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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
I started reading another manga series over the weekend... It's called The Demon Ororon... It's really good...
Weeee? ...
I forgot what I was gonna post... again...
x_X ...
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
... Yesterday, I went to the state fair with Lunitari... It was fun... The carnival-folk... Kekeke... Carnies... were scary... o_O... They, like, try to suck you into their little scheme to make you play their games... I won some shtuff... X3 Like the four inflatable sword thingys... We hit each eachother with them a lot... And they had a lot of cool, yet pretty useless, free stuff... That place wan't very child appropiate though... Crap man... They had, like, pictures of half-naked people that you could win... o_O Nyaaa... That one ride was freaky... I dunno how to describe it... I kept thinking that the rides were gonna fall apart and crap... I was freaked out... T-T I saw someone with the shirt that I want... It says 'Invade Canada' on it... And there was a little kid with a mohawk... And... I had a really cool post planned out, but I forgot it... So... Gah! Um... Nerrrg... Yesh... Nerg is a word... Kekeke... *sigh* Nuuuu! I just finished my can of Orange Fanta! x_X ... Okay, I'll leave now...
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
I need sleep... But I don't want sleep... I want... Stuff... Violent explosion-y stuff... Yay... Um, my fingers have been getting cold and stiff-ish lately... Making it harder to type properly... Yeah...
OH EM GEE! O_O There's a pen in my sock... How did that get there?... e_o... Foom...
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Monday, September 6, 2004
Hiya! Today-er yesterday, whenever, I saw Paparazzi... Interesting movie... o_O
Um... Whoa, I just totally forgot the point of this post... Umm... I have new quiz resultsesesesesesss *points below the posts and to the quiz results section thing* Yeah...
*tries to remember point* MUST. REMEMBER. Grrr! *pokes you*
Um... I think I need to do my homework sometime soon... Yeah... That would be good... Er, just not right now... Maybe I could get my dog to eat it? o_O I dunno...
And so, the point of the post has been lost to the depths of hell... Well, bye! *waves*
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Hey, I just got back from a Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan concert... It was... Different... But kinda... Enjoyable...
I'm kinda pissed off right now, since no damn store has Gravitation Vol. 7! Dammit! I looked all over for it, it came out last month, and I couldn't find a single damn copy! Grrr! I'm gonna die without my Gravitation! ;_; ...
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
Whoa, dude...
I just finished watching Moon Child, and I'm confused about the ending... WTF? I don't get it! Oh well, Hyde is one sexy vampire I'll say that much X3...
Yeah, not much else to post about... Except... I hate studying! Yeah... How many of you think that I can pass the Social Studies test tomorrow without studying my ass off?! *crickets chirp* ... Okay, fine... Be mean... I'll study... Or WILL I? ... You may never know... o_O...
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Today, power went out for about an hour during school... It included the whole area around the school though... It was kinda fun, except for the emergency lights they had... I wanted it to be pitch black! Muwahaha
Well, one of my friends wasn't in school today and it's because she's in the ER with respritory problems ;_; ... I guess it's because she was smoking, because I highly doubt she developed asthma over night... I never really thought that she smoked because most of what comes out her mouth is complete bullshit... She's like a compulsive liar or something similar to that... So it basically came as a complete shock to me... o_o... Um, so I don't really know what else to say...
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Okay here's my little otaku definiation thingymajigger
???:That she directly stole from one of Morbid Gnome's posts on Gaia
In Japan, otaku is a VERY negative word. It originally was a polite form of the word 'you' or it meant 'your home'. In the 80s, many teens and young adults became obsessed with anime and videogames. People insulted them by calling them 'otaku', since they hardly left their homes. One day, a man named Miyazaki (not the anime director), went crazy. Over a several month period, he kidnapped 4 girls between the ages of 6-12. He raped, murdered, then mutilated their bodies. After the police investigated his small apartment, they discovered anime tapes stacked up to the ceiling, and pornographic photos of the girls. When interviewed the man said that he choose little girls because 'adult women have flaws. Young girls are flawless, much like an anime character'. The news labeled him as an otaku. Many people in Japan still associate the word otaku with that event. BUT, in America, otaku has come to be a positive word meaning 'hardcore anime fan'.
Wow that took a long time to type ^^;
???: -_-; She means that it took her a short time to copy and paste
Shut up, you!
???: ...
Good! On with the post! Okay, today my brother was at a football game and he broke his finger! They won the game 43 to 0 by the way... But don't worry! It didn't even really hurt him...
