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myOtaku.com: Takhisis

Sunday, September 12, 2004

... Yesterday, I went to the state fair with Lunitari... It was fun... The carnival-folk... Kekeke... Carnies... were scary... o_O... They, like, try to suck you into their little scheme to make you play their games... I won some shtuff... X3 Like the four inflatable sword thingys... We hit each eachother with them a lot... And they had a lot of cool, yet pretty useless, free stuff... That place wan't very child appropiate though... Crap man... They had, like, pictures of half-naked people that you could win... o_O Nyaaa... That one ride was freaky... I dunno how to describe it... I kept thinking that the rides were gonna fall apart and crap... I was freaked out... T-T I saw someone with the shirt that I want... It says 'Invade Canada' on it... And there was a little kid with a mohawk... And... I had a really cool post planned out, but I forgot it... So... Gah! Um... Nerrrg... Yesh... Nerg is a word... Kekeke... *sigh* Nuuuu! I just finished my can of Orange Fanta! x_X ... Okay, I'll leave now...
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