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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
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school girl
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Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
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Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
K, people
I changed my site again. I guess the purple just bugged me and finaly it was enough to make me change back. Ahhhh the joys of writing my codes down.....
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Okay, no one has commented on my summary of The Scarlet Letter...Or maybe they didn't know. *shurgs* Well it's up, and if you wanna see how I write reports, what this story is about, or you just have time to kill, go ahead and read it.
We've been kicked out of the library. No, not all the time, we just can't eat in it anymore. We usualy eat in there when Mrs. Loescher has an alternative class thing for gym segment at lunch time.
You: *confused*
*sigh* Let me refrase, our school has the lunch periods broken up into two. I eat 4th period with all the other 8th graders and some 7th. While the other 7th graders eat with all the 6th. Got that? Well then each period is split into two groups, first segment and second. I am supposed to be eating second, see the segments are classified by last names (A-L, M-Z). When you are not eating, you are having gym segment. Mrs. Loescher has these "classes" you can take as an alternative. I ~always~ go up to Mrs. Loescher's, not for the classes since I'm only in Drama, but cuz I don't like eating in the lunch room. When she has Robotics we go into the library to eat cuz her room is too small. Anyways, now that I cleared that up (it took 10 minutes -.-') I will continue my story. We are banned from the library, we think that someone at up hear in 5th period and made a big mess and didn't clean it up. *sigh* Idiots.
Speaking of Mrs. Loesher, we have a new student in our Enrichment class...Colin -.-* I have decided that I don't like him. He's mean, rude, scarcastic, and ~extremly~ flirtous. I don't see why Emma likes him so. Well as they say "Love is blind" *rolls eyes* I feel like complaining more, but I don't have time.
....Mrs. Loescher wont let us come up tomorrow at lunch cuz she has parent teacher confrences then *sigh* that means I'm gonna have to eat in the lunch room. Hmmm maybe I'll eat with Uzali-dono and Daniel. Yeah, I think I'll do that.
...I don't think I have anything else to talk about soooo I guess I'll go no, see ya!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
The Scarlet Letter
1.The most vague description of this masterpiece is “A story of the life of a woman after she is found for the sin of adultery,” but there is more to this tale. Hester Prynne, being the woman found guilty, had refused to release the knowledge of whom she sinned herself with. The towns people, not once laying a finger on this woman, could only treat her worse by shunning- making as if she had never existed –or by death itself; yet, with, after the years gone by, she gained a respect from her actions of giving all extra income to the needy, helping whenever possible with the ill, and heading no complaint of wearing the scarlet “A” on her chest as a badge of her sin.
This too, is a very simple description for this is a tale of many persons, one being Hester’s husband, long presumed dead by sea wreck or some other misfortune that just so happened to have ailed him, had appeared at Hester’s first public showing; this man of the latter, Roger Chillingworth as he requested to be called, seeked revenge against his wife and the man who aided in her betrayal to him; Chillingworth had decided the letter on Hester’s bosom would avenge him enough, so it was up to himself to torture the poor man unknown to all but his wife.
Slowly throughout the book, around half way, the reader can start to have a pretty good idea who the secretive man of sin is; none but Reverend Arthur Dimesdale himself! At the end of the book, seven years post the sin committed with a small girl-child to prove it, Dimesdale went public with his secret, in front of the whole town plus some, and died almost instantly afterward.
2.This book took place in the early 1600’s; a revolution was on the mind of no person at that time, just separation from the Church of England. But, I did recognize Governor Winthrop as the Puritan leader, he was mentioned about twice.
3.Like I said, the story line is a few centuries ahead of the Revolutionary War, but if I were asked to tell which one of the main characters changed the most it would be Chillingworth. Now, none of the characters changed much in the book, but are described in the past tense while in someone’s memory. Hester tells the reader of a time when her husband is a very studious, scholarly, person; with a cold heart yes, but still he cared for others. And the Chillingworth we became accustomed to is not just heartless, but also finds himself to be the worker of the devil, bringing out his vengeance upon Dimesdale.
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At school, at this moment of time, it is a time for complaining
Amanda, She is a ~man~ duh! That is how I refer to her in my mind, it would be rude and mean to call her that. She is sooo anoying. I can hardly stand her. She makes my blood boil.
you: what does she do?
Funny you should ask. To tell this story I must start from when my troubles begin.
