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myOtaku.com: Takara Sohma

Sunday, December 19, 2004

I am sooo freakin' bored right now. I'm listening to the radio, to some stupid song I don't even like, wracking my brains for some story ideas while I wait for The Castings page to load (and I don't even know where I left off!).
Not only am I retaking up Reign, but I'm thinking of doing the same with another story I thought was long dead (and you'll recognize it, Jen!). I've never been able to come up with a clear plot for it, but I figure that's a problem that is easily overcome. I just have to think a little.

This is the beginning I had the last time I tried to do anything with it:
No one said anything to her as she walked down the path, head bowed, hand curled tightly around the hilt of her sword, and when people turned to watch her there was no recognition in their stares, only curiosity. Once she would have given anything for these simply, good-hearted townspeople to know her . . . now she was grateful they didn’t. It was best they forgot the daughter of their old lord.

If it had been possible to avoid it, Kai never would have come back. She would have stayed with her uncle tucked away in his castle in the mountains and pretended to herself that this place never existed. But he had left her just as her father had so there was no reason for her to stay and nowhere else for her to go.

Kai turned onto another path. Houses and shops lined this one as well, but she knew that the farther she walked the farther the distance grew between them until the only thing along side the path were slender, overhanging willows; then the dirt became cobblestone and soon after that - too soon - she would see a large stone house covered thickly with vines. Greenwood Manor. The place she had once called home.

At the time I thought it was great. Rereading it, it SUCKS. But, once again, that was a while ago and if I give up I'll never get better.

Well, I'm gonna go surf the internet for another fourty five minutes, then it's back to The Riddle of the Wren for me.

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