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Monday, September 13, 2004
What if butter could think?
I wondered that today while eating my breakfast. Well you kinda ~have~ to ask yourself that after hearing the question. And well this is what I came up with:
me:*puts butter on bread* *turns around to get ornage juice* *mumbles* stupid ornage juice. why does it always have to be "pulp free"? Maybe some people ~like~ the pulp. *turns back to bread*- okay if i don't go now, then I'm gonna be late for school, so I'll finish this when I get home so bye!
Okay Taley-chan here, and now Im gonna finish my post:
*turns back to bread*
butter:exsuse me miss. but may I ask who you are and how do you do?
me: Oh my! Hi, I'm Kate, and I'm doing quite fine thank you. But deary me, I'll feel terrible eating you now, knowing that you are living.
butter: Oh don't worry about that, Love. It was just I was having a lovely conversation with that jollie ol' chap bellow me while you were getting your juice and we were just wondering if the person who was going to eat us was and if she was in a good mood.
me: oh I am! I'm having a talk with some butter.
butter: the thing is, also I found out that we came for the same stick , no doubt! And I was just so mean to him too! Always had my back to him, never listened to what he had to say...
me: That's awlful! but i must ask...what does this have to do with me?
butter: Nothing.
me: Oh. Well I better go ahead and eat you or I'll probably be late for school.
butter: Cheerio!
me: Chomp! Chomp! Chomp!
butter: Ow! Dearie, could you chew a litte lighter?
me: Woh. Dorry. *full mouth*
Well that's about it ^^' silly isn't it? Well it went along with my thoughts while mowing the lawn,
"I wounder if the mower has thoughts? If so, who would he like best? Me, cuz I'm gentle with him? Dad, cuz he feeds him? Or Caleb, cuz he always gets the job done fast?" Then today after wondering about the butter, I thought "Are all machines like Bender from 'Futurama'? If so, then I know what they steal. *yells at car* 'STEALING ~MY~ GASSALINE HUH?! WELL
I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!'" Well gotta go, opus!
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
bite waxed tadpoles
uhh i think i have a cold, *snif* i feel misserbal (stupid spelling!!!! -.-') but it's been going on and off all day! anyway we went up to burlington after *rubs kitty's neck* church. Ya know since Jim had that stroke, oh I never told you about Jim! What kind of person am I!? Shame on me! Okay anyways, there is this guy who goes to my church, I'd say my family are pretty good friends with him and his. But the thing is he had a stroke and we went up to visit him. Hes doing good. Then we stoped by B. Dalton (I think it's run by Barnes & Noble cuz they exsept the Barnes & Noble gift cards) and I got Kenshin 6! yay!!!! ^_^ and as soon as November rolls 'round it would have been a year since I got my first manga. Which just so happens to be Kenshin 1. Then we went to Asia Star (restraunt) and caleb told us that when coca-cola first went to China they tried to find chinesse words that sounded like coca-cola and it turns out that when it was translated it ment "bite waxed tadpoles" so it wasn't that big of a seller back when it was first introduced to China.
Oh great, I'm starting to feel bad again, so I think I'm gonna go start my Kenshin and honor my vick's vabor rub. *snif*
Kenshi is soo hot *melts*
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
im in a happy mood
not bursting with hyperness happy, but better happy that i feel when most people are just happy...im assuming. Well today was picture day...oh wait, this is gonna show as tomorrow so yesterday was picture day. I hope I look natural, I think I do....Ya know i got a complement last year and it said:
"I enjoy being your friend, you are really natural"
I don't know what that means, oh well. hmm well since this is up for tomorrow and not today, guess what day it is. I'll give you a hint, look at the date...okay how 'bout this, The Big 9-1-1!
Tonight, well last night, I went to Kira's grandma's house. She's really cool, but anyway, I was there cuz she, Kira, her mom, my mom and me were having a little party. An Ella Enchanted party. I love that book, the movie was okay, like always, nothing in compared to the book, but other wise, it was pretty cool. It kinda had a 70's theme, but hey! 70's is in style right now...I wish it weren't -.- Well that's just about it, here are a few quizes.
