so it's 4:44 am and i have come to a realization that i am NOT going to get any sleep for work at 9am...time to take a shower and start getting ready for work .__.
and-and-and no one is online, I'M SO ALONE!! -sniffle-
makes me wish yahoo still had those chat rooms so i could at least talk to perverts for entertainment.
aww i have such sweet myo friends ^-^ when i rule the earth you will not die.
i try to comment those i see who posted. i'm sorry if i don't see yours >_<
and i feel the same pain for school starting. school is my personal hell T^T
1. if the world is a stage what part are you playing?
2. what would you do if a leprechaun jumped out of the bushes, kicked you in the crotch, stole your wallet and ran away?
1. the director
2. pull out my magic wand and yell "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!" making him float in the air confused while i kick him in the crotch and steal HIS wallet =]
miyavi (awesome japanese musician) has gone NATURAL...basically he went from
TO THIS(move-the-bottom-scrollbar-to-see-more):
