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myOtaku.com: Taleybo

Sunday, September 26, 2004

The moon at night, is big and bright, *clap, clap, clap* deep in the heart of mid-west!
Okay, I just ~had~ to. Well the moon has been really bright as of late. I like it, it is inspirering me...I just don't know how to use it yet. Not to worry! I will find a way!

OH. MY. GOSHNESS! I just watched wolf's Rain! By all that is good in tree kind! I cried my eyes out, seriously! I mean right before (wont give anything away) ~it~ happened, I had just said to my self, "I have good faith in Hub and Shear *smile*" And ~then~ NOOOOOOOOOOOO! ~HOW~ can they ~dooo~ that!!?!!!???! That is sooo not right!!! *joins cry party with Uzali-dono, Miss Mai, and anyone else who cares* Well that's just about it for now, I'll be updating later today so don't forget to re-visit me! ^_^

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