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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
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school girl
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Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Good night people, I'm going to's midnight.
 What's Your Outlook on Life? brought to you by Quizilla
Woah, this is acctualy sounds a lot like me. I think it must be a philisophical thing, you ~expect~ it to discribe you so it does.
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Friday, December 10, 2004
Today is my father's birthday. ^_^
Daddy is now 58. Mommy is 56 then, *whispers behind hand* her birthday is in Juuuune. Anyways! It is also the aniversy of the day that my brother's rabbit died. He froze to death *is surrprisingly cheery*
you: o.O
What? It's better that way, that animal was as old as ~I~ was! At least it wasn't painful. Momo says that when someone frezes to death it's just like they fall asleep. They start to halusenate and and the stop feeling all pain and I'm just guessing at this part, but I think they start to feel warm and in a wonderland of some sort. What a wonderful way to go. I remember it so well cuz Renee was over. We were baking cookies and playing biblopoly (monopoly mixed with the bible). It was a Wednesday.
Okaaay then, on to today. I tood a test today in History, it was majorly easy. I have a math test Monday. I'm almost positive that I'm PMSed, last night I was sobin' when I finished reading Briar's Book. It's number 4 The Circle of Magic Quartet. The next series is The Circle Opens. I'm not really okay with the circle opening, but now I am for some reason. It was really emotional at the end of Briar's Book. I was crying, which just prooves I'm PMSed. I was talking to Daniel about it and said that it prooves it, and Todd and Stevie, who are alwasy eves droping were discusted and asked if I really wanted people to know that kinda stuff. I really don't care.
Also, in science, Mr. Peack said that in mid-December, at 9 PM, if you look to the east you will see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and if you look over your right sholder you can see Saturn! Isn't that cool!? I want to study astronimy if I ever get the chance.
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Some one once told me to speak in
I broke a glass. I have a lot of homework again tonight. I sqealed all day today (egzageration), same as yesterday. I think I might be PMSed. I was grumpy off and one today, enough to snap Todd's pensil in two when he wouldn't stop taping it just to make me mad. I have a dog who is drooling all over me. I have to go in (school) early again, to work on my art this time. I have Friday's class and that's it to get it done. I have only the base and one coil done. =.=' I have an early out tomorrow. I'm going to emma's after school. I need to practice the piano. I have a mother who is yelling at me. I would think that if she wasn't too old, she would be PMSed right now too, she is sure acting like it. I only wanted to go into my own little corner to read today. I think this really annoying boy, that ~every~one is class hates, has a crush on me. I need to make christmas candy for eveyone and I need to go now. Bye.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
The autobiography of my recent feelings
"Money is a little tight right now, blue bird (bus company) shutin' down finaly took tole on us, 'bout time too," is what she said. We could get shoes for me, but that's it. Cuz "money's tight right now." When Mom told that to me in the car on our way to walmart, I didn't think much of it then, but I couldn't get it out of my head today. I kept feeling so poor. I remembered the time when Camron had told the class that when he was younger, his mother had thretened him that if he didn't do as told, she would buy his clothes at walmart. Carmon comes from what to all but one in my math class, including me, wealthy family. Only Matt seems to have around equal money. In p.e. today Cassie, the girl who said she was smarter than me, asked me why I was wearing cappri pants in 30 degree weather. I just shurged but I couldn't help thinking 'Does she think I'm poor cuz I don't sute her expectations?' I don't concider her a friend. At least she is nicer than some people. A day or two ago, April asked me if I had a hair tie she could barrow, I told her that I don't use hair ties, but she's welcome to one of my rubber bands. She decliend. Not to mention, I was cold all day cuz the sweat shirt that I wear almost everyday had some food on it, and instead of doing the wash last night, I decided to wait 'til today so I could get my p.e. clothes in too. You know, don't waste the earths's water supply. A girl in seventh grade that we share p.e. with told me I had really cool shoes and wanted to know where I got them. I don't know what she thought after I told her. If I were to guess, I'd say either surprised or discusted. I'd rather not think too much about it... I stayed after today to work on my art. We're on clay containers now. I'm making a- hmm it's like a cylinder, but it goes in a little in the middle. It's gonna have two ballerinas on it. *shrugs* I was inspired by one of our show chior songs, "At The Ballet" It's a pretty song. Anyway Mrs. Peterson's daughter and another little girl was there palying "Teacher" and they advised the invisable class not to use the color blue, cuz it's a sad color and they don't like it....I always feel the best about my self when I have that color surrounding me. Ah, it's supper time, I must go. I hope you all had a-...I didn't have a bad day. I hope you all had a good day. *bows*
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Hey guys, I'm at school right now.
I need to barrow someone's calculator. *looks at the word calculator* I can't spell much, but I can always spell calculator. ^^ Hnnn. Anyways I need to barrow a fancy calculator cuz mine didn't have enough space to do on of my science problems *looks around library* Hmmm now to bother those boys for a calcualator. ^_~ Bye!
P.S. No piano lesson today, Heidi's daughter is in the hospital and Heidi is visiting her. Poor Heidi, her mother dies, then this? I feel sad. If any of you pray, could you pray for my piano teacher and her family? Thanks guys.
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Monday, December 6, 2004
I have 1300 vists...
*looks around* *shrugs* cool.
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I'm not finished with my homework
*hits head repeatedly* stupid, stupid, stupid! I'm not dUUuuuune. I'm half way writing the signifcance of the thrid battle on this chart I need to make of seven battles durring the American Revoultion. I've read of 4 though, so I just need to write them down, but I'm taking a small break. *small crips sigh* So I'm just taking a small brief break......Um, bye.
