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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
Member Since
school girl
Real Name
Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
I'm talking to my friend April via IM.
Is via pronounced vee-a or veye-a? I pronounce it veea. Anyways.... About the dance. Okay, .... welll... It was fun! ^_^ R-chan didn't have fun though. She never does. I feel bad cuz I only went cuz her mom was shaperoning and she doesn't like the dances at ~all~ if I'm not there since I'm her most outgoing friend, and then she does end up having fun. And she disappeared so I couldn't go find her and make her feel better...then again, I didn't really watch too see if she left or not, now I feel like a crumby friend. *sigh* ......(<-moment of reflection and guiltiness feeling) Okay, I'm done.
I'm guessing most of you want to know if I danced with any boys, right? I did. I danced with Daniel. Slow...twice I think, three if you count the time he danced with both Emma and me. On the last slow dances (which most of them I hate, partly cuz they bore me and partly cuz no one asks me...but there are few I would say yes to) Emma tried to get me to dance with Brian cuz she knows that I like him in a friend kinda way (the only person I would slow dance with in a more-than-a-friend kinda way would be Haruki-kun) and he wasn't dancing with anyone, but ~no ~way~~ was I gonna ask him. I already think he thinks I flirt with him. Besides, I only like him cuz he reminds me of Haruki. But he doesn't replace him. That is very strict. No one could. Okay anyways.
While we were fast dancing a few things happened:
a) Amanda (She's a ~man~ DUH! Amanda, remember, I talked about her before) and Stacey would come up and start grindin' with daniel and I would get so mad. He's ~all~ of ours and if they wanna do that, then they better join our group and get in line. And they're not welcome! *pouts* It took all my control to keep myself from saying that. I kinda grinded with him a few times.
b) On one of the fast bootylishous dances, we were dancin' in circle in front of the speakers (like always) and Jordon just danced his way in and was just dancin' away. We all stopped. He looked up and around, saw we weren't dancin' anymore and hung his head and left. I t was kinda cute really. Then Bryce came in dancin' and saw quickly that we weren't, then danced back out. That was kinda funny too.
c) At one point in one of the songs, Emma and Daniel and other random people just pointed at me. I didn't get it. I had ~no~ idea why. Later Emma told me that the lyrics said something about a gril and her DD cup and they just spontaniously pointed at me and laughed that they had the same idea.
d)......I forget. so Now I will move on to contest.
Okay, at conest, I did 3 duets. One with Emily (flute), one with Emma (flute clarinet), and one with Renee (flute oboe). We got I's on all three of them! ^_^ (btw, that's roman numerial for 1) the best we could get was a I+ so I'm pretty happy. *yawn* Okay, I think I'm going to go eat something even though it is midnight, see ya guys.
[Edit] I was soooo mad at the end of contest! I was mad a bethany! OOOooooo I wanted to hurt her. Emma had to take all avalible items away from me so I wouldn't. I had left my homework and bag all neatly in a pile on one of the tables in the caf. She and her friends wrote on my action planner, spilled diet pepsi near my bag, did a horrible job cleanin' it up, and left chip crumbs everywhere! I know this was partly my fault, but when Ileft, Colin (not the colin I hate, Mrs. D [the chorus teacher]'s kid) and his respectable friends had just joined us. We appologized that we had to leave right after the came and sat down (we being Emma and me) and explained that it was getting close to our duet. So we left (you can do that in a small town like Mt. Pleasant or Central Lee in Iowa) then one of my other seventh grade friends (oh btw colin and company are in 7th), Catlin came and told me what had happend to my stuff. She said, "we spilled some diet pepsi around your bad but I moved it so it wouldn't get wet or anything. I checked underneath and it I don't think we got any on it." Since I thought she meant ~Colin~ and Co. when she said "we" I was like, "Ohh. Okay, that's fine. Thanks for telling me, Catlin." And went on my merri way. What surpries to come up to that. I washed the seats, table, floor ~with~ my own drinking water which I desided that the bottle wasn't safe to drink from since I left it there too. Sweeped up the crumbs. Threw away the trash. Picked up my books and exsamied my things to see it everything was alrgiht. *sigh* It was, but by that time I was fummin'! Catlin confermed our theroy, it ~was~ bethany. She recongnized her handwriting, appearently, Bethany writes "LOSER" all the time. I spent the rest of my money on chocolate. Emma owed me a bag of skitles so she bought that for me too. I shared all of this with her of course, realizin (after I got some chocolate in me) that just cuz I was mad didn't mean I could be rude. So I shared half of one of my snikers (I got two), some of my Cruch bar, and the bag of skittles and m&m's. I realized that when I'm angery and I eat chocolate, it calms me down, then after about five minutes, I feel like crying. I was in a crumpy mood the rest of the afternoon... but it was good other wise.....okay. I'm going now.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Well, my head hurts, my ears are ringing, and my feet ach... The dance was fun ^_^
....for some unknown reason, I don't wanna talk about the dance. Maybe later...nothing bad happened or anything.
