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The suckish place deamed Kansas
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Hello all. We finished our state reading assesments (which were "extremely" easy), so now I don't have to waste 1st and 2nd period doing absolutly nothing after I finish XD! Man, I finished DN Angel and watched all my Trigun episodes on my DVR! Yay! Well, that's pretty much all I have to say. Take care people!
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
Man, the state test was easy! Seriously, my friends and I got done, and we had 45 minutes remaining! It was kinda funny... Also, one of my friends, Kelsey, (not girlfriend, we would never go that far, the both of us,) gave me a glare like I_I. I think she was pissed about something...
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Monday, April 3, 2006
Moshi moshi. How's everyone? Especially, how was your April Fool's Day? Mine was awesome! Well, anyway, my friend let me borrow all of his DN Angel manga (beginning to end people), and it's awesome! Well, later.
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Friday, March 31, 2006
Hey people! School's been murder, I swear. I had like 3 big projects due today! Ah well. We have our state assesments next week and the principal has been counting down the days and it got really annoying. I haven't gotteen very much sleep lately, i've been up from like 2 am to 6 am every night. Oh well... Some girl also confessed her feeling for me! It was kinda strange, since I barely know her. Hmm... Oh yeah, who thinks I should change my avi?
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Has anyone noticed any changes in the FMA series from the manga to the anime? One HUGE difference is that Lyra wasn't in the manga when we first saw Yoki, but she turned out to be a major part of the anime.The anime also has a lot of filler episodes like episode 24, Bonding memories (I have the DVD people.), that weren't in the manga. Another big difference is Lab 5. In the anime, Greed broke loose. When did he in the manga? Never! Also, in the manga, Ed never met Tucker again and didn't try to make the Philosopher's Stone. These are just some of the differences in the series, and there are many more. Later peoples!
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Fullmetal Alchemist
The series is over! I can't beleive it! Al got his body back, Ed is on the other side of the gate, what's next? Since the FMA series was so good, I hope that Hiromu Arakawa will make another anime series. Oh well. It was a good end.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006

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Friday, March 17, 2006
Somemore stuff
Hey peoples! I guess I haven't been on in a while... Oh well. Happy Saint P-Day everyone! I've got lost in my never ending sceduale and I guess I've been forgeting to make some updates. I've only been getting on to check my PM's, which are the same as every day, none... What can ya do? Later everyone!
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Hey people! Sorry i havent been getting on so much... Ever since summer break, our teachers have been pounding us. Well, feel free to sign my gb. Later!
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