a lot of my friends on myotaku are having some problems. if you're one of them and reading this, i really do hope they solve happily. and if you ever feel the need to talk through them or just rant, pm me okke?
there is this guy at work that i enjoy talking to =D we have the same opinions, and he's very calm. he's going to college this january to become a psychologist like me! he's tall...and my boss's son..then again i'm his boss's daugher too LOL
i remember this girl's smile. even tho i wont see it anymore, i wont forget the feelings that came when i saw it. HAIKU!
silence keep captive
her breathtaking smile holds
do not forget this
-shinnen akemashite o-medetô-gozaimasu!-
--Happiness to you on the dawn of a New Year!--
QUESTION: 1. what is your new year resolution? 2. did you make goals to achieve it or just liek me and hoping for the best? lol
MY ANSWER: mine is being more assertive, and to find inner happiness.

@///@ -drool-