Takara Sohma
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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?
Surprise, surprise. I always get Will - except once, and then I got Captain Jack Sparrow, he he. Will is a great character and I love him, but Jack has to be my favorite. He makes the movie in my opinion.
Some more randomness! D-sama found these LOTR sprites and I just had to grab this one! Arwen and Aragorn! So cute! ^-^
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
oh so creepy creepy
Watched Heavenly Creatures with Mom last night. I think she got the same vibe we did. Really creepy and really weird. Psychotic would actually be the better word. I don't think I'll be watching it again, even though it is a good movie. Gotta love Peter Jackson! Wooo hooo!
Speaking of which, Mom and Keith havta work tonight. LORD OF THE RINGS MARATHON, BABY, OH YEAH!
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Friday, January 21, 2005
week one completed, HA!
Oral Communications wasn't so bad. We have to write and deliver four speeches (the first one in three weeks) but I think I can deal with that (maybe) and there will be a little talking each day 'so we can get comfortable with it', but that is just peachy keen with me. I've never had any problems with sitting in my seat and answering questions. The teacher is nice. She knows my aunt, said I look like her. She wouldn't be the first to say so. lol. I think I look more like my mom, though, 'cept she's four inches taller and a lot skinnier.
I was looking at my math book and . . . I CAN DO IT! It's the simplest math in the freakin' world. There was a section with problems like 12,000 - 3,000. I felt sort of insulted - then I looked toward the back of the book. Those problems will be a little more difficult, so I didn't feel so bad then. The point is, I won't fail! I know enough to get through this class! I was so worried I wouldn't know anything. I'm a dunce when it comes to math. Really. I am. The funny thing is, I took an IQ test centered around your literary skills, take your pick, and my score was 126, but I cannot do algebra to save my life. At least I know I'm not completely stupid.
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
home sweet home!
Havta get ready for class. Trying to get my rear into gear, which isn't working so well, as you might have guessed. But I have a little time to waste. It's only 10:10 and class doesn't start until 12:30. I'll go take my shower in five minutes. That'll do, then I'll go wake up Mom . . . *sighs* I hate playing alarm clock. I really do. Especially to someone who doesn't like being woken up.
Have Oral Communications today. NOT looking forward to it at all. I hate getting up in front of people and that is the whole point of this class. We have to write speeches and get up and deliver them (stupid, if you ask me!) Every Thursday I'm gonna have to go through this torture. I'll be insane by the third week.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
this is inhuman!
7:30 AM. Too early . . . Wanna go back to bed . . . Zzzzzzzzz . . . Don't wanna go to class. Will be zombie if I do . . .
*grumbles* Guess I have no choice, though. This is the way the world works.
Maybe I'll get really, really lucky and the roads will be bad and Mom won't wanna take us! If that happens, I am crawling back under the covers and never, never coming out!
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
*salutes Chatfield*
Well, here I am at good ol' Chatfield. Just got my books for the new semester. Now I'm just waiting until three so that I can go home and . . . do dishes? *sighs* Guess I have no choice. 'Tis my duty.
EVEN THOUGH I DON'T WANNA!!! *kicks and screams like a two year old denied their favorite candy*
Ahem. Better now.
There is a really weird guy in the computer lab with me and D, he keeps talking to himself . . . or else he's talking to US and we don't know it. He keeps talkin' 'bout car insurance . . . I think he likes D-sama ^-^ he he.
I'm off! To do what, I do not know.
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Monday, January 17, 2005
don't wanna go, don't wanna go
*sighs* I don't know why I'm dreading tomorrow so much. I don't even technically have class, D-sama does. (poor D-sama) I'm just goin' 'cause Mom won't take her otherwise. I get to play around on the computer, or in the library, or read. Probably read. Heaven Eyes. Looks like a quick read and I have some time to make up, 'cause of that stupid Silver's Edge book, grrr.
I finished that book a couple of days ago and I am so glad! I thought I would never get done with it.
*sticks tongue out at D-sama* She confusing me! WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
*runs and hides behind Chihiko* Make her stop! *sniff, sniff*
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
two more days!!!
Class Tuesday. I DON'T WANNA GO! But, at least no morning classes. Well, that isn't exactly true, but I can deal. I would rather have morning classes than night classes. My computer class was at night and it wasn't fun. The teacher rocked, but being there so late was kinda . . . bad. We almost got left a couple of times by some . . . rather forgetful parents. Don't ya love 'em?
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Friday, January 14, 2005
I put up a midi, tee he! 'Don't Make Me Wild Like You', the opening theme of the first season of Ranma 1/2, since Jen seems to be so interested in the manga here lately. Not surprising, it's so much fun to read.
Here's the lyrics if anyone cares(mostly for you, Jen!):
Yappa paa, Yappa paa - don't know what to do
My heart is not a game - it's Mah jong to you
Yappa paa, Yappa paa - feel like such a shrew
Who needs boys? Don't you dare-
make me wild like you.
Before you, boys got on their knees
Ranma, Ranma - it's me you always tease.
Since the day I ran into you
Ranma, Ranma you -
stole my heart and you -
Don't you dare go and -
make me wild like you.
Somebody tell me why it's so hard
to say those three words,"I love you"?
If I let myself give in to you
I'll become just as -
Wild as you!
Before you come in like a breeze
won't you stop and ring the bell, please?
Before you make my heart a home
Why not let me love you on my own?
I'd be better off without you - but just tonight
it's all right... until tomorrow, all right.
Every time your eyes turn to me
Ranma, Ranma you -
Make me feel dizzy -
Someday we may be more than "Friends"
Ranma, Ranma you've -
Gone and done it true -
Can't you see that you've -
Made me wild like you.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
I finally finished reading Hearts of Ice. That is my big news of the day. It was really, really, really good. Can't wait for her to actually finish it, if she does. If not, I'm gonna make up my own ending, one that includes Ranma getting his life back and Akane going back to the age of seventeen, like she was at the beginning, yup yup.
Well, now I have to finish Silver's Edge. Yeah, I'm still reading it. I don't know if I like it or not. Grudgingly, I'm beginning to like Nessa and maybe even starting approve of her getting together with Artimour. Poor wounded half-Sidhe sweetheart. Well, sort of.
Okay. I'm rambling. I'm gonna stop now.
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