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rural Missouri
Member Since
student, andalite seeker, fanfic writer
Real Name
gifted programs, top in class, WON spelling bee, made it to dance showcase, clarinet quartet, various awards, principals honor roll, 26 on ACT
Anime Fan Since
friends introduced me to Sailor Moon
Favorite Anime
Sailor Moon, shojo, Sonic
First chair, learn Greek and piano, A honor roll
art, music, writing, basketball, reading, designing
art, music, writing, basketball, designing(see a pattern?)
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Once, there was a girl. A girl who loved to write. A girl who could read for weeks at a time. A tall girl who couldn't really make a basket to save her life, but could stop everyone else from scoring. A girl who would spend hours on the tiniest art progect imaginable, only to make every detail perfect. A girl who loved anything to do with music(clarinet and No Doubt especially). A girl with the utmost faith in God. A girl who was more than a little obsessed with Andalites.
Here she is...
Saturday, November 25, 2006
hi peopleses.
Not much here...just enjoying the last of Thanksgiving break. Hmmmmmmmm...
DEMON SQUIRREL QUIT BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But from such and event of sorrow came something good, for I became better friends with La-la-girl, who is second chair(i'm first). Only now LA-LA-GIRL has to move to the next ROW, and event of such SORROW that I MUST CAPITALIZE A LOAD OF WORDS. She is being bumped away from her music and the first row by Girl with Menthol Tissues, who doesn't deserve first chair because she slurs EVERY note, barely gets by on her tests, and could only play one octave on the F scale test.
I guess it's been better with Mr.Cope-with-notes since I had Mrs.County(the principal) deal with him, but classes are still not as good as they should be. I still believe I could do a better job than he could, but the chances of me getting an opportunity are not just slim, they're aneorexic.
We got a new family in our church(not a rare occurance Baptist grandma and grandpa jopined not too long ago, too) that has two teenage girls, so the board decided that with four teenagers instead of two we could have our own class! It's okay; but I like the adults class that I went with mom to better.
I have a new HTML website! It is:
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Saturday, September 30, 2006
I haven't been on lately 'cause I was working on my new site, and then I turned thirteen, so of course Nancy Drew games were ya, I haven't been on in forever.
I MADE FIRST CHAIR CLARINET!!!!! Tori, Tater Tot, and I have passed all our tests, therefore, there are three first chair peopleses! The bad thing about it is that I don't sit by Demon Squirrel anymore, he's second chair. So ya, no more to do in band anymore than play.
MY SCIENCE TEACHER SUCKS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't even have a degree in teaching science, I could do a better job teaching it than him! Each science class is either made up of notes, a LAB(the most helpful thing he does, but they are only like one or two per subject), or a worksheet or test. Also, he has gone out of his way to mention several times that Demon Squirrel and I are geniouses and everyone else is "normal".
Funny quotes so far this year:
"I'm faster than a speeding turtle!"-Demon Squirrel
"I got shot."-repetitavely from Demon Squirrel
"Tell [Demon Squirrel's] face hi for me, okay?"-The Pope-Tripper
(Jake pokes Demon Squirrel's lunch box) "It's alive!"(Demon Squirrel's response)"Well, you're alive too, but I don't poke you!"
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Various Ramblings
I have two new-to-some-extent websites! They are: and
I was just talking to Looby and he thought school starts tomarrow! Sad, but extremely funny.
I FORGOT TO WRITE ABOUT MY CHURCH CAMP!!!!! The sad thing is, I really don't want to write right now.
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Oh, my gosh, I have not been on the internet in forever. Anyhow, I've got bunches to tell you...
SCHOOL HAS STARTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My brother and I are in completely different schools this year, and the middle school totally rocks! I love how fast-paced everything is, and how independent we get to be. The first day I was late to almost every class, but I've only been tardy once since then.
