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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
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school girl
Real Name
Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
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Friday, January 14, 2005
I hate being this buisy
I don't have time to talk with my friends (you) anymore. *sigh* But incase you aren't busiy and you still get on here and look at my site when I update...:
I got the part of Ann Arachnid in drama, with Mrs. Loescher (more on that later, I promise).
1.I was a british person insted of a cow, but was also told that I should drop the bristish soooo now I have to find some other sterotyped person to be.... blahn!
2. We have new music (and new seating) in chorus. Our songs are now Rock-a My Soul (I think that's it) and Hail Holy Queen. I ~love~ Hail Holy Queen! This version from "Sister Act" you know, that one movie. I have that movie and love it. But it's kinda embarrassing to sing it, cuz first, I'm one of the onlys that can ~hit~ the high notes (I sing those notes in church) and second, cuz to sing that high, I must raise the vollum in my voice thus singing louder than normal which already is louder than most of the others. *sigh* I was embarrassed. I'm never embarrassed. Oh well, it's passed and there is no use freting over them.
3. There is a dance tonight that I'm not going to. I can't. Homework. Oh well.
I'm getting up at 6 (frist time on a Saturday) and going to Renee-kun's house. They are celibrating her birthday (the 27th) and invited me to go along. Here is all who is going:
*bullet*Laura-sama (R-chan's mother)
*bullet*Ron (R-chan's father)
*bullet*Carly, I think (R-chan's oneesan)
*bullet*Elaina-san (R-chan's and my friend)
*bullet*Glen-chan (R-chan's little brother)
*bullet*Unknow person (Glen's friend)
There could be more, but I don't know them. Maybe Carly is bringing someone. Anyways, we are going to Davenport. I don't think I've ever been to Davenport. Oh well. We are gonna go to the IMAX and then to the mall. Daniel used to live in Davenport, he said that there is an anime store in the mall. ^_^ Ye he heee, that makes me feel all gitty in side.
Variety Show at the high school. I'm in show chior, and this is ~always~ the first show done the middle school show chior. I'm kinda nervous, but not really. We are singing Chorus Line, At the Ballet, and Razzle Dazzle. We just started learning Pinball Wizard. I like the songs we are singing. OOO! Plus the co-..... =.=' moves to Pinball are so cool! Well at first I felt kinda strange, but it got better.
I have to do my homework now so it'll be done for the weekend. Bye guys and thanks for visiting and the birthday stuff! *pleasen't Thoru (Fruits Basket) smily face* Remind me to tell you what I got if you wanna know, k? Sayounara!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Wednesday, January 12th, 2005
Yep, that's the date, and it's also my birthday. ^_^ I am fourteen today. Something I've noticed is that suddenly I'm selfaware of how I look. I hardly cared before. It's kinda a scary thing. *shrugs* Oh well. Nothing I can do about it exept trying to "look good." But I think you and I can relax, it will be quite a while before I start wearing make-up. I don't know many girls that never wear make-up. Even Maya wears make-up now and then. Oh well.
I've had a good day so far. Today, being the second Wednesday of the month, we had Jr.MYF. Instead of our normal meeting, we meet at Beardux (did I spell that right?) Pizza. They threw a surrprise party for me! ^_^ It was the second party I've had in my life. My first was when I was seven. See momo has this weird rule that she didn't want us (brother and me) to have a birthday party after we turned 7 and by the time we were old enough to ~have~ a party, we were turning seven. *shrugs* That can't be helped, but still, I was majorly surrprised. ^_^ It was fun.
Yesterday I got my hair done again. I just let Casey do whatever with it. I really trust her, plus, if it goes wrong, it will always grow back. Anyways, this time it's a red-brown (which was what I wanted ^_~) with bleached highlights which she said will be like carmel colored highlights. I like it. Casey also gave me the last of this one kind of hair spray stuff that brings out the natural curl in your hair. I don't have much natural curl, but it gives me enough to like it. I just asked momo if she would buy some more of that stuff. It's Catwalk by the TIGI brand and it's the curl inhancer, if anyone is wondering. Oh well. I don't think I have much more to say, so see ya ^_~V
~Taleybo (I feel ~~really~~ good right now, and I don't really know why. I just have very good feelings and I like it.)
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Monday, January 10, 2005
Hi, not much time, but a lot to say.
Hi. I haven't been around. I'm sorry, but I think most of you know what it's like when you are in 8th grade. And the little free time I am finding myself with is being spent reading! I ~really~ like the Tamora Pierce books. The one I'm on now- *get's a warning look form ~my~....other half, that looks remarkably like U-chan* Uhh I better stop 'fore I get started. ^^' Heh heh. Well now, to tell you all how I'm doing.
Thursday:...I forget what happened.
