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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
Member Since
school girl
Real Name
Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Book Report
Series: ?
Quartet: Circle of Magic
Title: Sandry's Book (#1)
Author: Tamora Pierce
This book is a tale of 4 children:
Sanfrilene fa Toren:
Sandry is a noble. Short and sweet, thing is, she doesn't wanna be one. She has a nack for thread work, but, being a noble, she is only allowed to do embroidery and even then she is told she does too much. Then her semi-tragic live gets worse. Her parents die. One of two reasons: the plauge going around or the Mob. Yes, the mob. So after being locked in a storage room for uhh i don't know how long ^^' a man finds her. His name is Niklaren Goldeye. He takes her to Winding Circle Temple, after getting her and her Great Uncle's (the Duke of Elelan's) permission.
Briar Moss:
A thief known as Roach gets cought 3 times stealling, in this country's court sytem, theifs or lawbreakers in general are allowed 2 warnings, then sent to do hard labor, which in most cases killed off it's workers within 3 weeks. When he is being judged by the rich people of order (whom he calls "Bags") one steps forward and offers a spot at Winding Circle Temple. His name is Niklaren Goldeye. That's when Roach is told that he must have a last name and that this is his chance to change his name (he rather doesn't like Roach) thus, Briar Moss is born!
Daja Kisubo:
Born a Trader, she lived with her family on their trading ship. Traders are quite interesting people in these books. They have their own language (which Briar and Sandry can speak), their own god, and almost their own kind of religon. When her whole family die in a ship reck of the stormy seas, she starts to think she is going to die too after about a week goes by with no land or ship in sight. Lucky here comes a man in a ship, his name; Niklaren Goldeye. She is also judged, this time by the god of trade's standerds; she has become trangshi, or bad luck. With no where else to turn, Niklaren takes her to Winding Circle Temple.
Trisana Chandler:
Ahhh, good ol' Tris. She is a very snappy girl, she trusts hardly anyone, and she has a right to! All her life strage weather patterns happen around her co-exsiting with her emosions. She also could hear voices in her head. Her family, knowing this, thought she bad luck and insane so she was constantly being given to other family members until they tired of her and sent her on. So of course she doesn't believe he ears when a man by the name of Niklaren Goldeye tells her that at Seeing Circle Temple she will be exsepted. Reluctently, she agrees to go only because she has run out of relatives. The little hope she had was shattered, when the dedicates deside she's too much to handle. The girl then is offered to attend Winding Circle Temple, agreeing becuase, like i said, she had nowhere else. This time being told that Winding Circle dedicates could handle her, absolutely.
Now, they all end up meeting in Discipline Cottage after getting into some sort of trouble. Later to find that it doesn't mean discilpline as punishment but as...hmm I think I might give the whole book away. Sorry that's all you guys' are hearing, don't wanna spoil it for those who don't want it spoiled, but if you do, just PM me and I'll give you the intire thing, hopefully condiced. Well see ya!
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Monday, October 4, 2004
........i gotta go to work
*sigh* I don't wanna, but It's ture, I need to be doing other things. *sigh* I guess I'd better hurry up then. Anyways, on with my day.
As you can see, nothing happened that would serve you any interest yeah....
I'm almost finished with this one book I'm reading, you can expect a report later tonight. I'll tell you all about it then.
I'm doing this magazine sales thing to raise money for school, it's what provides us to do grade trips at the end of the school year and for prom. Anyways mom said she would buy me a CD since she got Caleb (for those who wanna know he's 15). And I'm getting Switchfoot, and with my own money I'm buying "Mozart for Meditation" I can't wait 'til I get them!
I'm talking to Petie right now and he just told me that he knows how to fix that problem I had when I tried to put up my pic. So here it goes!

*crosses fingers* Please work, please tell me it worked!
Edit: YAY! It did! *hugs Petie* I am ~really~ happy!
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
The parrrrty! ^_^
It was uber fun! Okay so 'Glenda didn't show, but that's okay. Anne lent us the Cowboy Bebop movie, we didn't "have time" to watch it though. Half way through "Princess Monanoke" (sp?), Mia and Cassi were both alseep and Uzali and I knew it but we kept sayin' stuff like "I love this part" and "you should really pay attenion here. It's an important part" even though this was the 3rd time I've seen it and Uzali's 12th. So yeah, 'went to bed at 3. Then I woke up at 8 on my own! *is proud* but I think ate too much cake cuz I haven't been feeling on top of my game all day. AND I ~CAN'T STOP ~~EATING~~~!! *shoves chicken finger thing in mouth* *grumables* I wanna stop but I ~cant~! Oooo! Oooo! Guess what! Today, at church, was communion! And I gotta take part! It was my first time! ^___^__^______^__^^^__^ I'm so happy, it was great fun! ^^ See I dunno 'bout your church (if you go) but at mine, you have to be baptized to participate. So YAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAAAyAAAAAAY!!!!!!