 Guess what you and your boy friend are mostly like Kenshin and Miss Karu. You have lots of feelings for him. Yet you hide your feeling when everybody knows you like him. He probably has no problem saying what he feels. Well at least you have a good man.(keep him)
Which anime couple are you and your boy friend like? brought to you by Quizilla
close enough.
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
hmmm *blushes* i've never kissed like that
You are totally in love.You try to hide it but you cant.You are nice and pretty in your own way and you are a bit of a daydreamer.Have fun and please rate my quiz.
Are you in love? brought to you by Quizilla
no comment
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
sorta just bored....4-H is tonight and im not finished with my record book....*gwahhh!* i need to do that and my consience is really getting at me.....so gonna go to some sties, see ya.
p.s. oh! and im almost to 950 visits ^_^
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
they really need to find a crying face...
I don't know why, but I'm really sad right now. Have been for the last 3 and a half hours *sigh*. Really don't know why...it's starting to bug me, but not enough to care *yawn*. *Looks out window for long period of time*. I wanna cry....I've been crying. I think I'm having one of those stupid teenage mood swings.....I need to do my homework.
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no opus tomorrow
the furneral is on thursday. so that means that Mrs. D. is going and that means no opus practice. no, we haven't tried out yet, but we have like 4 more practices 'til we get taped. so yeah.
uhh nothing really happened yesterday, or today now that i think about, or at least nothing worth tell yall about....daniel (he's gonna join otaku as soon as we get him set up) learned that im slightly perverted. uhh yeah, not going into that....
Uzali-dono: Hi! ...stupid peanuts...*vacuums dining room table* (I seriously did that...)
Oh, and I added some fan art! Yay for unauthorized advertising! ^_^
Okay, here's Kate again:
...gotta go. uzali's giving me a manicure...
Uzali: ^_____^ YAY! BWAHAHA! *evil grin*
Taley-san: *blinks*
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Monday, September 6, 2004
Mrs. Brown died...
The nice ones are always the ones we miss.
some cry, "Why?! Oh Lord?! Why?!" they say as tears stream down.
I stood still, not knowing what to do. 'Didn't know what was going on.
'Whatched the people morn.
Stood there....stood there.
I think the others knew.
The ones far off.
They didn't talk much. When so, softly.
The sky was dark...was gray...was hiding from the sun.
People talked about it, stunded.
I stood there...stood there.
We hugged and held each other.
They muttered words of better.
I watched the air, the trees, the grass. And just stood there...stood there
And now.......I start to cry.
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
sorry 'bout last night
i had to get off the computer right then so yeah... i smell onions...we are drying some. my brother just found a big spider...yeah soo how 'bout that song?
"I went down to the river to pray"
As I was going to the river to pray, studying 'bout that good ol' way. And who shall wear the Robe and Crown*? Good Lord, show me the way
Oh Brothers lets go down, wanna go down, jus' gotta go down. Oh Brothers, lets go down, down to the river to pray
Oh Sisters, lets go down, wanna go down, jus' gotta go down. Oh Sisters, lets go down, down to the river to pray.
Oh Fathers...
Oh Mothers...
Oh Sinners...
*or Roman Crown, or Golden Crown
well there you have it, the song ^_^, well today was my day to do whatever i wanted, too bad i had no one to do it with. so i just wandered around the village (rest of the grounds were too hot so i didn't stay there long). at around 4 i went up stairs to Kossuth (prononsed how it's spelled) and gave the tour for an hour non-stop. then i wandered again and then i walked around the village with Darla. she's a lady who works in the Public House, which is where we sell beverages and is the village's only income. and with Darla's niece (sp?), Marci. then i went to Darla's camper and had super with her (hey! she practicaly ~made~ me!) is was gooood ^_^ we had chilli dogs and pringals. i helped her and John (her husband) carry a few things and take down the onning (sp?).
Polcat Annie (she was the one who taught me how to do cherekee sticks) said that while i was gone at the grounds 2 cute 16 year old guys had tried to do the cherekees. we joked around how i would have ~gladly~ taught them. and while we are on the subject of boys...*sly look* we have some indian dances at the log village, they're not real natives, it's just a hobbie. but the point is that one of then was ~really cute~. so of course i just ~had~ to show emma, she was talking to this one dude (what was his name again) that neather of us know how we know him, but anyways he came with us.
