Takara Sohma
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Well, this morning sucked. Mom flipped out big time, physically abused the car and verbally abused this one girl who was just happened to be driving (sensibly!) in front of her. At one point I honestly thought she was going to kill us. She sped up the car to 80 something MPH, sending it rocketing toward the car in front of us, and started hissing, "I want it to be over! I want it to be over! I want it to be over!" She also made the comment that she should have been aborted. Wonderful. Don't we all just LOVE my mother???
Personally, I love her, but I'm beginning to think that she's certifiably insane.
But, that's Mom. She's been like that for . . . well, I don't know. A loooong time probably.
One last thing, the reason I actually posted: my site has now been visited 1,000 times!
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better . . .
I have to turn in my analysis paper today. It sounds like crap. If I get as good as a C I'll be surprised, it's that bad. *sighs* Oh well. Nothin' I can do about it now. The next paper should be easier.
But, hey, at least today is shaping up to be better than yesterday. That's a plus. No yelling or complaining from anyone so far. ^___^
Welp, I better go. I just remembered that I have a letter to write and get off - all in thirteen minutes.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
forget about it
Today has been lovely so far. Woke up to my mom complaining about the world again, which, as we know, is out to make her life a living hell. Then, when we went up to the store they wouldn't except her check so she flipped out and is probably still flipping out for all I know. I love my mother, but sometimes she can be a real pain. God, I want to move out! Get away from her! Kinda hard when you don't have a job, though. Gotta pay rent, after all.
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Monday, February 21, 2005
sittin' in a messy room
Oh yeah. I just cleaned my room last night and already it's a wreck. *sighs* I swear, one of these days I'm going to build myself a robot so it can do all my room-cleaning for me. It will also be able to fold laundry and I'll make it waterproof so it can do dishes. ^-^
One can dream.
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
not too bad
I survived the speech! Yay for me!The next one is on March 17, an informative speech - and I already know what I'm gonna do! It's a Catholic college so I have no idea how it's going to be recieved (probably not too well, since everyone in the class besides me is Christian, heh) but I'm going to do my speech on Wicca, the truth. The great thing is, this will also help ME learn more about it. ^-^ You know, if it weren't for the fact that I have to get in front of the class AGAIN I'd actually be excited believe it or not.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
doomed! doomed! dooooooomed!
Got the paper done. ^__^ It wasn't too great, but it was only a rough draft so it really doesn't have to be anything special. I'll see what I can do with the final draft later. Right now, I'm freakin' out. I really have to give the speech today. Can't get out of it this time. If I want the grade, I have to do it. *shudders* But at least this time I know what I'm doing it on: what I want to be when I grow up! ^___^
I'm serious. Ever since the fifth grade when I saw this PBS special called Klondike and Snow I have wanted to be an animal handler. Sort of. I want to be a seregate mother to the animals that have been abandoned . . . or the ones that are reared by people anyway so they get used to them, like tigers. That would be the best thing: being able to raise tiger cubs. Oh, how I would love that!
Anyway, I better go so I can put said speech on note cards so I don't scew up too badly. Heh.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I have a five page paper to get done before tomorrow . . . ACK! Where did all the time go!? Last time I checked I still had a week! A week! Bad procrastination, BAD!!!
And not only that but there's still that stupid speech! I got out of it last week . . . *sobs* Today is gonna suck . . .
Except for the fact that the weather is beautiful! It feels like spring! ^-^
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Monday, February 14, 2005
it's Valentine's Day, can ya gimme hallelujah?
Today's events:
Sierra Club meeting. Not that it really matters. I mean, can you call it a club if there are only two active members? Somehow I don't think so . . . And we haven't done anything except feed some birds and squirrels.*sighs* I don't know. I guess every small thing counts.
At 8 o'clock tonight Delacroix's opens on gaiaonline. ^-^ usagi sohma/AidenDelacroix is the owner. I'm the manager and a bartender, as is Snow Guardian. Anyone wanna sit around and act stupid, c'mon and join us in the GAIA Commerce forum!
I am now reading Crime and Punishment, lord help me. Ever since I read Zooie's fic Soul Forge I've been wanting to read it and now that D-sama has so graciously LENT me her copy I figured why not? Couldn't hurt. I plan on having it done by the end of the month.
Welp, anyway, happy Valentine's Day!
*huggles Kyo-kun who is her valentine*
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
let us see . . .
I hope this takes. myO has been funny today, anyone else noticed??? This is really just an experiment to see if I can actually post anything. If it works, I'm going to be going to everyone's sites, 'cause I'm hoping that if it lets me that means I actually CAN go to all y'alls sites.
Guess we'll see.
Oh, and this

is an awesome website. Loads of fun. PM me if you join! My username there is TakaraSohma!
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Friday, February 11, 2005
mmm . . . nothin'
Okay. That wasn't fair. I just updated and for some reason it didn't show up. Oh well, I guess. It's not like I can't update again. Ha! Take that evil computer! You haven't won yet!
I still haven't finished The Talisman and, even worse, I'm still a pathetic one hundred pages from the end. Grrr! I'm reconsidering reading The Arthur Trilogy. I still have The Sevenwaters Trilogy and The Dark Tower series to finish. Maybe I'll wait on the Arthur books . . . Dunno. Not really important anyway.
Welp, I'm off to get clean!
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