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most of the year: Southeast Iowa
Member Since
school girl
Real Name
Gabbes A. Lot
I've been on the Honor roll for the past 4 years, 1000 hits, advanced math class, in less than 2 months I read over 2,500 pages, and my boyfriend..wait, is that an achievement?
Anime Fan Since
FOREVER no prob'ly since i was 4-5(but didn't know it)
Favorite Anime
Kenshin :3 DUH ^.^d but my 1st was sailor moon
Short term: to pass TAG with Mrs. Loescher (we're studyin' freakin' biotechnology! In 8th ~greade~!) Long term: many, to many to name (I'm one of those "plan ahead" people)
reading, otakuing, writing, 4-H and hanging with my firends
I talk fast, and a lot, eating with chopsticks, writing and I'm really good at math, um hey uzali do i have any more talents? uhhh oh yeah being a good friend! ^_^
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Hnnnnnn *happy sound*
Again I am happy. I used to not like the evening cuz the light went from light to yellow colored light, and I don't know why but yellow light ticks me off/creeps me out/anoys me. ^^' I know, but now that it has been all cloudy and wintery getting, the yellow light has gone away and I am happy....Even though I'm typing this at 11:42 am at school, go figure. *shrugs*
I was falling asleep in History today. Good thing we were only reading papers to find information, like I said, I need to look up info on Abigail Adams (I learned how to spell Abigail).
I had a test in Math class yesterday. I think we will get the results today. I'm anxios to see what I got.
We also had a test in Enrichment today. I don't think I did as well as I could have. I should have taken better notes. I am such a bad girl *hangs head*
I am now married to Brian in Lanugae too. See we just started reading the introduction to "Anne Frank: A Dairy of A Young Girl" and I play Mrs. Frank and he plays Mr. Frank, so yeah. I'm married twise to the same guy. Also one of our assignments is to interview someone who lived through WWII and a lot of people in our class couldn't find anyone so Mrs. Moore arranged to have some older people come into class so they (classmates) could get an interviewy. So while they were doing that, the rest of the class went with Mrs. Bunger (student teacher) to Mr. BK's room so we could read. We I walked in I saw a chouch so I thought "Oo! A chouch, if I don't take it, then someone else will" so I sat down in the middle cuz the left side had a huge pillow on it (I hate sitting on pillows) and Daniel sat to my right. Mrs. Bungers wanted to sit in the spot Daniel was cuz she did. So Daniel was gonna sit on my other side but Brian got there first. It was a good day so far if you ask me. ^_^ Well I gotta go to math now, bye!
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