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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
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school girl
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Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Monday, November 22, 2004
Two posts in one
Post 1:
A single action can effect someone a lot.
*screams* I ~hate~ him! I hate 'im, I hate 'im, I ~~hate~~ him!!! *is oviously quite angery*
*some of you have a look saying "I'm sorry she is so angery", others have one that says "I don't know who she is so mad at, but I'm mad at them too *pouts*" (<-Uzali) while others say "Suck it up *rolls eyes*" and a few say "who?"* My brother! That idiot! *tares up paper* I tried to get out of the car and when I barely opened the door, he shoved it shut. I tried again, and he did it again! *rips up more paper* And this all takes place after gloting about this card he recieved from the college we both want to go to. *screams and rips up a million sheets of paper* Good thing this is all recyleable. ^_~
Post 2:
Today is national Start Your Own Country Day.
Yeah, so I've desided that my site is form now on, Katalina (cat-uh-lee-na). It is my own contry. ^_^V And the capital is Katestown. Ya like? And if I speak in Kaetanise (Kay-ta-nese), please, don't feel overwhelmed, people get used to it really fast. Kawaii isn't it? ^_~V And I promise if you join ~my~ country, I'll join your's! Hey! I just had another idea, you know those clubs that you can join, like that mushroom one? Well, wouldn't it be cool if I had one for my contry on my site that people could join if they wanted, only it would be for my contry? I would probably have to have Uzali-dono make it for me though, I'm not good with computers...for some reason I want it to be a fusha pink. *shrugs* Do anyone of you know how to make the code so I could change the population and stuff? of even just the code? Hmmm maybe I should just talk to U-dono. Well tell me what you think k? And thanks guys for the support on my other idea. ^_^ It made me feel really good.
~Taleybo (have a good day yall!)
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
It seems everyone had such a good day today! ^_^
That is good, yes it is. ^_^ ...... Well about that post I made the other day, I was right. Thank goodness! I ~was~ PMSed..... I need to redo my hair, it has roots of like uhh 2 inchs. I told my mom that she could pick the shade of red, or Casey (stylest) could, but I really don't care, and I trust Casey, so does mom. We just got done watching this movie (I think it was on TNT) called The Wool Cap. It was really good, anyone else ever seen it? Well I still have a little homework left, but I'm gonna wait, see if anyone posts while I'm typing......Emay had an idea for her story. I wonder when she is going to give J-kun's story back (she kinda co writes his storys, ya know, proof reads, adds a little here and there as a filler). Miss Firestar hasn't worked on her story in a while....I know she's buisy, I don't blame her, but I wish to read it. Tomorrow Daniel is supposed to give me my gift. If he doesn't I'm not gonna be mad. I don't know why, but I half exspect him not to. *sigh* I don't care. I still feel a little bad about friday....I don't feel like talking about it...sorta...oh I'll just be quiet.......... Tuseday is Maya-san's birthday, find her on my friends list, her name is Maimai15. Wish her a happy one. Renee-nee should have started her way home today. Remember, she is my friend that went to North Carolina. I can't wait to see the pictures. Emma's cousins are coming on Wednesday for Thanksgiving. She says I have to meet them. I can't wait.....well nothing else really.
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I had a great idea
I think it is great though, I sent the staff a letter, here it is:
I had a great idea! I like to have a theme for MyO site, like most members, and I thought, with Christmas coming up, that I would like to have a Chirstmas theme, but durring the day I would like to have a snowy theme with a Christmas carol as a midi and the night hours I want a kind of night theme with like Silent Night as a midi, but I don't have time to switch it. So, in short, my idea is you could maybe design your site in a way that the memebers can make multiple themes for their little section and then they could say when the computer should switch them by hours or something. It's just an idea, but I think it is really cool. Maybe I should ask some of my MyO friends what they think. Bye, and have a good day!
I hope it is, so what ~do~ you think? Do you think it is a good idea? Would you use it? If you guys like it, I think it would be totaly cool if you would send them a letter too, supporting my idea. Maybe it would help the chances of it happening. *shurgs* Please?
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Saturday, November 20, 2004
National Treasure
That movie was hilarious! My favorite character was Reily (main character's best friend). All throughtout the show, Emma and I kept whispering to eachother between laughs, "That's so Jake!" *starts speaking Kaetanise (Kate-ah-nise)*
You: *rise eyebrow*
Oh, I haven't told you about that yet, have I? Okay, I sometime talk in my own "language", only I don't think of it as a language. It's more of expressing emotions verbaly, yet without acctualy "saying" something.
You: Ohhh, okay.
And there was this one goon that I named "Fran-chess-co" (sorry guys, I don't know how to spell th- *Caleb inturuptes*
C: Kate! Think! What time is it?!
Me: *gasp, grabs hair*
C: Think what day it is!
Me: *runs towards t.v. and franticaly flips to 44 (Cartoon Network)*
*comes back*
Okay guys, sorry Kenshin was on, if I'm not mistaken, it is the 5th episode. *thinks* Uhhhh yes, the 5th episode, it's Kenshin's "battle" with Zanza. See the full battle is streched over (sorta, in mind at lest) two episodes. #4 introduces the then, Zanza, now Sano.
Anyways, the "goon" that I named Franchessco (who strangly enough has an Irish accent) has this wonderful line.
Fran: *watches Gates (main character) grab Chase's arm (m.c.'s love intrest), say "Come here" and kiss her square on the lips (french, I might add ^_~) and then continue going down, as Reily calls it "the dark tunel in the creepy tomb"* (long set-up, I know) Why doesn't that ever happen to me?