Here's my schedule, for all who give a care:
Communication arts.........Mrs.Friday
Communication arts.........Mrs.Friday
Social Studies.............Mr.Newie
Lunch(switched with 4th period on Wednesdays)
Band.......................Mr. Bandman
PE.........................Coach Brookie
Pre-Algebra(I made it!)....Mrs.s(ears-s)2
Mrs. Friday ROCKS!!!!! She and Bandman are my favorite teachers this year. She always has interesting lessons, she's funny and nice, and she incorporates a LOT of reading and writing into the lessons. She's really great teacher.
Mr. Newie is okay, but his lessons are easy to finish and he's awfully quiet...but it's his first year teaching, so he's pretty good.
As always, band rocks! Demon Squirrel sits beside me, Latin Oboe sits beside him, and the Pope-Tripper sits behind me, which is a great seating arrangement...always someone to laugh and/or talk with. We're using our new books on Monday, we've been working on the Concert B flat scale and reviewing the old book lately. The scale is incredibly easy except for the transition from A to B.
Mr.Cope-with-notes is funny, but lessons are exctremely boring. All we have been doing are writing notes and doing worksheets where either the answers were nowhere near the information on the worksheet or science sucks this year so far.
I miss Mrs.Respect!
Just to give you some background on Coach Brookie's name...I was writing a book once and it had this mean coach in it, who was inspired by Coach Brookie herself. Red and I came up with the name, which isn't very far from her real name, but I can't think of anything else, so I'm just sticking with Brookie. She's gotten a lot nicer since I was in kindergarten, so I guess that's good, but anyhow...
We have to have PE every day now. It's mandatory. It's sucky 'cause our artistic and musical abilities are stifled to one out of band, chior, or exploratory, but as long as we're skinny and perfect on the outside the school doesn't care. It's like you can't be an individual in school, what with the dress code and all. Sucks crap.
This year we have to change out for PE, so that gives us two locker combos to's not as bad as I thought it would be, though.
Mrs.s(eard-d)2 (long name to write!) is more boring than funny, but I guess there are some moments when she's pretty funny. I love pre-algebra(Isn't algebra a funny word? It's all geb-y)! Its like after all those years of sucky, boring, easy, time-consuming math we get to do something complicated yet somehow easy and fun!
I have a whole bunch of classes with Tori, but she hangs out with Tater tot so much she doesn't have time to talk to me. Demon Squirrel's also in a lot of my classes, I hang out with him an awful lot. I stay with Angel during PE 'cause that's like the only class I have with her. I'm better friends with Red now, too. Oh, and Latin Oboe, DannyBoi and I are really good friends now as opposed to last year where I'd said practically four sentences to them.
Demon Squirrel is no longer puny! His voice is deep and he's actually grown to almost regular size! And Red is even worse, he's as tall as me! IT'S NOT FAIR! I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TALLEST! Oy, this annoys me.
The Pope-Tripper hasn't changed, though. He still makes fun of Demon Squirrel's face, he still wails about being a Pope, and he's still as sweet as ever.
The bus rocks more, too. I am in what Jaybird calls his Mafia(which is really just the people seventh grade and over), which garauntees a seat in the back for me and the people who have "connections" through me(aka Cantaloupe) right up where the paper-fighting action is. Honestly, I was cracking up as Jaybird, Clogger guy, and other Mafia and connected to the Mafia people were throwing around so many balls of wadded-up post-it paper that they ran through, like, five pads. I was honestly considering giving some of mine to the just so they'd go on.
So yeah, things are different, some good and some bad, but most funny, which is good. But I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't really changed. But, who really knows if an Andalite-Loving Nitwit really can?
I'm prolly gonna change my site today. Dunno, I guess I really liked the first design better, but I'l try to have this one rock, too.
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Well, i just dropped in to write that VBS is going well....I'm gonna be a crew leader, am helping Mom and Carnation with the Bible Stories, and am gonna play two different parts on Friday for them. Oh, and Cantaloupe got a new dog 'cause Keke disappeared(I'm not sure if I've told ya guys that). He's a blonde lab mix, very calm.
Well, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, bye?
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