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Winterfell ;)
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call me T-chan
well, I now have my associate's degree, if that counts
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Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist and Tsubasa RESERVior CHRoNiCLE
to start and actually, finally finish a story I began over a decade ago
reading, writing, wasting time on the internet
perhaps the smallest bit in the area of writing?
| Takara Sohma
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Friday, March 11, 2005
erm . . . yay?
I am so excited about tomorrow! Well, kinda, anyway. I'd be more excited if there wasn't any snow on the ground. *grumbles about not being able to go to Glen Helen* I'm going to try to talk Mimi and Sagi into going to even more stores than we usually do. Not just No Common Sense, The Dark Star, and Sam and Eddie's Open Books, but Dingleberries and . . . well, I don't exactly know the names of the other stores, but I know that they're there and that's more than enough. We hardly ever look around and I'm beginning to suspect that we're missing something. Last time I went my mom pointed out a book store that I never even knew existed. Who knows what other things that wonderful little town might be hiding?
This is coming from sleep deprevation, but I'd like to get a shirt that says I -heart- Yellowsprings. I'd wear it everywhere.
Okay. I'm going to bed now.
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Thursday, March 10, 2005
trying to find something interesting to say
No Oral Communications today. The teacher/professor/person is away in Italy, long may she stay there. Actually, it's a great opportunity and I hope she has a good time. She's not a bad person, really. I just hate the class she teaches. No reason to be uncharitable or mean to her.
Woah, am I sleepy. I think I'm going to go to bed before I start using this keyboard as a pillow.
Oh! But before I go, a poem. It's appreared twice in the past few days, once in english and once in a book I was reading, and I seem to like it an awful lot, so I figured I should share it. It's by Emily Dickinson:
A word is dead
When it is said
Some say.
I say it just
Begins to live
That day.
VI. A Word
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
I really do feel loved

Made for me by venomous kitsune. Thank you! *hugs*
I just want you to know that you all have really made this birthday great. I was surprised, really, that so many people would care enough to even wish me a happy birthday. I appreciate it very, very much.
*hugs and cake and balloons and party favors for everyone*
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happy birthday to me
Well, it's 12:14 AM, which means that it's officially my birthday. Not that it really matters, since there aren't going to be any festivities taking place today. Seriously, I'll be stuck in english all morning. (yay for me) That will be my birthday. The fun'll come Saturday when me, Sagi, and Mimi go to Yellowsprings. Hopefully we get a nice warm day like yesterday so we can go walking in Glen Helen while we're there. It's been so long since we've done that. *sighs dreamily* We still need to find the actual spring, anyway. Tried to last time and, well, kinda . . . got ourselves turned around. This time we find maps!

All made for me by one of my bestest friends Sagi (she got bored). Thank you Sagi!!! *glomps friend* You is so nice and sweet!!! ^___^
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
*sighs* good . . . and bad . . .
*sighs* I'm feeling a little useless right now. The not having a job thing is hitting me kinda hard. Fortunately, there is a store down the street from us that is currently hiring. I'm going to go tomorrow to see if I can get an application or something. It's not even a mile from here so it doesn't matter if I can drive or not. I can just walk there, which will be good exercise for me. Another plus.
Let's just hope that this doesn't turn out to be another bust like Lowes.

Made for me by RinoaSquall4ever. Thank you so much! *big hugs*
I can't thank you all enough for your generosity and thoughtfulness. Seriously, if I can do anything to help you in any way, just ask.
Oh! *bangs self in the head for forgetting* It's kevmart83's birthday today. If you can please stop by his site and wish him a happy birthday.
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Monday, March 7, 2005
another pretty banner

This was made for me by Silent Love. Thank you, Silent Love! *hugs her for her sweetness* I feel so loved. ^___^
It's 8:35 right now and I'm in a pretty good mood despite having class in twenty five minutes. I didn't have to listen to my mom complaining this morning. It was so nice to have peace for a change. I look forward to more mornings like this.
A big thank you to D-sama's mom!
*sighs and relaxes back in chair*
Welp, I better run. Gotta go to math. But I will not let that spoil my morning!!!
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
a little more nonsense
Nothing really to say, except that it looks like I'm playing insomniac again. lol. I'm waiting for a music video to download (a Fruits Basket version of The First Cut is the Deepest), but other than that I'm just sittin' on my duff playing around on my slow as dirt computer.
Look! Some adoptions!
Yeah, I know there's been a lot of nonsense this week, but, hey, a little nonsense now and then never hurt anyone, right? ^__^

Well, now that I have wasted some of my boundless free time, I think I'll go find something else to occupy myself with.
Night, all! Sleep well!
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
my pretty banner

ob53zt tang3rtin3 made this for me for my birthday. Wasn't that sweet!? Thanks! ^__^
It's a few days early, but I wanted to share it anyway. I'm counting it as my first present.
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more 'bout nothin'
Well, me and Sagi kinda had the marathon last night . . . We watched about two hours of the extras. Heh. It was almost 1 o'clock by then and the pillows were calling. We can always watch some more tonight, though, if we really want to so it's okay. ^__^
That's the beauty of actually owning all of 'em! *huggles her LotR DVDs*
Four days 'til my birthday!
I'm not sure I should be happy about that or not . . .
Hmmm . . .
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Friday, March 4, 2005
marathon! hopefully . . .
I hope Keith has to work tonight. Mom does, so if he goes too that means I'll be able to have a Lord of the Rings marathon tonight. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time, but haven't been able to make myself sit down through all three movies. Really want I want to do is watch the extra stuff on The Fellowship and The Return of the King. I've already watched the extras on The Two Towers, but for some reason that's the only one. Hmmm . . .
Welp, fingers crossed that the meanie head will be out of the house!
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