Well, that's all for now, time to visit some sites, bye! ^_~V
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We got back
And I Am Sam is on. I like that movie a lot. We (Momo, Ca-bob, and I) are going to see National Treasure. We are taking Emma along! ^_^ We have to go now, so buh-bye!
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I'm going out to eat with Momo and Ca-bob
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Friday, November 19, 2004
 You should wear : Green
Natural and neutral.
You make what you want and you dress like that.
Green underlines your neutrality. Green is simple: an ever-green. Go you!
What color should you wear? brought to you by Quizilla
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I must be PMSing.
There is no other logical exsplanation. I feel like crying at- *looks out window at a very far squirlle is searching for something on the ground* I feel like crying at this moment of time. I had a bad 8th period. The table I sit at in art wasn't straight and Colin and Jeff were making fun of me cuz I spoke som Japanese and they made fun of anime. Luke was being mean. He just was. He wouldn't let the table be straight. Maya and Cassie were telling me that I shouldn't care and-....
Daniel told me today that when he was shopping for Maya and Myra's birthday gift (they are not related, just have birthdays closed to each other) that he got me something for my birthday too just cuz when he saw it he thought of me and thought I would like it. He asked me when my birthday is 9.9 It's in January, he didn't want to wait that long so he said that he would bring it to me on Monday. After a little bit of him wanting to make sure that I would like it, I figured out that it is a blue shirt that has lots of anime on it (or at least I know it's a blue shirt and it has something to do with anime). I was really happy, and of course I asked when his birthday was so I could get him something. He told me tomorrow. Tomorrow! Ohhhhh boy. Tomorrow. He said I could just get him cady since it was such short notice and I really wanted to get him something. I told him I would give him an extra large dose of the almond bark mix I make at Christmas. I hope he likes it, I try to think of myself as a little bit of a good cook. I can't do anything fancy though.
Emma brought homemade cookies to school today. She made them. I had one, it was good.
I need to practice my piano and take care of my rabbits.
Sissy is going to Iowa City today. I forgot about it 'til last night. I feel bad cuz she invited me to go along but I never got back to her.
Mom got a new CD, it's cool it's of these 3 girls that are the daughters of Peter or Paul from Peter, Paul, and Mary and this one guy form beach boys. They sound really good. I think they are called WillsonPhillips of PhillipsWillson, most likely the first of the two.
I still feel bad, but I don't want cheering up. I just want comforting company. ..... Bye.
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Uzali-dono has pointed a very important thing to me
My boyfriend is probably jelous that I've been talking about Brian so much. I wish to make a public apology, I didn't mean to lead anyone on if that's what you are thinking. I do not like him like that. I think he is funny and nice, but I have my heart set on my Hrakui-kun. ^_^ *melts*
~~*flashback to somethinn Uzali said once*~~
U-chan: Oh don't worry 'bout her *points at me* she thougth about her boyfriend and melted.
~~*end of flashback*~~
Btw, some newer members of our little simi-group at school found out that I'm dating someone over the net (he's here on MyO ^_~) and they got all upset, it made me feel good knowing they care even a little. Anyways told me only to believe him if I had more than one picture or if we have talked with I-cam (sp?), I told them I have never seen him physically and that I'm fine with that cuz I believe him (just like I beleve all you guys ^_^ Yay *hugs*). They said I shouldn't and got really upset and came up with some crazy senorios. I don't care if they think that I'm "dating" a 50 year old biker guy with a long beard and tatus down his arms that say MOM or so 80 year old insane lezbo lady that has one tooth and has a big hump in her back. I told them I have never sent a picture so why would I ask that of him? It wouldn't be fair. In fact that subject has never srung up, but now I'm sure it will. I'll just tell him what I told you. I gotta go clean the church now, bye!
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Hnnnnnn *happy sound*
Again I am happy. I used to not like the evening cuz the light went from light to yellow colored light, and I don't know why but yellow light ticks me off/creeps me out/anoys me. ^^' I know, but now that it has been all cloudy and wintery getting, the yellow light has gone away and I am happy....Even though I'm typing this at 11:42 am at school, go figure. *shrugs*
I was falling asleep in History today. Good thing we were only reading papers to find information, like I said, I need to look up info on Abigail Adams (I learned how to spell Abigail).
I had a test in Math class yesterday. I think we will get the results today. I'm anxios to see what I got.
We also had a test in Enrichment today. I don't think I did as well as I could have. I should have taken better notes. I am such a bad girl *hangs head*
I am now married to Brian in Lanugae too. See we just started reading the introduction to "Anne Frank: A Dairy of A Young Girl" and I play Mrs. Frank and he plays Mr. Frank, so yeah. I'm married twise to the same guy. Also one of our assignments is to interview someone who lived through WWII and a lot of people in our class couldn't find anyone so Mrs. Moore arranged to have some older people come into class so they (classmates) could get an interviewy. So while they were doing that, the rest of the class went with Mrs. Bunger (student teacher) to Mr. BK's room so we could read. We I walked in I saw a chouch so I thought "Oo! A chouch, if I don't take it, then someone else will" so I sat down in the middle cuz the left side had a huge pillow on it (I hate sitting on pillows) and Daniel sat to my right. Mrs. Bungers wanted to sit in the spot Daniel was cuz she did. So Daniel was gonna sit on my other side but Brian got there first. It was a good day so far if you ask me. ^_^ Well I gotta go to math now, bye!
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