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myOtaku.com: Takara Sohma

Monday, March 21, 2005

   another ho hum day
I got through math (can we all say yay?). We have now moved on to percents. Heh. Yet another thing I feel confident with. I'm having trouble figuring out if I should be happy this class is so easy, or a little upset, because what that is basically saying that I don't really need it.
Hmm ...
Well, I guess it's not a total waste. I did need a review pretty badly.
Anyway, I have a test today in psych, which I am sooo not ready for. I guess that's okay, though, just this once, since we can drop our lowest test score at the end of the semester. Jeez, do I need to get my butt in gear. *shakes head at pathetic, procrastinating self*

If you haven't already, I urge you to go visit ElvesAteMyRamen and leave a comment (maybe even sign her GB if that's still an option), lend her your support. *hugs ElvesAteMyRamen*
Also, if you could, drop by rinoa392 and sign her GB (she's trying to get 100 GB signings). Her site is awesome. She's done a lot of work and it's well worth it just to see everything she's put into it.
Thank you! ^___^

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