Friday: I was a cow.
Saturday: I cleaned my room.
Sunday: I went shoping. I got these two really cute outfits! ^_^
Today(Monday, for those who don't know): Many things happened, but probably the most...*long pause, then hurriedly says:* something was in History. We have to do somekind of work with the constatution or something of sort. We have a been put into groups of four, or about. We have new seating to go with the groups. Does anyone even ~need~ to ask who's group I was put in? Colin's. *sigh* I still don't know what to think of him. Emma keeps saying I should just give him a chance. This was one of the last chances I was gonna give him after what happened Friday. ... Wait. Did I tell you about that?
Well, in case I didn't:
We were in P.E. and his basket ball somehow kept bumping off the board straight towards Daniel, April, Maya, Cassie and me. Evently I lost my temper which ended up with Colin's neck in my hands and his neckalace tangled in my fingers. I warned him mentaly that I have plenty of practice of hurting boys ~without~ damaging his reproductive organs and let him go. Now back to the previous story.
*end flashback*
I sat at one corner and he at the one opsite (kinda hard not to do when the desks shape a square), Laura sat to my right. She appearntly saw the tensions were high so she said inoccently "Can't we all just get along?" I didn't even move my head up form my writing, but I did look at him under my brows. He did the same to me, then went back to his writing. I did followed his lead. A few seconds later Laura said quietly "Appearntly not."
But the most surrprising thing was that's as bad as it got. I'm not sure if my opion of him has changed, though. I kept my eye on him all day. He really seemed to be at least a little more like what Emma said she was waiting for. If he turns back to his abnoxious, loud self, I swear, I'm gonna yell at him "Why don't you just start acting like the little geek you are?! You don't fool me, you and your plan of popularity! You would fit in a lot better in to this little puzzle if you would stop bending your piece every which way and started being yourself! Who knows! You could actualy end up my friend! Just stop acting like something ~I'm~ not gonna disgrace myslef saying!"
Oh and I also went back to the House today after school. It's spelled Van Vorhies Haus. Well I gotta go now, I owe an apollogy to E-chan.
*speacial not to Emma* I'll call you after supper.
See ya!
2 days
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
I finally did it.
After many years of continuesly staying up later and later, I have finally managed to stay up all night long. At this I mean, I we form dusk to dawn with out sleeping. I realized that lately I've been stay up to about 3 in the morning, then 3 out of 5 days getting up at 6. Thus having 3 hours of sleep. ~Averaged.~ This morning all I did was read. I didn't feel the least bit tired until about 10, when I think I dosed off for about 20 minutes. Yet here I am, at 2:45 pm, and I still wide awake. I'm almost done with the book I started last night. It's another Tamora Pierce book though in a different series all together. Well- Oooo! A birdy! *stares at bird 'til it flys away, then continues* I would like to finish my book 'fore I go the The House as I think I'll call it. I'll look at the sign and try to remember how you spell the full name. I wish you all a plesant day! ^_^
P.S. It's another snow day too, btw.
6 days
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
Snow day
This time it actually snowed. I slept until 2 somethin'. I'm always mad when I sleep late, but I shouldn't be mad. I had options to get up since 10:30. My brother kept trying to get me up. The snow isn't good snow. When the wind blows, get goes everywhere, which means that it isn't wet enough to mold anything. Oooo now it's snowing. ^_^ So pretty. Well all for now.
P.S. I found I "prnounced" the place I will be volunteering at in the afternoon, it's Von ~F~ore Heez. Now, since some asked what I will be doing there: well, tomorrow, my first day, I will probably just be sharing and getting to know the people. The house is kinda like a nersing home, but it isn't cuz like the government doesn't pay for it (I think they pay for nursing homes), but I know it's a privte home, and it's exspensive. Momo thinks that maybe we can get Grandma Vera (her mom) to come down and stay durring the winter seasons. She knows that if we ask for any longer, Grandma will probably want to sell the farm. Momo wants to live on the farm, but not until Caleb and I are gone (at college, or just outta the house). Then I'm also gonna practice the piano a few times after I'm introduced. I'll also probably do this work out tape with them. It should be prety easy, it's a work out for old people. Anyways that's what I'm gonna be doing. So bye!
7 days
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
It's settled.