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Mai just discovered that washable marker is indeed ~washable~! -.-* She tried it on a balloon writing "Jak^c was here" and "tampons suck!" anyways I AM VICOTORIOUS, okay so what if Uzali-dono was the one who did it for me, I still got my college up to celebrate my 1000th hit when I am now at 1071 last I checked. Well here it is:
Edit: Nooooooooooo!!! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!! *crys* I didn't woOoOoOoOoOoOorkkk!
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Party's at five.
I need to take a bath. I wont have time tomorrow morning 'fore church, and it's just weird to take a bath at a party. So yeah, I need to.
Just ate luch, and this is what I thought:
Hmmmm ^_^ Old Fashioned Peanutbutter ^_^ It's the best!
Mo-mo: how many perservetives does it have?
me: *looks* hmmm ...None!
momo: really?
me: it says "Peanuts and salt." and that's it.
hmmmm peanutbuttery! ^_^ Oh bliss.
Okay uhh yeah. I need to take a bath. When I get out, I just know it will be like 3 (one now) Well see ya! ^_^
~Taleybo (enjoy your peanutbutter while you have the chance, cuz as sooooon as you turn your back WHAM! I'll be there. I ~will~ take over the world!!!! Bwahh ha ha ha ha ha *stops to cout* HA!)
Edit: Can anyone help me post a pic?
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Altoids: the British mint ^^
Have you ever wondered why Altoids are made in Italy? I have, it says on the can...what?! I was looking for the amount per packet...What's so weird about that?
I just noticed that this will appear as tomorrow, which will be today when you read it, which means i wrote it yesterday, and yesterday is today so it is now the future? Funky. Well in that case guess what tomorrow is?!! Go on! Guess! ... Nuh-uh! ... Nope! ... Nadda! ^_^ It's Uzali-dono's brithday! Yay! And tomorrow (tonight) she's having a small slumber party! ^_^ Yay! I can't wait to go! I just hope she likes what I got her. It's hard to b-day shop for the girl who has everything that she wants that money can buy! *sigh* Well if she doesn't like it then I will give her 10 bucks (as much as it cost) and take it myself, cuz I like it!
She already knows, but she doesn't know that she doesn't know until she reads this which will probably be on uhhh Sunday (tomorrow of the day you read this). Well I'm chating with Petie right now and I'm gonna have him come here and read my post. Cuz I feel like it, that's why! Well see ya! ^_^
Edit: Okay, he wont be making it. Ah Pooh! *pouts*
~Taleybo (I really don't know why I just- oh nevermind)
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Friday, October 1, 2004
That's where I am now. It is 3:09 in Southeast Iowa currently. The parade has been canceled. I am at the moment listening to the gentle "pa"s of the rain on the window. Have you ever just sat down and listened to things? It relaxes me. I just like to listen to nature and have time to think, to sort out my day, my feelings, my life. I guess it is a sort of meditaion. I don't know, but I think that after I change my site just a bit more (I was going for purple, not pink) I'll go and sit down on our porch and listen to the rain falling on me, the winds blowing past my ears, and feel the sky. Oh no! I think th erain stopped! Oh, wait, nevermind, it was just a summy spot...No! Theres more of it. I better go sit in the rain while I can.....But I waited an hour to get on, the least I could do is change my site or go to your guys'. *sigh* I love it when it's peaceful like this. Well catch ya on the flip side.
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I don't really know if I like my new look...I guess it just takes some time to get used to. Lucky, though, if I don't like it, I wrote down the previous code things so I can change it back.
Well I'm here at school right now. Not 'spossed to be on since my parents never signed a paper sayin' I can. We are allowed on if our parents say it's okay. So I guess I better not make a habbit of this. But not to worry, I'm very allert.
Well this goes out to Marissa: I'm not nessisarly mad at you, but I will get mad if you keep buggin' me. I'm trying to say that in a not mad voice. Now, I just want you to know, that it's not really that you totaly ruined the ending for me, it's more that you ~knew~ that I didn't want to know. So *sigh* It's just gonna take some time. I just need to think. But I'm not saying that I don't want to be friends anymore. Well *hugs* there. That's it. Please be paitent. Oh me oh my! It's time to go, so I'll be off now. See ya later!
~Taleybo (Oh! There's a parade I march in today isn't there? Well in that case I hope it stops raining. And just as I was starting to like it too. *sigh* Oh well ^_^ bye!)
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Yay! I'm finaly done with my site ^_^ maybe now I'll work on my college...I need to go do my Historian's book for 4-H. I guess I wont then.
Sorry guys, I don't have time to comment on your sites, but I did make a stop at most of them so at least you will be a bit more popular. It makes a big difference, believe it our not.
Well I need to go. Bye.
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I think that I might change my sites look soon....I don't know why....
....I guess I just want to...maybe I will and maybe I won't....If you come here and see it changed then I guess I did. Well see ya. Supper time.
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