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myOtaku.com: TaintedxSoul

Friday, September 9, 2005

   Call me crazy???
This tis my first Otaku entry thingy-ma-bob, so don't blame me if it sucks. As I get better, I'll probably delete it. I heard of this site from some of my anime friends, as I like to call them, and decided to register. Luckily, this slow, absurd, and damned computer of mine actually worked so I could.

I'm hoping I'll be able to submit some of my art here soon...I mostly do black and white with shading, because I've come to the conclusion that I cannot color for my life. As you are going to see in the future, my art is often dark, full of angels and such. I do have my shifts of heart, but mostly I depict the morbid or dead.

I find death extremely intriguing. Sure, we know about the body, how it is born, its life cycle, and its decaying properties, but what then? I've noticed no one can completely stop thinking. You constantly have thoughts, so...do you think on for eternity? Does your soul wander aimlessly through the Pergatory? Or are you reincarnated, memory bank erased?

I have no idea. I want to find out, though. Only if I could die, just once, and live once more with my flesh in tact.... -.- *sigh* ....mortals are such pathetic fools! Bound to the flesh, cursed to die! We are all like rats, multiplying and feeding vigorously, greed consuming us like venom...but soon I will unlock the secrets to escape "humanity".

I've come up with a theory. Otaku shall be my outlet to these theories, my artwork, and other cool stuff. I try to appease the masses. ^_^
G'bye for now.
~Tainted Souls of Malice~
~Purest Spirits of Heart~

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