"okay, the cute one is-"
"let me guess, the one in the red?"
on dude, oh wait! his name is lucas!:dang! he ~fine~
emma&me: *turn and look at him, gawping*
lucas: he's a hunk-a-chunk-o'-brunin' ~love~
e&me: what?!
me:please tell me that you are speaking from a girl's point of veiw
him:ohhh, i couldn't understand you, you were talking to fast. well that's just what my brother says, we're both pimps.
me:*eye twitch* look! whine he smiles, he has dimples ^_^
emma:*points at me* im telling!
emma:so how do guys deside if a girl is pretty or not?
lucas:well frist we look to see if we can find and face de-formations, if they dont and their teeth are straight, they're in!
e&me:really? that's all? wow.
okay so that conver. took place yesterday. but still, then today when i was giving the tour some dude (my age) came in and sat down on the floor, and listened to me give the same speach twice in a row. after the second one was over, he asked like a ton of questions. ~then~ he showed up again at music time on the porch tonight. to top it off he was probaly the cutest. but im not into just looks.
then also today Annie taught me a new trick on the cherekee sticks and was telling a vistor that i was one of the best at them in the whole village. as if that didn't make me feel good enough, she also said i was so pretty and should be in the sweet sixteen, and she thougth i was like 14 years old, i know it's just a year, but still. ^_______^ so im feeling good about myself right now and i found our that you get a good work out by doin' them too! ^_____________________^
oh there was no wedding today as far as i know of, too bad. but uzali-dono didn't show up at all today, she said she wasn't feeling well, but i think she didn't wanna marry caleb (i don't blam her) but that doesn't matter...tomorrow is the last day of the rerunion, it's too bad, i can't wait 'til next year! ^___^ see ya, oh and sorry about the long post ^^'
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
*is singing*
im gonna sing you a song- gotta go, now buy
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Friday, September 3, 2004
hi yall
got back from the log village again, sissy is mad at me, uzali is eMBA">MBA">MBA">mbarrased, marlery (new/old-only-get-to-see-her-once-a-yesr-sissy) is in ga-ga-land about her boyfriend (me too buuut) brother is getting "married" tomarro to uzali and im here trying to sort it all out *sigh* ~and~ to top it all off, i have a stack of homework to do...the teachers (at real school, not the one room school house) gave us a lot thinking that we would have plenty of time in our 5-day weekend to do it, while not realizing that some of their students are vollenteering the whole time *sigh* ~when~ am i sposed to get my work done? i guess i can at night, before i go to Bed">Bed">Bed">bed, but that's not the point...yeah well emma is marrying caleb (bro) on like sunday if we can work it out, it's a fake wedding like the one we put on last year. the place i want to marry at would be the log village, i love it that much, but only if my husband-to-be agrees....i think the most anoying thing i hear durring the rerunion would be the visitors saying stuff like
"You must be so hot in all those clothes!" or
"Now, aren't you glad you don't have to do that ~every~day?" or maybe
"Kids now 'n days don't know how lucky they get it." i even have gotten a
"You must be so glad you didn't live back then."
now really! they think that we ~don't~ like being out there, do you think we would ~vollenteer~ if we didn't like it? i mean i know that in some cases parents make their kids do this kinda stuff, but everyone out here has a big smile on their face and is doing the labor joyusly. i don't think they should put words into our mouths until they go trough the experiance. it's just not fair and anoying! and it's only the second day!!! for goodness sakes! *calmbs down* but on lighter news! i bought my cherekee sticks today! ^____^ what is that you ask? it's where you hold a stick in each hand and with those sticks you sorta ~juggle~ a stick inbetween. it's really fun! so of course im happy about that! last year polcat annie (the lady who sells them) told me that she would be buy a pair for me, but she is up at grandma's today and polcat was down to her last 2 pairs so i acted quick! *hugs cherekee sticks* im so happy ^^ well it's about time for me to get off so catch ya later!
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