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Winterfell ;)
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call me T-chan
well, I now have my associate's degree, if that counts
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist and Tsubasa RESERVior CHRoNiCLE
to start and actually, finally finish a story I began over a decade ago
reading, writing, wasting time on the internet
perhaps the smallest bit in the area of writing?
| Takara Sohma
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
stupid, forgetful me!
I left a member off the list this morning and she was actually the first person to sign up. ^ ^;
I am very, very sorry, venomous kitsune, and for everyone, an updated version of the list (if anyone cares, lol):
venomous kitsune
Cool Silver
snow wolf01
usagi sohma
Snow Guardian
Oh, and look! A couple of new members already today! O.O
ob53zt tang3rtin3
*stretches out lazily* Isn't it fine weather we're havin'? It was a spectacular day today ... and according to the news it's only going to get better tomorrow.
Ooh, sun, I have missed you!
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the blah days of my life ...
*sighs* I have to go pick up Max and the Cats from the campus library today (even though the rest of the campus is closed). I would really rather not, since that means I have to read it, but ... Oh well. What're you gonna do? Sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do, even if it isn't what you want to do.
Oh! Good news! Thanks to Cool Silver, Silent Love, banzaiinu1, silverdaydreamer, and ob53zt tang3rtin3 I have some banners for the FB club if anyone else would like to join. PM me if you do. ^__^
Here are the members so far:
Cool Silver
snow wolf01
usagi sohma
Snow Guardian
Welcome to Children of the Zodiac, you guys! If would you like a banner to put up, just PM me (or if I forgot to add you, PM or remind me, please!).
Also, another huge thank you to ob53zt tang3rtin3 for coming up with a much, much better name for the club than the one I had picked out as well as offering to help me with the website. I appreciate it so very much. *hugs*
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
I'm gonna make this short since I'm almost falling asleep over my keyboard as I type this. *yawns* Ugh. I should not be this tired ...
I've decided to make a club for people who love Fruits Basket (the anime and/or the manga), the only problem is I am not good on a computer at all and I don't trust myself to make the banners. Sagi and venomous kitsune are going to make some (thank you guys! I really appreciate it!*hugs*). If anyone else out there would like to help by making one, or however many you feel like making, please PM me.
Thank you! *hugs you all*
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Friday, March 25, 2005
awww! Momiji!
Yay! Silent Love finished her Fruits Basket quiz!
 Who's Your Sohma Guy? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Well, it isn't exactly who I would have wanted to get, but I love Momiji too, so I'm good! *huggles the cute li'l bunny*
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nothin' to say ...
Sheesh, today has just flown by. It's already five o'clock and I haven't done a single thing. Well, I cleaned my room, but that's all. It's my first day of vacation, though, so I guess that's okay. I'll be working plenty starting next week, anyway. I promised my mom I would help her clean the entire house. *sighs* It does need it. It hasn't had a good cleaning in months. I'm just not looking forward to doing it. We have so much junk, it will take forever to get it done.
Oh well. I'll live. As long as the house doesn't eat me ...
Anyway, enough about that. I have a question for you all: do you think I should make a generalized Fruits Basket fan club? I've been toying with the idea for awhile, but I wanted to see what you guys thought before I actually did it.
Thank you! *hugs you all*
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
feel free to skip this post ^ ^;
I dunno if anyone here has watched the extras on The Incredibles, but, well, there is this cartoon thing, Mr. Incredible and Friends, and you have the option of watching it with commentary by Mr. Incredible and Frozone ... God, it is hilarious!
This bunny is in honor of that stupidly funny cartoon.
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Today is the last day of class before spring break - Oral Communications and then FREEDOM! A WHOLE WEEK OF FREEDOM! There is a test that we have to get through first (lovely parting gift, huh?), but I think I can deal with that. The class isn't so bad anyway. The professor might not know what she's doing, but the people in the class are great, and it can be entertaining sometimes. Every so often there are male vs. female debates. I don't participate, but it's fun to listen to. ^___^
Well, I better finish getting ready for class. I still have to get my shoes on and shove everything in my bag. Before I go, though, I would like to give a big thank you to silverdaydreamer for her help with the thingy that is now in my profile. THANK YOU SO MUCH! *hugs*
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005
life of pi VS max and the cats
My english paper may have taken another turn. I was doing a little research for my paper (or tryhing to at least ^ ^;) last week and I found out that Yann Martel got the idea for Life of Pi from another book called Max and the Cats. The guy who had written the critique was basically accusing Martel of plagarism, so now I'm going to do a comparison of Life of Pi and Max and the Cats, to see where their plots differ (and to judge for myself whether there was any actual 'plagarism'). From the summary I read they are already worlds apart. Max and the Cats sounds a little scary - weird scary, not freaky scary, lol. The good thing is that it's only 99 pages. A quick read. Perfect, since I only have three more weeks until the final draft of this paper is due.
Anywho, I better go. Time for me to go home. ^__^
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
wow ... I have absolutely nothing to say ...
Y'know what? I love Tuesdays. Except for Friday and Saturday, Tuesday is the best day of the week. Basically because I don't have any classes, which means I get to sleep in and be as lazy as I want aaall day. It's great. ^__^
I can't really be lazy this Tuesday in particular, but that's my own fault. I could have done my english homework last week, but I didn't. I could have cleaned my room last night, but I didn't. Oh well. It doesn't really bother me. None of that will take more than a few hours, so I'm good.
Hmm ... well, I don't really have anything else to say (if I had anything to say in the first place, which I didn't, lol), so I guess I'll go get clean, then get to work.
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this is not a test . . . . .
Hehe. And Kara thinks that she's the only one who has someone else's password . . . Nope. Your bad Kara. . . .

You know you love it Kara.

Check Mate.
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