Before I tell you what's "settled" I would like to say that today was an early out, we got out at 1:30. That was pretty cool. I was in math class at the time. Mrs. Gheil said we could get up and yell in celabration. We did so, so loud that we didn't hear the bell ring for the next class. ^^ Oh, but in math class we had to work in partners for some of the class time. Since Daniel had forgotten his notebook at home and had lost his text book, I ended up sharing and being his partner. We were the first done with the activity. Nosey Leah asked if we (daniel and I) were going out again. *sigh* It seems she askes ~every~ class time. But we gave a pretty good answer this time, I think it will shut her up... for now at least. It wasn't mean or anything, just a good answer. Well now to tell what is settled. I am to be volunteering at uhh I don't know how to spell it so I will sound it out, Von Hore Heez House. Only I think hore-heez is one word, or something. I start Thursday. ....My birthday is on a Thursday this year. So is Renee's, which reminds me, I got an invitation to her birthday party Saturdaaaay the *checks* Okay, nevermind, my birthday is on a Wednesday (I know how to spell Wednesday cuz I say it wed-nez-day when I spell it, I'm so proud! ^__^). But her party in on Saturday the 15th. It should be great fun, we are going up to Davenport to see a movie at the IMAX! ^^ And then, we are going to the mall! I can't wait! *is jumping up and down* This is sooo cool! ^_^ Well I gotta go write a PM to Oneesan, we've been talking quite a lot lately and I really enjoy it. Bye!
8 days
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Monday, January 3, 2005
2 Hour delay
Hey guys. It's a rainy morning supposedly, I don't see anything, but a storm is over head, I think. I don't know, whatch the Weather Chanelle and you'll find it all out. Anyways, on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays, I need to be at school for show chior by 7:05. Since it is a 2 hour delay, I'm assuming that will be cancled. So here I was, getting up at 6 in the morning just to have my father tell me as I was putting my contacts in (one of my last getting-ready steps). It doesn't really bother me, I ~much~ rather get up this early than get a nasty little shock waking up at 9:30 to find my older brother lazily watching tv in his pajamas. I don't like wasting time sleeping, if at all possible. That's why I get an average of 4 hours of sleep each night. Much more productive if you as me. I can function quite fine on the ammout, thank you *nods* very much! Well I think I'll spend my morning reading, maybe get past half-way. See ya! ^_~V
Edit: Okay, even though it's about 12:30 I heard at around 9 that there is no school for today! ^_^ Yaaay! *parties*
9 days
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
...I just .... I knew I had something to say....I forgot....I think....
..Hi. Ummmmm ..... Hi. ... Ya know, ..... Mrs. Moore, my language teacher told me that this thingy -> ... <- has this really weird name, I just forget it. It means that something has been taken out. Ya know, like in a quote from a text book. But it's okay to use it when like talking to your friends, she said. So I shall use,.... apperanetly not gracingly though. ^_^ tee hee.
It's almost ten of the clock.
... I almsot remembered what I wanted to tell you abou- I did! Okay, so my brother is friends with this guy, Jacob, and his younger brother, John, was in my class last year. I hate John, plain and simple. He is totaly annoying. Yet, he chaced after me practicaly all of last year. I don't mean to brag, if that's what it sounds like. But all the same, my brother and his brother are friends... who hang out.... Sometimes at my house, okay, our house. John has been here...once or twice. Caleb informed me last night that John is still chacing. He asked multiple times if I would go out with him. I said no like always. Mom says it's cuz when everyone else was laughing at his jokes and stupid actions, I was scowling and telling people not to incorage him. Emma says that, unlike girls, liking it when boys like them, boys tend to like girls who ~don't~ like them. I must admit, deep down, on some of those jokes, I was laughing. But I still don't like him. I never have, and I never will. But now I must tell how this all concerns you. My brother also informed me that John has known of Otaku for .. I forget how long he said, but he knows. I don't have too many details, but I do know that he knows my boyfriend's old online name (I uhh kinda wrote it on my action planner last year ^^'), so this will be my downfall, if I'm not careful. *sigh* Oh, ode to joy. Well, that's all for is now 10:18. See ya! ^_^
10 days
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Hey! *points to numbers in my backroom*
I have 1400 visits. ^_^ That's kinda of a cool little surprise, isn't it? I had fun last night. *yawn* but Kira-chan deleted her site, she said that she felt guilty for not visiting people and knew that she probably couldn't until summer came again. Momo says that Tiger, our cat, is now my cat. He used to be momo's cat, but he's been snugling with me and giving me little hugs and falling asleep on my lately and with like no one else, so he is now my cat. Tigy is a fat cat.
P.S. 11 days until my birthday.
Edit: I like this guy! ^_^
 Marse Hughes>
Which Fullmetal Alchemist Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Happy New Year!!! ^_^
*blows.....whatever that thing is called* Yaay! ^_^ Happy New Year. Well stuff happened, but I don't really feel like typing that much. Renee invited me to spend the night. ^_^ That means my parents are home alone.......just thinking of what they might do....EWWWWW! >o< Well, I just wont think of that then. They'll be here soon to pick me up, so I better go. Bye!
P.S. My New Year's resolution: eat healthier.
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