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Thursday, September 8, 2005
man iam depressed i it unusual for people to see me depressed frist iam depressed it sux oh well classes are ok i guess tyring to get use to the shcool ah well i miss my best friend who moved and my friend sheeva who's still in middle shcool anyways i'll talk to you guys later
QUIZ OF THE DHalf light, half dark. The line of good and evil is blured for you. You have friends, they are just never sure what to turn to you for. You can be so sweet one moment, and mean and cruel the next. YOUR HALF DARK,HALF EVIL,ALL MOOD-SWING! Well, feel free to make us your friend. We can deal with mood swing-ers like you.
Are you light or dark? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
ahhhhh the shcool is so BIG where's my friends anyways shcool ok i got some friends and i got a lot of people who are trying to beat me up oh well i got a lot of haters anyways today i couldn't help it i just fell asleep during 2nd period it was so boring!!!!! anyways have to go do homework^^
 You're "Bring Me to Life"...in love with someone close...
Which Evanesence song are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
Frist day of school
today was my frist day of high shcool it good i guess i didn''t get lost which was COOL!!!!! i think i didn't get lost becouse i went to the orientation anyways I SAW MY OLD FRIENDS YAY!!! GOD I LOVE THEM!!!! my spanish teacher is very weird though she's puerto rican she talks funny good thing iam hispanic i at least know what she is saying:) anyways MY MATH TEACHER IS MEAN!!!!!! but i heard she can be very nice oh well
"#000000" size= "+1"
Your Vampire Name is: Koufuku. which means Happiness. You are a very happy vampire and have every right to be that. You may not have everything you want but you have everything you need and maybe even a little bit more. Life is full of options for you even though you're a vamp. Keep you bright outlook on life and soon it will reward you for your faith. Your song is: Doesn't Remind Me by Audioslave Your color is: Sky Blue Your weapon is: Words. You can talk someone out of something or you can talk them into it.
What is you japanese vampire name, song, color and more. brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 5, 2005
NO I HAVE SHCOOL TOMORROW I DON'T WANT TO GO TO HIGH SHCOOL i miss my summer even though u didn't much just watch tv the whole time and went to El Salvador but anyways IIIIIIII DDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOONNNNNNN''''TTTTTT WWWWWWWWWWAAAANNNNTTTT TTOO GGOO TTOO SHCOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!*keeps screaming*
Your element is earth. U love plants and animals and are a very bright person with lots of friends! U may be too happy though. Try and cut down on being hyper. Be more mature and i'm sure you'll be liked even more than u already are! ^^ (oh and try not to eat too much sugar)Your spirit animal is a peacock
What is your element? (Read memno) (anime pics coming soon!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
hey people!!!^^ man it sux i couldn't watch all of the cowboy bepop movie last night but anyways yesterday was very boring i basically didn't do anything except fight WITH MY BROTHER I HATE HIM RIGHT NOW!!!!! but anyways i hope your labor day weekend goes better than mines^^
 You belong in Tokyo. You are probably always happy and you have your own very unique style. You go girl!^^
In What City Do You Belong? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, September 3, 2005
iam so happy about that!!!^^but iam also sad because on tuesday i start shcool NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! WHY WHAT HAVE I DONE WITH MY SUMMER!!!!! ok iam shutting up it just sucks but on the bright side YAY I WON THE 1ST PART OF THE FUN AND CUTE CONTEST^^
 inuyasha is most likely to fall inlove with you
What inuyasha character is most likely to fall inlove with you? brought to you by Quizilla YAY^^
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
hey people iam sorry i havn't posted in a while well yesterday i went to my high shcool orientation that is WAY bigger and different them the middle shcool i met all my teacher they all seen nice except for my history teacher she seems scary iam glad that i know at least somebody in all my classes I ALSO SAW MY 10th GRADE FRIENDS YAY havn't seen them in a year^^ anyways iam shutting up right now^^
The gang thinks: GEEZ UR HYPER!! Though also very fun!! Kagome likes u and Sango just thinks ur great. Miroku does too *wink wink*. When ur not running in circles or jumping in the air ur sure to be playing with Rin and Shippo who just think ur plain awsome. Who knows, maybe u'll eventually be able to soften up Inuyasha or even Sesshoumaru!!
If U were an Anime Character, What Would the Inu-Gang Think of U?(Girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
hey people how are you guys doing ^^ me ok if you guys havn't seen my schedule check my last post anyways nothing much going*sighs*
 Flower Goddess
Your the Flower Goddess! You have a cheery personalitly & you always seem happy. Don't be afraid to dhow it when you down though!
What Goddess Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
hey people YAY ME AND MY SISTER STARTED TALKING AGAIN ^^ YAY!!!! anyways it sucks yesterday i got my class schedule my classes are ok i guess here's my schedule
5.Spanish Fluent Speakers 2
6.world history/geo
it weird because for the last three years i had P.E in 7th period werid huh anyways it sucks because i only have 1 class with my sis i only have spanish with her anyways there's my schedule OoOo i decided to take art because i really do suck at art(ask sheeva)and i want to get better ^^
You are outgoing, smart and friendly, you have been through a lot in your life, but remain optimistic. You are always willing to grow and learn and show kindness and love to all.
Which Tarot Card are you? (GIRLS) GREAT ANIME PICS! brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, August 22, 2005
Chapter 20
hey people so happy i won the voting part of the fun and cute contest YAY now let's see who's going to win part two i give the best of luck to Sheeva and chibi san ^^ ok anyways i join THE SIBLINGS CLUB WEE!!! yes i have sibling iam the oldest which sux i have my lil brother which is like 7 year old and i have my lil sis Adina(aiturru)she's just a year younger than me people say we look like twins .i don't think we look a like at all.anyways me and her got into this BIG fight and we havn't talked for like 4 days usually when i get mad at her i would talk to her 3 hours later so yea i don't thin we are EVER going to talk anymore anyways if you want to join THE SIBLINGS CLUB just pm Winged Youki to join^^ ok here's chapter 20 i know it's ver short sorry
Chapter 20
The next day at 3:00
Takako walks into the sushi bar and look for sesame
Sesame-so you made it
Takako-yep ^^ anyways you have absolutely no idea why I invited you right?
Sesame-well I have only one idea maybe you have a crush I don’t know.
Takako-uh keep dreaming.
Back at Daisuke’s house
Yuki- man I hate this I miss thoru
Kagome-yea well we all miss her don’t you have to meet her today in the warehouse?
Yuki-yea iam about to leave
Rossete-do you want me to come with you?
Yuki-no it’s ok I can handle it
Kagome and Rossete-GOOD LUCK!!!
Yuki disappears
End of chapter 20
Kimmy is your inner name because you are cheerful and outgoing. You also look on the positive side and have lots of friends.
What should your name really be??? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
I like Kimmy^^
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