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myOtaku.com: TaintedSanity

Friday, February 8, 2008

I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Naruto
Likes: Ramen
Dislikes: Being ignored
Owner: Maru

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

kakashi is love also =]

life is like video games. you're either A: an 1337, P]-[33R M333!!! B: N00B, |_0$3R. Or C: you just plain FAIL, how sad.
if you could not read/understand half of this, you fail. tsk tsk
if you had to spend some time reading this, you are a N00B. good luck...
If you understood perfectly, you my love, are a 1337 congrats...

maru is so sleepy her head hurts ToT
i would not let anika call me, now she is mad at me. i told her to call me tomorrow...i feel bad. but my head hurts so.
i am not a good friend i know that.

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