Takara Sohma
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Darcy and Isaac
I have a few paragraphs in my Darcy/Isaac story (five to be exact), but now I don't know what to do with it. I want to show her at work, just so the readers get an idea of the crap she has to go through. It's nothing compared to home, but her co-workers tend to treat her like a little slave they can run ragged. She does twice the work as any of them, and she has to take it because she needs the money.
Then there's Isaac. I have no idea what I want him to be like or how he's going to come in. Actually, I do know one thing about him: I want him to be relatively happy-go-lucky. He can't be the depressed type, that's for sure. Darcy has that taken care of and two depressed people together just won't work. One has to boost the other up, or something to that effect.
Then, there's their relationship, which is a total mystery to me! I have three weeks to get them close, but it's going to take more than that just to get Darcy to crack!
I think I'll just write and see how it plays out . . . not that that ever works for me. That's usually why I quit.
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
oooh, baaad!
Skipped class today. Well, sort of. I'm honestly not feeling very well. My throat is annoying the heck outta me and my head feels all tight (not to mention that I have an on-again-off-again headache). Not that it really matters if we skip or not. Our assignments are right on the syllabus and one class isn't going to hurt anything. Two, yeah, but not one. Besides, we don't do anything very important in there. I know I'm not learning anything new.
Tomorrow, the hated day arrives. Oral Communications. Speech. *shudders*
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Tuesday, February 8, 2005
I just wanted to say thank you to Snow Guardian, usagi sohma, ElvesAteMyRamen, Tiggerola, rosewolf, and Silent Love for their wonderful comments a couple of days ago when I was feeling down. It's great to know there are people out there who care. Thanks! I really appreciate it! I hope I can do the same for any of you if you start feeling bad about yourselves or the world in general (although I hope you don't ever feel that way!)
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Monday, February 7, 2005
waiting . . .
Well, I'm almost done with The Talisman. I love Stephen King, but anything by him takes me sooo long to read. Not that I mind much, except Heather and I went to the library on . . . Saturday, I think it was, and, well, I found the other two books in The Arthur Trilogy. I was so excited! I read the first one (The Seeing Stone) years ago and I loved it (although not as much as The Lost Years of Merlin ^-^). I wanted so badly to read the other two, but I could never find them - until now.
"But what can I bring you? I bring me.
Whatever I am and all I shall be,
That is what each child sings."
I think that's how it goes, not exactly sure. It's part of poem Arthur writes for Christmas. He's talking about what everyone's presents to Jesus would be. That line struck me. I thought it was sweet.
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
I don't feel so good
I have made so many mistakes in my friendships over the years it isn't funny. Sometimes that catches up with me. I guess now is one of those times, because at the moment I don't feel like I'm good enough for them, like I'm lagging behind or holding them back in some way. I don't know. It's hard to explain. Guess I shouldn't even try, then, since I'll probably just end up saying something stupid that I'll regret later.
Jen, Heather, and D-sama, I love you guys and I'm sorry for anything and everything I have ever said or done that has hurt you even the slightest bit. I've been friends with you guys for a long time (especially you, Jen, lol) and you're like family to me. Actually, you're better than family, since I don't care about half of THEM. I just wanted you to know that.
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Friday, February 4, 2005
lunch time!
Didn't go to my grandma's. Things happened and, well . . . But I'm going next weekend and instead of staying for one day I'm going to stay until Sunday. ^-^ I think it's better that way, anyway.
Unfortunately, that's all there is to say. Unless y'all wanna know that I'm waiting for my lunch to get done and that for some reason I'm suddenly wanting to watch Fiddler on the Roof. lol.
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
ho hum
No Oral Communications! Ha ha! It was canceled. The professor called 'bout 10 or so to let me know. Ooh, I was so happy! Now I can put off thinking about that stupid speech for a few more days . . . Eh . . .
Dad's coming over later. I'm going to go over to my grandma's for the night. I miss hanging out with her, she's great. Seriously, she's eighty something years old and has more spunk than anyone else I know. Hopefully, she and Grandpa don't go to the auction. I don't think it's likely, since he just had surgery not too long ago and he can't drive. Grandma can drive, though, so . . .
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some stuff
I'm logging in to, just to see if my account is still active. Heh. It's been a while. myOtaku kinda took over . . .
*sighs* Oral Communications today. It snowed . . . I am sooo hoping class with be canceled . . . or maybe I'll just tell Mom that it is (yes, I am desperate enough to do that!). Hmmmm. Maybe I will, then I can stay safe and warm in my nice bed and read. Or something. I don't really care, just as long as I'm not in that classroom listening to whatever the professor's name is droning on and on . . . and on . . .
Oh well. Whatever will be, will be.
Oh! And here's the pretty li'l button usagi sohma made for me!

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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
work . . .
In the process of applying to Lowes (*gives Jen thumbs up sign*). I'm desperate! I want to get out on my own and to do that I need money and besides, I'm out of high school, I need some means of supporting myself!!!
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
stupid, stupid, stupid!
You know what? I don't have a thing to say. I don't even really know why I'm updating, lol.
I did make the biggest idiot out of myself yesterday, though. Well, I felt stupid, anyway. REALLY stupid. In math the professor gave us a pretest, to see what we knew and what we would have to go over. It was easy, addition, subtraction, multiplication and long division. 15 problems. No big, right? WRONG! Out of those 15 problems, I missed 4. 4! I was so mad at myself. I know two of those problems were the two long division problems, 'cause I didn't even bother with those. What the other two were . . . I don't want to know. That gave me serious doubts as to whether or not I'm going to be able to get through this class, and somehow, I don't think missing those problems bodes very well.
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