Um, wow, I fogot to tell you guys this, but I'm really proud of my entire grade... It seems that we've built up a slight reputation with the teachers that we're horrible kids XD... Um, we curse... a lot... You really couldn't go five minutes last year without seeing a guy flip up a girl's skirt, I think that someone last year could have probably been close to goin to court for sexual harrassment... And I'm sure that there's more that I'm not remembering... If I forgot something important, comment and tell me, Lunitari! ... And that's why I'm proud of my grade, that goes to a private Catholic school...
???: You're not serious about being proud of them are you?!
No, I was joking about that part...
???: Oh, good...
BLARG! I can't spell tonight! And I'm forgetting things! And I still haven't started my autobiography rough draft! And, my school freaks me out! There're cameras outside and in the gym! I'm always being watched! And as anybody who knows me should know, I don't like being watched or having people behind me! >:O And now, as I sit here drinking my can of Diet Vanilla Coke, looking at a jackpot of yaoi/shonen-ai pictures I found, and listening to 'LEMONed I Scream' by hide, I can honestly tell you that... I ahve no clue what I'm writing about... I'm just typing down the first things that come to my head, I don't have clue waht I just wrote! Isn't that great?! YES! YES IT IS GREAT! IT IS AWESOME, AND YOU WILL ALL AGREE WITH ME! *stares at you with hypno-glasses on* You will all agree with me!
???: WTF?!
???: NEVER!
Wait, who are you anyways?
???: You mean you don't know?
???: ... Neither do I...
*in an announcer-ish type voice* Well, now I think that Takhisis and ??? need our help in discovering who ??? is! Give them suggestions and maybe one will jog ???'s memory! Then I'll see you on the next episode of Blah Blah Blah!
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
Hiya! Just so you know, I survived my first week back at school... or hell... whichever term you prefer... Woo! You know what? having two songs stuck in your head at the same time so that they morph together into one weird song is kind of scary... Kind of really scary... o_O... Um, what else was I gonna post? GAH! I forgot! ;_;... Um... ... ... ... ... Oh well, I guess that thought process is lost and gone forever... Well, now what am I gonna post? I don't know... You tell me! Yeah... I'm booored... And kinda hyper... And kinda not hyper... And... Stuff... Uh... ... ... DOTS!.............................. .................................. .................................. .................................. .................................. ............. Erm, okay, now that I've got that out of my system... Japanese emoticons are kinda weird... Kinda like their street fashions... o_o... Um... Okay, gotta think of something intelligent to post... Um, 'Serial Experiments lain' is a weird anime o_O... Hahaha... Otaku scare me HOUSE! RAPIST! XD If you don't get that... Then tell me and I'll write out an explanation in my next post about why otaku scare me, and why I screamed 'HOUSE! RAPIST!'... If you want me to post that, you get a free definition of otaku! w00t! That would be awesome wouldn't it?! ... Dude! This site is called 'my Otaku'! O_O! Wow... My house! My rapist! Yeeeeaaaaah! WOOHOO!... Hahaha... Wheeee! Rambling is fun... I should do this more often... *skips around the site* Wheeeeeeeeeee! *stops skipping* Okay... Dude... Hi... Um... People are weird o_O... But I'm not weird... I'm normal... It might be more interesting if I were weird though... I can't spell very well tonight... Oh well... Fweeee!... XD... Alright, I'll let you leave now... As long as you promise to come visit me again sometime! Byeeee!
;_; Wah! Now they're all gone and I don't have anyone to talk to... Unless they didn't leave and are infact reading this RIGHT THIS VERY INSTANT! O_O That would be scary wouldn't it?
???: Yes, that would be scary indeed...
*in an announcer-ish type voice* Just who is this '???'? Why did Takhisis want us to leave? All will be revealed in the next episdoe of DRAGON BALL Z! Uh, I mean, Takhisis's boring stupid myO post thingy...
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
Hello... I decided to post something... Um, my poster hates me... It's right above my bed and it fell on me in the middle of the night... I would kill it... Except for the fact that you can't kill posters, and it's a really cool one... It's a Dir en grey band signed(Printed not hand signed) poster... Yeah... Um... I wish I had money... So I could buy the new Plastic Tree CD that's coming out... And... What else should I post? Uh, I got to see Without A Paddle yesterday! It was funny... Surprisingly my dad just gave us money to spend in the mall... Which he normally doesn't do... Especially for "Backwards crappy Japanese comic books" to quote him So we got GetBackers Vol. 3 and Bleach Vol. 2...
... Oh, I got a nifty Duke Talent Identification Program State Recognition medal in the mail today... It was from the thing where kids who got good grades got to take the A.C.T.'s or the S.A.T.'s... o_o... I felt stupid after taking those... XD...
... I wonder if putting all of these dots is annoying anyone?...
... Uh, here's a quiz type thing...
... More dots
... Okay, I'll stop now...
... Okay, I'm really stopping...
... Now... XD
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