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myOtaku.com: Taltos

Sunday, April 23, 2006

   Sweet madness
I saw the English version of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children last night. THANK YOU GOD FOR FRIENDS THAT WORK AT VIDEO STORES. It was unbelievably, irrevocably hot[t]. The voice acting was better than you'd expect for a dub, despite that it could have been matched up a bit better. I was a little doubtful about Rachel Leigh Cook voicing Tifa, but she was very well done; Steve Blum is, of course my hero as Vincent Valentine; Cloud wasn't bad, and Kadaj was a little obnoxious, but all in all, very nicely done.

Reno's voice actor actually served to endear him to me more, but Rude had the single-worst acting job, hands down. Granted, it didn't help that I was watching AC with four guys who insisted on commenting on everything - but we all cackled every time Rude opened his mouth: "Weren't there. Some. Children staying with you?" BAHAHAHA.

There were also comments about how Kadaj sounded like Skeletor, and Vincent sounded like he needed a respirator, liberally interdispersed with, "You must not know who I am!" and "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!" I don't know if I'll be able to watch the scene when Cloud finds the children without thinking of Michael Jackson, either. XD

Now I have to go buy the thing, but yanno. I can't waaaait to watch it again! [Ironically, the thing comes out on the same night that I have an academic awards banquet thing...and I doubt I can persuade anyone to swing by the mall afterwards. Say it with me: AGH.]

So, all in all: a lovely spring break. School is going to suck so much that it's sad. I have to give a speech on Wednesday, and write a commentary by Friday. The literary magazine should be in soon, though. [I also submitted an article here yesterday - AND TODAY, so be on the lookout. ^_^]

I know my comments are off. Is that a problem?

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