Edit: 11:56
*yaaaaawn* good night *contint look* Now to finish my homework. *even more contint*
I(remember I? She's the sane, nice one): *panicks* Oh no! She's so tiered and overwhelmed she's gone dil- *trys speeling* dillear-...dilleariou- =.=* crazy! And she still needs to do her enrichment homework too! *slaps face until Taleybo respondes* Youf majesty! Please, you must awaken! Your court needs your brain!
Queen Kate: What, what?! I'm awake! How dare you acuse me! *pouts*
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Today is a buisy one
Wow. I'm surprised I have time to post. *is impressed with myself* Oh wait! I don't! *takes off towards homework* Bye!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
~~Beware of moody ranting~~
Hey everyone...guess what today is. It's one two three four day. Today is December 3rd, 04. December is the tweleth month of the year. 1, 2, and today it the 3rd day 1, 2, 3, and it is year 04 so that's 1, 2, 3, and 4. *smiles meekly* I had a crappy day today.
1st hour: History
i need to do some notes that I can't even take home cuz i'm not allowed to take the paper out of the class room. and yeah that's it I guess.
2nd hour: chorus
okay so nothing bad happened, if fact good stuff happened. there is another new girl at our school, nicole, and she now sits between me and A-~man~-duuuh! If I were to judge her by first impressions, I would say that she is going to be a prep. *evil grin* Well not if I have anything to do about it. *back to normal* At least I don't have to sit next to little miss *mimicks Amanda's voice* Shut up Kate, she hasn't told us to sing yet, but when we do, I'm gonna sing loud enough to be anoying, but soft enough that the front row (we sit in the back, 4th row) sopranos can't hear me while I sing majorly off key! *growls agervatedly* *sighs and flutters eyes in frustrasion* But Nicloe seems kind nice at the least and she sings loud and really pertty. ^_^ This is going to be fun *claps hands together*
3rd hour: Language
I got my WWII interview back. I got a B+ 88.5% There is no logical reason that I should have missed all those points. Cassie said "Wow, this is the first time I can remeber being smarter than you" It was in astonishment, but it still dug into my heart like a butcher's knive. I swear, I almost fainted. All because I didn't say she said, or something like that, after every time I used a quote. That sounds so amichure when people do that. And my only other mistake was when I capitalized two words I shouldn't've. *hangs head* I'm so disapointed. And I get jelous easily so having a B when my average is an A and knowing that people did better than me, it just made me so mad and angery.
4th hour: lunch
Today was drama with Mrs. Loescher. I was late cuz I needed to finish my science that I hadn't finished. And I met up with Renee at our locker and right when I was about to go, Katelyn, Alison, and Maya pass by me and I turn and leave for Mr. Peck's room and I hear them shouting for me "Kate! Your locker!" I knew when they said that, it was open, but I kept one walking mimicking what they said silently to myself. They called again I yelled without turning around "I DON'T CARE!!" and entered the class room. Later when I ~was~ in Mrs. Loescher, I wanted a hug from Uzali-dono to make me feel better. She hugs like no one I have huged before. The only real contact you get is with the arms. I'm used to hugs where your body is pulled/pushed againts the other person's body. I like tight hugs and here I am, grumpy(mostly from my B) and not getting a good hug so I swing my arm around her waist and pull it towards mine. And what does she do? Practacly falls over ^^ Hee hee, that ~did~ make me feel better...for like 2 minutes, then back to sulking. Katelyn was asked to say the line "Oh, that's great" to get an emotion across and when Mrs. Loescher asked, "Okay, what do you hear?" there was a pause, so I said "I hear a british accent" They all laughed. So do I, then I stop. "Okay, I'm moody again."
5th hour: Math
Nothin' real speacail happened in math, good or bad.
6th hour: P.E. I was happy again for most of p.e. We had to run, so I ran with April most of the way. Near the end, when people started to walk, I started to slow down and as I passed Daniel (he forgot his gym stuff again or somethin' cuz he sat out) he yelled "Run, Kate, run! You already passed ~3~ people!" I answered "Really?!" and took off running. In a matter of seconds I had lapped the gym again and was passing Daniel. ^_^ That mad me happy.
7th hour: Science
Nothing happened. I made Daniel a list of things that he need for school, he keeps barrowing my things. It's not like he doesn't return them, but he needs his own suplies.
8th: Art
We have moved on to clay containers like tuesday or somthing. I discussed it with April, then asked Mrs. Peterson if I could take a few minutes for her to model for me, so I could draw a balerina. She said we could go into the ESL room. I don't know what it's for, but I think it has something to do with Spanish...maybe teaching Spanish-speaking students English. *shrugs* It doesn't matter. April graciously gave up what ended up tp be our whole class period possing for me. She said she really liked the drawing. ^_^ That made me happy. She said it was very realistic. I think she should know, she ~is~ in dance. Maybe I can get a pic of it up sometime. *shrugs*
*looks at clock* Okay I've been working on this post off and on for the last *calculates* almost 3 hours!! Oh, well, I don't care. Bye.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Hi guys ^_^
I had a fair day today. How was your's? I hope it was good. Say, do any of you know a good AMV site? I just got media player and would like to download some, only I'm lazy and don't wanna search for a site of free downloads....they ~are~ free aren't they? I hope so. Anyway, I think I'll go make some almond bark mix now....There is a dance Friday...I think I'm going.
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