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Sunday, August 29, 2004
Okay here's my little otaku definiation thingymajigger
???:That she directly stole from one of Morbid Gnome's posts on Gaia
In Japan, otaku is a VERY negative word. It originally was a polite form of the word 'you' or it meant 'your home'. In the 80s, many teens and young adults became obsessed with anime and videogames. People insulted them by calling them 'otaku', since they hardly left their homes. One day, a man named Miyazaki (not the anime director), went crazy. Over a several month period, he kidnapped 4 girls between the ages of 6-12. He raped, murdered, then mutilated their bodies. After the police investigated his small apartment, they discovered anime tapes stacked up to the ceiling, and pornographic photos of the girls. When interviewed the man said that he choose little girls because 'adult women have flaws. Young girls are flawless, much like an anime character'. The news labeled him as an otaku. Many people in Japan still associate the word otaku with that event. BUT, in America, otaku has come to be a positive word meaning 'hardcore anime fan'.
Wow that took a long time to type ^^;
???: -_-; She means that it took her a short time to copy and paste
Shut up, you!
???: ...
Good! On with the post! Okay, today my brother was at a football game and he broke his finger! They won the game 43 to 0 by the way... But don't worry! It didn't even really hurt him...
Um, wow, I fogot to tell you guys this, but I'm really proud of my entire grade... It seems that we've built up a slight reputation with the teachers that we're horrible kids XD... Um, we curse... a lot... You really couldn't go five minutes last year without seeing a guy flip up a girl's skirt, I think that someone last year could have probably been close to goin to court for sexual harrassment... And I'm sure that there's more that I'm not remembering... If I forgot something important, comment and tell me, Lunitari! ... And that's why I'm proud of my grade, that goes to a private Catholic school...
???: You're not serious about being proud of them are you?!
No, I was joking about that part...
???: Oh, good...
BLARG! I can't spell tonight! And I'm forgetting things! And I still haven't started my autobiography rough draft! And, my school freaks me out! There're cameras outside and in the gym! I'm always being watched! And as anybody who knows me should know, I don't like being watched or having people behind me! >:O And now, as I sit here drinking my can of Diet Vanilla Coke, looking at a jackpot of yaoi/shonen-ai pictures I found, and listening to 'LEMONed I Scream' by hide, I can honestly tell you that... I ahve no clue what I'm writing about... I'm just typing down the first things that come to my head, I don't have clue waht I just wrote! Isn't that great?! YES! YES IT IS GREAT! IT IS AWESOME, AND YOU WILL ALL AGREE WITH ME! *stares at you with hypno-glasses on* You will all agree with me!
???: WTF?!
???: NEVER!
Wait, who are you anyways?
???: You mean you don't know?
???: ... Neither do I...
*in an announcer-ish type voice* Well, now I think that Takhisis and ??? need our help in discovering who ??? is! Give them suggestions and maybe one will jog ???'s memory! Then I'll see you on the next episode of Blah Blah Blah!
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