I've desided that I'm going to make a cosplay outfit of Kaoru. I just need a lot of pictures is all. *yawn* I think I'm gonna go to bed...Oh, the reason I'm gonna make the cosplay 'sides it sounds really good is this September there is a anime convention in Des Moines. I'm going, nothing can keep me away... well maybe old thresures (the village. yes, the place we vollenteer at Oneesan, you guess right) and maybe my parents, other wise I'm going.
This will show up for tomarrow, so wish me luck at contest! *falls asleep on keyboard*
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
Friday- early out, dance.
Saturday- "solo" contest in Central Lee. I'm doing 3 different duets, a flute duet, a flute-oboe duet, a flute-clarinet duet.
Quotes worth being quoted.. or I think so:
"The wall exsists, whether it's there or not"
-Mrs. Loescher
"I shall langish in the Valley of Dispair"
"Well, they're Californians, so they prob'ly don't even have [data]"
-Mrs. Loescher
Okay the last one was kinda mean, I guess you had to be there. I'm going to take a bath now. Wish me luck at contest.
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Sorry, I know you guys wanted to know why I needed your favorite anime and address. If I wasn't so busiy as of late, you would all know today. I was planning on sending you all- kitty says hi -a valentine's day e-card with your favorite anime on it. ^^' now you all know. Anyways, it's Valentine's day ~and~ Anne's bithday! Yay for Anne! ^_^ Also, I'm gonna change my site again, this time, for St. Patrick's day! ^_^
I don't know why, but ..... I guess the best way to describe this is, is instead of getting spring fever, I'm getting.....*sigh* oh. Okay, let's see, how to say this? I've been hearing a lot about the Village and like Irish things, like old time Ierland, and castles lewis and clark, and the beautifulness of the country before people destryoed it and old things and it is making me yearn for the past. I want it, it makes me cry just thinking about it. So, I think I have Village fever. It's the closest thing I have to the past, and I love it with all my heart. I want it. I want it.
So......anyways....I'm dog sitting! ^_^ For this wonderful doggy, Harly! ^_^ I love him, he's so sweet! ^_^ So big and loveable.....Okay then.... Bye!
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Thursday, February 10, 2005
Kate by Bend Folds Five
She plays wipeout on the drums
The squirrels and the birds come
Gather round and sing the guitar
Oh i. . .have you got nothing to say
When all words fail she
Her mix tape’s a masterpiece
Walks through the garden
So the roses can see
Oh i. . .have you got nothing
To say
And you can see daisies
In her footsteps
Dandelions, butterflies
I wanna be kate
Everyday she wears the same
I think she smokes pot
She’s everything I want
She’s everything I’m not
Oh i. . .
Have you got nothing to say
She never gets wet
She smiles and it’s a rainbow
And she speaks and she
I wanna be kate
Down by rosemary and cameron
She hands out the
Bhagavad gita
I see her around every couple
I wanna see her so that
I can say. . .hey kate
 Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care for others over yourself. However, many people appreciate your caring side and would rather stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and take advantage of you. You always try to see the good in everyone and try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight and a great personality. Calm, serene, and understanding, you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to people in need. Don't change your sweet nature, your constant being-there can save a life. I suggest your go into a field that centers around working with others such as a doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard, or Teacher. If none of these occupations interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that there are plenty of oppertunities out there for you.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, February 7, 2005
I spent literaly hours on a homework assignment for science last night. I really didn't get it, appearently I don't have any logic, seeing as it was a logic problem, so I go in to Mr. Peck's today to aske for help before class started. (this is where the sigh part comes in) It was extra credit. He had changed his mind and made it extra credit! *sigh* Soooo, I go and still ask for help with it, cuz I want help. I tell a few people that it's extra credit, but I don't parade it around the whole school. Abe, this boy who sits next to me in science, helps me figure it out. He said that the only way to work it all out was through trial and error. I ~hate~ trial and error! It's the thing I hate the most in math class, thanks be to God that we haven't done that since like 3rd grade. Anyways, continuing my last post:
my kitty head was weird looking last night, his forehead. It was puffy and made his eyes look mean. We took him to the vet and found out that he got in a fight, hurt, and his injury was infected.