~~~Travel into my mind (scary thought, isn't it?)~~~
Well I see her first in the day at band. See we are both flute players, and she sits on the other side of the person ahead (higher chair, rank) than me. I think she is ~very~ egocintrick. She plays when she is not supossed to, she is constantly talking to Olivia, the girl sitting between us, and the thing that probably ticks me off the most is that she and Olivia play durring the flute solo.
You: But-
me: Thank you for interupting my memory -.-
you: But, it is a ~flute~ solo correct? I don't see the problem.
me: I was getting to that, please be paticent (sp?).
You must understang that when we have a section solo it usually isn't the whole section that plays. Our flute section is split up into two groups, first row and second. Amanda is "first chair" in the second row, but other wise she is seventh! Yes, I know that means I'm tenth, but that's not the point here, besides there ~are~ like 18 flutes. So Mrs. C had told only first row to play, and they (A and O) were being braty and plays anyway. That doesn't bother Mrs. C much, but it does bother Emily and me (Emily sits on my other side)!
Oh- I gotta go, see ya guys! ^_^v
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Hark! I have prevailed!
*hands on hips, tounge sticking out (like on Case Closed)* HA hahaha! And some said I couldn't do it! Well a good ol' HA! to them, for I have prevailed! I hath finished thy book and hath written thy report ~and~ turned it in on time! Ha haha! I showed ~them~ a thing or two! ^_^_^^^_^_^#__^_^#_%^__&_~V *smiles so hard that my teeth feel as if they will crack from the pressure, which, isedentaly (I used that in correct context right?) makes me happier* So once agian, (don't worry last time) ~HA~!!! Okay sorry, had to get that out of my system, hopefully I can get my report up to show you guys, since I need to type it anyways. Okay, moving on.
Yaaay! *hugs Miss Firestar* Thank you Onesan! For those who don't know, I have been searching for~ever~ to find a song to put on my site that had lyrics to it, and Miss Firestar volenteered to find me one! *puts on teacher voice* Wasn't that nice of her, class? Well I told her that I wanted One is the Loneliest Number cuz I really like even though, before just now, I had never heard it sung professionaly. Only by people who had it stuck in their minds. *shrugs* Oh well, I love it anyways, see ya!
~Tale- Oh wait! I forgot, I have the lyrics, too! I will give them too you! ^_^V
One Is The Lonliest Number
(Originally written and performed by H. Nilsson)
One (Is The Loneliest Number)
Lyrics and Songs by Three Dog Night - Go back
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
Two can be as bad as one
It's the loneliest number since the number one
"No" is the saddest experience you'll ever know
Yes, it's the saddest experience you'll ever know
'Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest number, whoa, worse than two
It's just no good anymore since you went away
Now I spend my time just making rhymes of yesterday
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
One is the loneliest, one is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
It's just no good anymore since you went away
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do
(Repeat in various forms)
K, bye!
P.S. You might need to turn up the volume, it's kinda soft. ^^'
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Sunday, November 7, 2004
Hello good fellow creatures
Howest is thou? I hath kept myself quite buisy o're the last few days. "The Scarlet Letter" is very interesting book. Hast thee read it?
Imagened Uzali-dono: Hun, you're speaking in Old English again.
me: O, so I am, silly me. I mustn't get into such an akward habit. People of general might find it strange.
I twas making a post Friday, a fine one at that, while at thy Mother's office, awaiting her return from a meeting. The reason I went therither was so I could perhaps sell some fruit to her calliges. I hadth spent 'round 40 minutes on thy post, and then thy dearest Mother walked in, saw what was happening and deleted it. So I wish to apologise for not haveing anything for thee to readth, I must also include that I am still not done with thy book and will too most not have epoch to spend with thee. Willest thou forgiveth me?
IU: *rolls eyes*
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Thursday, November 4, 2004
Hey guys
Here I am. Just waiting for math class to come... Did I tell you about the time Daniel cheeted off my homework? Oh well, not enough time right now, later k? *looks at cloak* I have 5 minutes, I should probably get goin'.
Oh! Good news! I found my "Scarlet Letter" A boy in my class stole it thinking it was someone else's that he was trying to get back at. See this just proves that all vengence is bad! But the good news is that Mrs. Millspuagh, being the wonderfully nice lady that she is, gave me a full ~two~ days extra to do it! See, the guy took it really early in the morning yesterday so I didn't have it all day and night. *sigh* Oh! I gotta go, see ya!
