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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
:x My friend, Lunitari, just decided to make her myO account active... Yay... It's so totally cool... Not... XP
In other news... Um... x_O Hook hands? Yeah... Well...
... Stupid homework... It's messing with my braaaaiiin... o_O Hey... I keep spelling homework like homeowork... And homowork... Odd... o_o Or IS it? *runs away*
... I feel like seeing a movie right now... I wanna see Saw... But it's rated R... So I can't go... Oh well... :|
Yum... Garlic bread tastes like... Good stuffs... Aw yeah... BD
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
: D Guess what I found the other da~y! .hack//Legend of the Twilight Vol. 3! The final one! And it's like two times as thick as the other two! *_* Yay!
o_o... *spaztwitchfrothsatthemouth* ... Okay, I'm done...
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
Okay... I just watched the first episode of Full Metal Alchemist... It was coool... An now... I'm bored! Yay for boredom? o_O I'm tired too... And stuff... Wow... All of my posts are so interesting lately aren't they? X| Bzzzat...
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Ick... I've been feeling sick today... And tired... And bored...
Jaaah... So... I got Hellsing Vol. 4 today... Yay... ^^ I'm watching Read Or Die on adultswim right now... It's pretty good... The Super Milk-Chan Show premieres on November 7 on adultswim... Just so you know... And Evanescence has a DVD coming out soon... I want it... X( Blarg... So... Yeah...
And stuff... X3
!304 visits to my site! My favorite number!
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Ick, I haven't been able to sleep well at all lately... This really sucks...
Hokai... Thursday at Mass this kid in our class was playing trombone... And everytime he started playing, the priest got this look on his face that like, "Wtf?" XD I thought it was funny...
Yesterday I was wearing my friends' jackets(Because I'm awesome like that) and they put one of them on me backwards and put the hood over my face so I couldn't see and then they spun me around and I was all "@_@ Where am I?" Yeah... And then the Advanced Band went to this high school to practice what we were gonna do for half time at a football game... Marching sucks...
At the game we marched out onto the field and I noticed that the xlophones were 5 yards apart... The keyboardist(Me and two other girls) practiced with them right next to eachother so that the one who wasn't playing could hold the music... Luckily some of the high schoolers held it for us... -_-; Then when we were leaving, me and Lunitari went to get our music and instrument(Her bass clarinet) and we found the band room locked... With our stuff inside... Which would have been alright if we had lock picks... But nooo! Somebody had to go make them illegal... The nerve of whoever that was! X( Our director had already left and the principal or whatever was in the press box so there was nobody to unlock the door... So... Lunitari told someone she knows to tell our band director on Monday(She also works at the high school) to take our stuff over to our school... So yeah...
@_@ I hope I didn't bore you all...

WEEEE! Kitties iz cute! Grammar using proper iz not fun...
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
(o)3 Quack...
Okay, I been feeling seriously out of it lately... And I have bad insomnia... x_X
We watched Disney's 'Hercules' in Mythology for the past two days... Yay! XD Disney movies rock...
Today at recess my friend said I looked like a druggie... And then a hobo... I AIN'T NO HOMELESS SHROOMER! t(o_ot) XP Okay...
So... Halloween is coming up... And you're never too old to take candy from strangers so, I'm dressing up as a zombie with a knife sticking out of my heart and fake, long eyelashes on one eye... =D Joy...
I saw 'The Forgotten' on Sunday... I liked it... I really wanna see 'The Grudge' ... It's coming this Friday... ^^
We don't have school today! Woohoo! But I have to go the dentist... x_X
Um... Yeah...

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Saturday, October 9, 2004
... Yesterday my Dir en grey Tour 04 The Code of Vulgar[ism] [Limited Release] DVD came in the mail... So... I'm like happy... It's cool... Yeah... And... Me and my friend still have to finish our Social Studies Civil War project... x_O... And... Um... The other day I read Vol. 1 of Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion... It was okay... :| My brother got fish... And... There's like a billion little spiders in the basement... -_-; I'm afraid that I'll inhale one on accident... o_O
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Hm... Smiley dude...
You know... I was... gonna post something... Um... I have to get up early tomorrow... That sucks... Uh... I got Fruits Basket Vol. 5 yesterday... And I... Stuff... You guys are probably all tired and annoyed by my inability to remember what I want to post... So... How are you on this fine day? ...
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Monday, September 27, 2004
.. .. .... . ... .. . .. . .... .. .. ........ .. . .. . . . ..
Yeah... Um... This morning I found a huge cricket in my sink... It was scary... T-T... And... stuff...
... Isn't this the most exciting post evar... ? Yes... Yes it is...
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
... Uh, I never remembered what I was gonna post in the last post... Just so you know...
Hm, my brother now feels the need to use the computer to play computer games... Which means I have to share the computer... I'm not used to doing that... Now my chats and stuff are cut short... But I don't think my brother will be down here(Computer is in the basement) again for a while... He discovered the big ass spiders that occasionally crawl out from wherever the hell they from... I don't mind the spiders so much as I'm freaked out by the crickets that sometimes appear... I hate crickets...
Ah, right now I'm chewing on a pen... Yay for me...
I'm kinda tired... Woohoo... *falls asleep*
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