Like I said, we started ITBSs today. We took 3 tests this morning: word ussage and expresion (I think), social studies, and puncuation. This is the first time that I've ~ever~ been able to finish every test that I've started... at least so far. I'm quite proud.
About our show chior, don't listen to a word U-chan says! I thought we did really, really good...then we watched the tape this morning. o.o Oh. My. Goshness. We were soooo bad! "We looked like monkeys!" Like none of our arms were striaght, some of us never smiled, and we were soo not together. But, we, supposedly, are the best middle school show chior that our school has had in years. I don't really know if that's a good thing. Thank goodness U-chan doesn't have pictures of us actually preforming.
Tonight for supper we are having squash and I can't wait! Hmmmmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I love squash.
Tomorrow in family nutrition (home ec.) we are making biskits. I guess I'm in a pretty good group. I'm with April and Brian. When I told this to Emma she told me that I was lucky. I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not, so I asked.
U: "No, I mean you really ~are~ lucky. It's not very often you get put with two of your friends."
K: "Two? I know April is my friend, but Brian?"
U: "Hello?! Remember the beginning of the year? 'Hello Friend Kate.' 'Hello Friend Brian'?!"
K: "Oh. I never really thought of him as a friend. ... I guess he is though."
Well it's supper time. See ya! ^_^
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
Woah, I haven't been on since Wendesday.
Thanks to all you answered my PM. ^_^ Some of you asked why I wanted them, you'll see soon enough. heh heh *sly smile* Well, I have homework to do, so here is the main parts of my live right now, k?
ITBSs start tomorro. (Iowa Test of Basic Skills)
Haruki-kun's birthday was Saturday. Happy birthday, hun! *birthday hug*
Saturday was the our Show Chior Invitational. Show Chiors from all over the state come to our little town. Why?! Because it's so darn cool, that's why! Our performance was ~awsome~! but more on that later.
My parents and brother went to visit my grandma friday night, but- I gotta go now, bye.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Quick, quick! Everyone must answer me my question!
I ~must~ know all of the favorite animes of all my friends! Please answer me! I will continue to ask until you do! *is thretening*
Okay! ^_^ I just finished reading Fruits Basket 7 and it was so goooooood! ^_^ Me ez love it. Guess what Friday is...Guess. ..... I don't have much to say that isn't out of the ordinary... so .... I feel as if I don't know what to talk about any more. *whines* What do I saaaay? What do I saaaay? Oh, do you like my new look? It's not quite finished yet thoughhhh. But how do you think? ......Thanks go to Oneesan, she is the one who got the background up. ^_^ Arigatou, Oneesan! *bows* Hnnnn what else? Oh nothing really. Good night! *hugs*
~Taleybo (please answer my question)
P.S.Oh! And I need your email addresses too! ^^' If you don't mind that is.
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Monday, January 31, 2005
.....Konnichiwa *bows*
I had a fairly good day today. Basicaly, that's it. I don't feel like typing, sooooo....... Today, when I was getting a ride from U-chan's mama, Martha, she started talking how she and her friend "got a little 'tipsy'" and Emma took her mother's cell phone away in fear of what she might say to the relitive she wished to call. She said that Dona (friend) did something and I said "Oh, that sounds like me! ^^" And then Martha kept going on about how I already acted drunk all the time and she didn't see why Emma didn't just leave her alone. I just added to the fire, saying that if being drunk is like what she said it was, then it was fun. Martha said "You see? You are around a person who acts drunk 24/7 and it's not okay for ~me~ to get drunk?!"
E-chan: "Yes, Mother, but, when ~Kate~ is acts like Kate, that's dandy. But when ~you~ act like Kate, I know somethin's wrong."
I couldn't stop laughing, which just aided Martha to prove her point. ^^' Oh well, that's basically all I wanted to say. So Bye.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
I'm trying to up load a pic, but it wont gooooo! *whines* I guess I'll just put it on when I'm at U-chan's house next weekend.
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