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myOtaku.com: taka0no0kouken

My Avatar

Greetings, ape-like creatures that call themselves 'humans' in order to further themselves from four-legged, winged and other such creatures as possible!

I am happy that you have taken a moment of your time from destroying the environment and poisoning yourself to look at my profile.

They call me TAKA, Ninja-Miko of the West! Not to be confused with the Wicked Witch of the West, who was tragically framed at any rate, and only wishes she had some of my mojo.

I am a World Wanderer, an untamed Spirit and one of the greatest Entities EVAR. Enter my domain, if you think you are worthy...

My character, modeled after moi, for my Naruto fanfictions. *Poses.* With, of course, Orochimaru. Editing done by moi, of course.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

   Taka is LOVE.
Hello, earthlings! This is my first post... burn this day in your memory forever... as the first day...


Yep. Worship it.

Actually, worship Orochimaru. I'm already great. And I know it. You know. "Some achieve greatness, some have it thrust upon them." Orochi-sama must achieve it; I was thrusted.

I know how wrong that sounds. And I love it.

So. Yes... ahem. I will use this place for quizzes... heheh. And random Ota'kin posts. Yadda yadda. In other words...

Me being weirdly normal. Hahah.

I am Taka. Hear me roar.


That is all.
