August 14, 2008
let me need your love
best thing in the world Slow churned black cherry and vanilla swirl yogurt ice cream. if there is a heaven, this is from it.
GAH i had my counselor appointment yesterday. and tomorrow i have having a psycology test by that klinkenbeard guy and then another appointment with jackie (my counselor) afterwards =\
slept in till 2pm having weird LONG dreams. i woke up with a headache -__-
if you were the last person left on earth, what would you do?
me: peacefully go insane.
what is the most random, pointless fact you know?
me: in oklahoma, it is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to pretend to have sex with a buffalo....
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