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Winterfell ;)
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call me T-chan
well, I now have my associate's degree, if that counts
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist and Tsubasa RESERVior CHRoNiCLE
to start and actually, finally finish a story I began over a decade ago
reading, writing, wasting time on the internet
perhaps the smallest bit in the area of writing?
| Takara Sohma
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
twiddlin' my thumbs
'Nother day of being bored out of my mind. *sighs* And to top it off, Mom and Keith both have to work tonight so I'll be all by my lonesome. Poor me. Well, at least there are only, what? five days until I have to go back to good ol' Chatfield. I'm not looking forward to it at all, 'cause my brain keeps telling me something somehow is gonna get messed up, but at least then I'll have somewhere to go and something constructive to do. I won't just be twiddlin' my thumbs while I watch paint dry. I've been doing that for over a month now and it's starting to irritate me.
Guess I'll go read now. I don't have much else to do at the moment.
*sighs* Yet another link, this one for Fruits Basket:
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ElvesAteMyRamen: *sweatdrops* Um . . . no, not high school. I'm a freshman in college, I'm afraid. Heh.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Germany and the Holocaust was canceled 'cause not enough people signed up for it. *sighs* The ONE class I actually wanted to take and it gets canceled. Now I know the answer for sure: I am NOT looking forward to going back. I DON'T WANNA BE STUCK IN A MATH CLASS!!!!!! *sobs*
And on top of that, my computer is being sooo freakin' slow it can't keep up with my typing, which has got to be one of the most annoying things in the world. I'd shoot the piece of junk if I thought it would do any good.
Stupid computer. Evil computer. Stupid, mean, evil, nasty computer.
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I am bogging myself down with fanfics - but I can't help it! They're just so good! CURSE YOU BLOODBLADE! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! *shakes fist*
Kidding. I don't even know him/her. Although s/he does have a great Ranma 1/2 fanfic archive. I just discovered another interesting fanfic there, called Quantum Destiny.
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I was looking over Fox Woman by Kij Johnson(it's a really good book, if you care to check it out) and I found these two poems that I really like. I thought I would share, so . . . here they are:
This world -
call it an image
caught in a mirror -
Real it is not,
nor unreal either
~ * Minamoto Sanetomo * ~
Since I no longer think
of reality
as reality,
what reason would I have
to think of dreams as dreams?
~ * Saigyo * ~
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
A new InuYasha episode is on tonight! YAY! I AM SOOOOOOOO EXCITED! And I only have to wait twenty five minutes!
Hmmm . . . you know what? I think I'll read until then.
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Monday, January 10, 2005
oh so ordinary
Eight days until class starts. Germany and the Holocaust is my first, starts at about three, I think. Somethin' like that. Haven't figured out if I'm looking forward to it or not. Right now, I'm saying not, but give it a day or two and I might say yes. I don't really wanna go back to having my life dictated, but then that will happen no matter what I do, so there really isn't a point in having that as an issue.
Oh well, whatever. It's 2 AM, better get to bed. If I can get to sleep, that is. My brain is going on overload again.
Night, all.
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
'nother Ranma 1/2
Found another Ranma 1/2 fanfic to entertain me, even though I'm not done with Hearts of Ice yet (heh). It's called Ill Met By Starlight. Really creepy. Instead of dealing with his dad's rotten treatment of him, Ranma went a little . . . nuts. Literally. I read the last chapter and only a crazed psychopath would think that way. The idea is awesome and it's well written, too.
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a BIG blah
*sighs* My room is a wreck. I should probably clean it, but I don't feel like it right now. Too lazy. I always feel like that on Sundays. I hate Sundays.
Guess I'll try to call Jen. See if she's home. It's a little early, but I don't think she'll mind (*raises eyebrow at Jen* Will you?).
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Friday, January 7, 2005
In honor of my reading Hearts of Ice, I present some Ranma 1/2 quizzes!
What Ranma Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're RANMA. A very powerful martial artist, but you have many girl troubles. Everyone is either your Fiancee or your mortal enemy. and you turn into a girl, by the way.
What Ranma character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Ranma. You are petite and very well developed. Everyone wants you whether they admit it or not. Unfortunately you are a guy and being female is only a part time thing for you. You like being the best at everything.
Which Female Character From Ranma Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
*scratches head* I guess I'm like Ranma . . .
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