EDITTTTT: Hi. How is you? That is good. My dog is barking. Her barks are anoying. I wish she would be quiet. I just ate some yogurt. It was good yogurt. I liked it.
Today in Study Hall, Brian, who sits in front of me, wrote in my action planner. He wrote "Brian is sooooooo HOTT!!!" I know because I watched him, but I didn't know cuz he was writing it on a different page than what I was on. It was weird. But I must admit, he is kind of cute. When I read it, he said "What's writen there? Oh, I guess that is ture." That too was weird. Then he stole my answers to our science worksheet that was due next period. He had asked me what we were supossed to do, and I showed him the worksheet very berifly and then put it away. He has photograohic memory =.=* I told him I would never show him any homework assignment again. He laughed. I'm starting to think that people steal my work all the time. His laugh indicated to me that he was thinking "Yeah, right Kate. That'll be the day." I know Daniel stole my work and I didn't even know it 'til about 2 hours after he did it. And I just handed him the assignment too! *sigh* I'm such a bonehead, well I think I gotta go now, I might get on later today, so see ya.
EDIT: Mo-mo got carry out form Asian Palace! ^_^ Hmmmm oranage chicken! ^_^ Gotta go eat, bye!
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
*sings made up song*
Me's in a HAPpy moood! ^_^^_^_^_^ that's meh happy smile! I finished my science homework last night, that one I've been working on for like ~ever~ and has been due for about three weeks now ^^' Then I finished most of my assignments in computer, got a home at a uhh 4:09 *sings 409 commercial song*, pet my kit-y, gave food to my rabbits- speakin' o' rabbits, anyone want mine? ^^ heh heh See momo says I can get my ears peirced a full ~two~ years ealier if (16) if I "get ride" of them. I don't like that term. I perfer "find a good home for" anyways -ate a small stack of chips (Lay's, baby!), visited a few sites and then made this post! ^_^ I think I'll have a yogurt when I'm done here, then I will practice my piano. ....
Where do people find music for their sites that have lyrics to them? That's what I wanna know! I look and look, but can't ever find any! *sigh* Well, gotta go, bye!
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Happy day
Well at least after school....hmmm *is relaxing in one's memmories*
Today, after school, I went with Uzali-dono and her mom to this new caffe in town. It was really cool. Martha (U's mom) met with her friend Dona and her two boys Ridge and Syllbe (uhh I don't know how to spell that). Syllbe is almost a year old, his birthday is this month! ^_^ Best of all I got some of my homework done while listening to Martha and Dono talk. Emma, by this time, was sitting on the couch putting Syllbe to sleep. That was sorta strange cuz ... quote: "When people hand me a baby, I just don't know what to do with it 'Uhhh, what do you want me to dooooo?'"
Then, I had my piano lession today (ever Wednsday) and I finished two songs and started two new ones, so I have a total of four I think. Anyways, I got some really fun new songs. One was by *gets books to cheack spelling* -Oh, wait, I have five. Anyways one is by Ludwig van Beethoven! ^_^ I like my teacher, she does a lot of classical stuff. I grew up on classical *shrugs* It's all due to meh daddy. And the other one is called "A Quiet Day". It's really pretty and realllllly slow, but really nice.
And those two things combined mad me really happy. Hmmmmmmmm *hmms in joy of memmories again* *closes eyes and sits in peace*
Edit: I LOST MY COPY OF "A SCARLET LETTER"!!!! *pancks* I neeeeed to find it.... Ughggghhghgh! Oh well, *suddenly happy* here's a quizzy-quiz! ^_^
 your most like Kauro. You happy alot and one great fighter. You have a big heart and your deeply in love.
which Rurouni Kenshin character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, November 1, 2004
*looks at prior post in shame and embarrassment*
*blushes* Okay, sorry folks, postMSing moment. Ya know, emotions running over, need a good cry now and then....No one was on, and I was feeling lonely.
Okay, I think I really needed that weekend. I got all relaxed, but I'm not about to throw out my stress ball. Hnnn (<-said with aggervation) I think I lost the will to work, gosh, I need a pick-me-up-stress-out! Thanks guys, for the hugs, well I have homework to do 'fore math. Oh, btw, I had a math test Friday, I think I aced it, but I don't know yet. Well gotta go! Bye!
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