Birthday 1988-07-07 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-02-13 Taltos
Monday, April 17, 2006
a list of names
Sometimes, when I have little journals like these, I wonder why. I mean, the reason of having one is for people to see it, and I'm, what, #21824 or whatever in the hierarchy here. But I guess sometimes I just have to babble and write.
I also wonder about my friends. How do they find happiness and sadness in such a strange world as this? I just read the blog of a dear sometimes-friend of mine who's drunk on the sky, apparently. He wants to go to New York City and talk to the first pretty girl he sees, and then kiss her goodbye.
It's sweet, and it's poetry. But poetry isn't life, as beautiful as it can be. I just wonder. Why, little kit? He can be so lovely and poetic that it almost makes me drunk, too, but then I realize that I'm staring at a Firefox window in perplexion, and as soon as I close it, it's gone. So I go outside and burn the crap out of my back.
Strange world, strange world. Strange also how I pour my soul into things like this, then wonder where it's gone. *sings It's Raining Men*
[Will he be angry or disgruntled that I linked his journal? Will he ever find out? Will he remember my name, three years from now? No, no, no.]